Chapter 79

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Hunters POV:

"Can't I stay with you too?" Reid mumbles miserably as he stalls us from leaving them at the station. "Bub you love coming here, and I'm sure you'll even get to see Maggie today." I say, giving him a hug. "Come on little man, aren't you excited to spend a whole day with just me?" Bellamy says to him. "Ex-fucking-cuse me, we're here too asshole! The fuck you mean a whole day with just you." Spencer scoffs, clearly jealous of his twin paying attention to someone other than him. "S-so many no no w-words." Noah whispers shaking his head in annoyance and disappointment at Spencers colourful vocabulary. "And on that note, we should get going, since B here needs to go do some desk duty, or at least look like he's doing desk duty." Nick says, buckling Noah back into the car. "What did you do to get on desk duty?" Sebastian questions, narrowing his eyes at Bellamy. "What makes you think I did something?" Bellamy asks shocked. "Yeah, no he's right, what did you do? Last time you said you had desk duty it's cause you got in trouble." Alex adds in. "You know what? I don't appreciate you guys ganging up on me. Say your goodbyes and let's go inside." Bellamy huffs, ushering Spencer and Alex inside, Sebastian following. One last hug from Aaron and Reid, and the rest of us are off, heading back home to talk with Noah.

"Hunter! W-where going?" Noah asks. We're going back home." I say. "H-O-M-E!" He says and Atlas high fives him for remembering the E at the end. When we get home, we sit Noah down in the living room to talk with him, but I don't even know where to start. I obviously can't just blurt out that his parents aren't his parents and that they kidnapped him. Atlas thinks we should start with a home video, the one of mom and dad bringing Noah home for the first time after he was born, and Nick and I agree. "Hey, we're gonna watch a home video okay? And then we have some things we need to talk to you about." I say, and he happily nods. "B-baby Lex!" He cheers as the video starts with Alex shoving his face in front of the camera.

*home video will be italicized, normal font will be Hunters POV still*

"Can you see me!" Alex asks, his face right up against the camera. "If you move your big head then maybe he would see you." Atlas mumbles from somewhere off screen. "My heads not big!" Alex whines. The camera suddenly shakes and Spencer's wicked laugh is heard, as he picks up the camera and starts to run with it.

"N-naughty Spencer! Take camera, run so so f-fast!" Noah says, giggling along with a 4 year old Spencer.

"Spencer put it back! Mom and dad are gonna be here any minute!" Hunter yells from off screen. "I didn't take it!" Spencer laughs, shoving the camera forward into another pair of tiny hands. The camera is plucked out their hands and a bashful Reid is shown. "Both of you— actually no, all of you, stop moving the camera, it's set up so that it records mom and dad with baby Noah." Hunter says, setting it back on the table, showcasing the front door again.

"Baby N-Noah come home!" Noah whispers, his eyes glued the tv screen.

"Boys, listen to Hunter, you want mommy and daddy to be seen on the camera bringing home baby Noah, just like in the videos of them bringing home all of you right?" A woman's voice is heard from off screen.

Noah recognizes the voice as his mommy, but doesn't pay much attention to it as the video plays on and Kai and Aaliyah make their entrance.

The front door opens and Aliyah walks in with Kai, who is holding the baby carrier (LMAO is that even what they're called???) "Mommy mommy!" Alex and Spencer greet her excitedly, Nick pulling them both back to not crowd her. Sebastian kept his distance, staring warily at the carrier his dad was holding, with Atlas standing near him. Reid was bouncing on his heels, with Hunters hands on his shoulder to help ease his anxiousness and excitement. "Why don't we all go sit in the living room so you can all meet baby Noah?" Kai suggested, not wanting Aliyah to be on her feet longer than necessary.

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