Chapter 3

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Atlas' POV:

He closed his eyes when we came in, he was hiding from us. I remember when I volunteered in a preschool, sometimes when kids were scared they would close their eyes thinking that if they can't see me, I can't see them either. The doctor and officers told us to be careful around him, the trauma and abuse he suffered made him quite scared and skittish, which makes sense. They suggested to keep volume to a minimum, and to avoid any sudden movements so not to frighten him. So seeing him hide, I did what I did in the preschool, and pretended I couldn't see him either. It worked and he actually spoke to us! Well, whispered to us actually, but either way I'm glad. When he reached his arms out to me I swear my heart stopped beating, he's so tiny I just wanna hug him and never let go. Slowly walking over to him and sitting on the bed, he hesitates for a second looking at me, so I smile softly and nod at him. He very slowly reaches for my hand while clutching a stuffed giraffe in the other, bringing the giraffe closer to me. "Oli" he whispers to me. I gently shake one of the hooves saying nice to meet you. Noah still hasn't let go of my hand, and I know Hunter is still watching us from the door, quietly speaking with the social worker. "Do you and Oli want to meet your eldest brother Hunter? I know he looks scary but I promise he's very nice and loves you so so much just like I do." I say to him quietly as if I'm whispering to only him, but knowing full well that Hunter, the doctor, the social worker and officer can all hear me. "Ok" he just barely whispers pulling my hand closer to him.

Hunter walks toward us slowly and kneels down beside the bed softly introducing himself to Noah and Oli,  and his grip on my hand loosens just slightly, until Hunter tells him he'll be coming home with us soon.

Noah's POV:

"You'll be coming home with us soon, and there you'll meet the rest of our brothers." Hunter says to me. I freeze and hold on Atty and Oli tighter, trying to wiggle as close to Atty as I can. "I'm gonna pick you up is that okay?" Atty asks me, I nod wanting to be closer to him. When he picks me up, it's not like when daddy does it, it doesn't hurt and he's so warm. Even on his lap, I try to snuggle closer like I do with Oli, rubbing my cheek on him. Atty rubs my back missing all the ouchie spots, and Hunter gets up. "N-no l-leave, be g-good, pr-prom-ise" I whisper not wanting him to go. "I'm just going to get you another blanket to keep warm, I'll be right back okay?" Jacob comes in the room when Hunter goes out, when did he leave? Jacob tells me he's leaving now and wanted to say bye. Where is he going? I don't want him to go, and my eyes get watery. Mommy and daddy don't like when I cry so I try to stop but I can't. Atty asks Jacob if we can call him. "Yeah of course you can call me anytime okay Noah? You just have to ask one of your brothers." He says to me. "Call n-now?" I ask, wanting him to stay if I call him now.

Hunter walks in when I ask, and Atty and Jacob laugh a little. They tell me that I have to use a phone to call him, and that I can only call him after we go home. "Phone?" I don't want to go home, it's dark and cold and scary there and mommy and daddy are at home, I don't think I have a phone there to call him so how will I call him? "N-no home, s-scary and dark a-and cold, n-no phone" I whisper to them trying to stop my tears. Hunter shows me a little box and says that's his phone and that we can use that to call Jacob. While he's showing me, it lights up and shakes really fast, I don't like it, so I close my eyes again. Hunter tells me it's okay it's just our other brothers  asking about me, showing me the box again, but this time it has letters on it instead of numbers. Looking at the box I try to find our brothers, Hunter said they're in there asking questions but I can't find them. "W-where?" I ask (I'm getting tired of repeating that he's whispering lmaooo so just assume from this point on Noah is always whispering unless otherwise said) "where's what?" Hunter asks me back. "Br-brothers" I say pointing to the box.  Atty tells me they're not in the phone but at home, a new home, it's not scary or cold or dark at all, he says my brothers are ok and waiting for us to come back. Wow a new home, does that mean mommy and daddy will be at the new home too? I'm starting to feel sleepy but I try and keep my eyes open and nod at what Atty is saying, but he tells me it's ok to close my eyes and sleep. He tries to put me down but I don't want him to leave so I hold on tight. Atty lays down with me on top of him and Hunter puts a warm blanket over us and I fall asleep quickly.

And that's chapter 3! How are you guys liking it so far? It's currently 3am and I think this is the last chapter I'm writing for the night. I don't have an updating schedule, but it shouldn't be too long before I've got more chapters done.

May xx

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