*back to the sleepover lol*
Noah's POV
Hunter had to leave. I wanted him to stay, but then Reid would get sad. Sebby said we can send Reid pictures of the kitty so he's not sad. I'm starting to feel sleepy now, and Sebby helps me go potty and change my clothes. My shirt has trains on it! "Eva E-va! L-look my t-trains! Kitty l-look t-too!" I say pointing at all the trains, they're even on my pants. "Wow those are some nice PJs, you know, Tommy loooveeeesss trains, why don't you ask him to show you his PJs?" Eva says and I nod. I see him on the couch. "F-find you!" I say giving him a hug. "S-see t-trains?" I say pointing to my trains again. "Woah those are awesome!" He says. "S-see y-you P J?" I ask remembering exactly what Eva told me to ask. Tommy gets up and tells me to follow him, but I look at Sebby first for permission. He nods and says he's going to get my milk, but Hunter always makes my milk taste yummy, I hope Sebby knows how to make it too. I follow Tommy and he opens his bag and takes out a really long pants, it's longer than me, and it has trains and trucks and cars and planes!!! "L-like p-pants! Lots a-and lots trains and t-t-truck!" I tell him counting the yellow trucks and then the red trucks. "R-red truck loud n-noise! Wee ohh wee ohh wee ohh." I tell him making the same noise as the truck. "I did not know you were a fire truck!" Sebby says behind me. I'm not a fire truck! "N-no m'Noah! N-no truck!" I turn to tell him, making sure he sees I'm not a truck. I hold my hands out and say "s-see! N-no w-wheel, h-have fing-ers Sebby! Ten f-fing-ers!" I wiggle my fingers showing him all 10 of them. "Oh, you're Noah! You scared me for a second!" Sebby says and I hug him. "S'ok n-no s-scare, l-love you!" I tell him and he hugs me back a little, I don't think he likes hugs.
*time skip to like 4am lol*
Sebastian's POV:
If whoever touches me one more time I swear—
PokeI open my eyes to see Noah's face directly in front of mine so close his face is almost touching mine, and flinch backward slightly. "What's wrong?" I ask he just stares at me. "Go h-home n-now?" He finally says looking wide awake and I look at my phone to see the time. 4am. I may be a morning person but any time before 5:45am is too early. "No Noah, it's too early, we aren't going home until later, go back to sleep." I tell him, but he shakes his head. "N-no sleep-y no m-more, w-wake now." He says, of course he's not tired anymore. "I think you are still sleepy, you didn't sleep very well." I say and he makes a grumpy face. "N-no Sebby! No-ah sleep g-good!" He says yawning. "Then why did you just yawn?" I ask him and he says he didn't yawn, and then asks me what a yawn is. Having an entire conversation at 4am is making me tired so I yawn, causing him to yawn again. "That, that was a yawn, when you yawn it means your sleepy." I say and he thinks for a minute. "R-reid yawn l-lots." He says and I agree, explaining in detail that Reid is anemic, and what that means. After a few minutes I hear his soft snores telling me he's fallen back asleep. Good to know that facts about anemia puts him to sleep. I turn to sleep too, only to hear "psssssst". Closing my eyes tighter, I sigh, Eva.
Nicholas POV:
I wake up to Sophie sprawled across my chest. As soon as we got in last night, she just about knocked out. Waking her up we get ready, I know she's excited to be back and see everyone. She doesn't know about Noah yet, and because she was so tired last night, she didn't even notice the purple painted door to his room. Soph answers her phone when it rings, and all I can hear is Sare yelling about her plants. I snicker and Soph throws a pillow at me to shut me up. She hangs up shaking her head at me, trying to hide her laugh. God I missed her so much. "Ready to go down?" I ask and she runs past me, saying "where's my favorite Parker!" Scoffing, I follow her to Hunters room and watch her flop right on top of him, jolting him out of sleep, and surprisingly not waking Reid. "As your boss, I should say this is really unprofessional, but as your future brother in law, I feel like I should throw you off this bed." Hunter says with a wicked grin. "You wouldn't, especially because my favorite Parker is still asleep." She says rolling off him and snuggling up to Reid. His worried face disappears and a soft smile comes out as he cuddles into her. "You should really be offended that you're not your girlfriends favorite Parker brother." Hunter tells me. "Trust me, I'm her favourite." I say winking at him. "Gross I don't need to know about what you two do together." He says fake gagging, and we say Atlas is dramatic. "Oh? So you don't want to know about what we did in the shower earlier?" I say laughing while Soph goes to deny us doing anything, which is the truth, Reid decides this is the best time to wake up. "What did you do in the shower?" He asks looking confused and a little dazed. Hunter holds I'm his laughter as I turn red, of all the parts of the conversation, that's what he had to hear? "Showered, obviously." I say and Soph saves me by also answering. "He accidentally used my shampoo." She says and Reid barely looks at her, before nodding and going back to sleep. Hunter sighs, "I'm taking him in today, he's not feeling any better. He didn't even notice Sophie."

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...