Spencer's POV:
"Please don't be angry." Reid whispers to me and I sigh, uncrossing my arms. "I'm not." I tell him, am I annoyed though? Yes, 100%, I just won't tell him that. Our twin weekend is not going how I wanted it to go, starting off with that stupid home video and Noah freaking out and us finding out who the fuck took him, and then James stupid turkey. I have to leave for work in an hour and we're also grounded and not allowed to do anything actually fun, so now we're sitting here watching Noah attempt and fail yet again at another push up. "You can show him how to do a push up, you're really good at them." Reid says and I look at him, and then to my bruised fists, and back to him. "Oh right, I forgot about that." He mumbles, taking my hand and gently tracing the bruises. Hunter asked Alex to talk, and then Sebastian went too, and I know what they're talking about and I'm waiting to hear what's going on. I was going to follow to eavesdrop, but then Reid, Noah and Aaron would've all follow me and those three together would've been too loud and blown our cover, so I stayed here.
"Okay, look follow me one more time." Bellamy says to Noah, who planks beside him, before dropping flat and sighing heavily. "We can try again later when Alex comes back." Aaron says helping Noah up. "I'm gonna go find Hunter." Reid says, getting up with Aaron following him quickly. I scramble to get up and follow them, only to find Hunter, Nick and Atlas in the kitchen alone, without Alex and Sebastian. "Everything okay?" Hunter asks and we all nod. "You ready for work Spence?" He asks me and I sigh, hopping up to sit on the counter. "Yeah, I'm gonna bring home popcorn unless our grounding bans us from eating that." I say rolling my eyes. "Popcorn? Can you bring some with layered butter?" Reid perks up hearing popcorn. "Can you mix chocolate into some of it too!" Aaron says equally excited, they act as if I never bring home popcorn, but I literally bring home all the time. "Yeah whatever okay, I'm gonna go get ready." I mumble, leaving them in the kitchen, I need to find Alex and Sebastian.
I bump into them coming out of Sebastian's room and look at them waiting for answers. "It's fine, nothing to worry about, she was just being a petty bitch because Nick broke up with her." Alex says and I nod slowly. "So he doesn't have custody of us?" I ask, and Sebastian shakes his head. "They're going to talk to you this weekend, probably not today because you have work, but he does have custody, just not primary. They say it's always been that way and nothing changes from how it's always been. It only happened to help Hunter gain permanent custody of us." He explains and I nod. Sophie's a real fucking bitch for trying to use that shit to scare us. "Where's everyone?" Alex asks and I tell him that Reid and Aaron are downstairs with Hunter and them, and that I have no idea where Bellamy and Noah are. "Well we're gonna go find Noah and then probably go downstairs." Sebastian says and I salute them heading to my room. At least I'll get to see Sean and Finn tonight.
Rushing down the stairs, I find everyone lounging in the living room. "Who's dropping me to work?" I ask getting my jacket on, it's suppose to rain tonight. "I'm driving." Hunter says getting up, only to be followed by Noah, Reid and Aaron. Fucking separation issues, I roll my eyes as they all ask to come. "How about you all stay here and I'll let you watch a Disney movie?" Nick offers, earning frowns. "W-want to see Spencer w-work please?" Noah says. "But you looooveeeeee Disney movies!" Atlas tries, and successfully convince Noah to stay, that was easy, Reid won't be, since he follows us to the door, fumbling to get his shoe on. "I'll be back in like a few hours Reid. And I'm bringing you popcorn remember?" I say, trying to convince him not to come, usually Hunter would've said yes, but I already know he's probably going to do the whole custody talk thing right now. "Can I come with you to pick him up then?" He asks Hunter still frowning. Hunter agrees, giving him a hug and we leave.
"So I'm guessing you already know what I wanna talk about?" He says and I nod. "Well then I want you to know that it changes nothing okay? We agreed to only tell you all when you guys reached 18, or if any major changes happened before that, not because we were hiding it but because if nothing was changing, it didn't really make a difference to our every day lives." He says and I roll my eyes. "Would've been nice to know still, or at least not hear from that crazy bitch." I mutter. "I know I know and I'm sorry. Nick told her in anger, I promise she wasn't even supposed to know, especially before we told you guys." He continues. "So he's actually broken up with her? For good this time? It's not like a two week break or something stupid again right?" I ask, and he sighs. "At this exact moment, yes he's broken up with her, but I'm not a fortune teller, I can't predict the future." He says trying to be funny. He likes to think he can tell dad jokes, but he can't.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...