Chapter 70

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We're gonna be switching between Hunter and Noah's POVs a lot this chapter lol

Hunters POV:

I walk into the house and it's dead silent, I guess everyone is still asleep, and Atlas and Nick went back to sleep? I hang my jacket up, turn around and gasp. He really needs to stop sneaking up on people, I'm going to turn gray before I turn 26 at this rate. "B-back now!" Noah cheers hugging me. I hug him back and he tightens his arms around me. "Yeah I am back, where is everyone else? It's really quiet." I ask him softly, moving his curls from in front of his eyes. "Everyone sleep! N-not Sebby, Sebby reading upstairs." He says and I nod. "Did you give Bell lots and lots of cuddles?" I ask and he nods. "Give lotssss! So m-many!" He says with a big smile. "I'm sure he loved getting your cuddles." I tell him. "I'm sorry I had to leave earlier when you woke up." I say frowning a little, remembering his reaction. "S'ok! Hunter c-come back." He says happily, I wonder if he was just cranky this morning? "How would you like to come do some errands with me today? I have to get groceries, and some other things, and then you have an appointment to go to." I say and he nods. "Noah stay w-with Hunter, n-no leave." He says determined. "Okay good, let's go get you ready, before everyone else wakes up." I say taking his hand and leading him upstairs.

By 8:45 Noah's finally ready, he needed to wear a specific purple sweater today, but we couldn't find it, and so he settled for my purple shirt that I had to tie and pin up to somewhat fit him, but he still looks like he's drowning in it. "What do you wanna eat? Cereal? Pancakes? Toast?" I ask. "Toast please, w-with berry jam!" He says and I get everything out. "H-Hunter." Noah says randomly, staring into my soul. "Yeah buddy?" I ask, a little scared of what he's going to say, it could be anything, literally. He doesn't say anything, just smiles adorably at me, and keeps eating his toast. Kids are so fucking weird?

"Okay, let's go say bye to everyone quietly, since they're all still sleeping." I say, once he's done his breakfast. I wake Nick first, and then Atlas, and then Bellamy. We decide not to wake the boys, but I write a small note for each of them to read when they wake up, just so they know I didn't forget about them.

Seb, I'm out with Noah and then taking him to his appointment. Please don't forget to eat a snack while you're reading, I cut up an orange and left it in the fridge, next to the mango yogurt for you, the oats are in a container on the counter. Call me if you need anything from groceries immediately, or make a list so you can come with Alex and I during the week. Noah says he loves you more than words -Hunter

Alex, I'm out with Noah and then taking him to his appointment. Please don't fight with Spencer or Nick, if you need to, go down to the gym, maybe bring Reid, keep an eye on him for me, he wasn't very happy when I left this morning. Don't forget to start thinking of meal prep for the next few weeks leading up to your football camp, I'm doing some groceries with Noah today, but this week you and I will go for you. Noah says he loves you to the moon and back -Hunter

Spence, I'm out with Noah and then taking him to his appointment. Please don't fight with Alex and Nick. I know you're still angry with him, and if you're not ready to, you don't have to talk with him just yet, unless you're asking him to make breakfast, we all know he's the better cook out of all of us. Ask him to make some bacon, but don't say I asked for it. He'd do it for you no question, but tell me to make it myself. You can watch one movie while I'm gone, but only one, let Atlas know what you're watching and don't traumatize Reid, Sebastian and Aaron with a horror, blood and gore filled movie if they join you. Noah says he loves you louder than your snores -Hunter

Bub, I'm running some errands with Noah, before his appointment, and should be home by 11:30am. Be good for Nick, Atlas and Bellamy, promise me you'll go to one of them if you need anything okay? Try not to sleep the whole day, and maybe help Nick with breakfast, or help Alex with his workout, make sure he doesn't over do it, and keep him hydrated. I left one of my sweater on my bed for you to wear, get someone to help tie it and pin it up. I'll be back before you know it. Noah says he loves you all the way to Neptune -Hunter

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