Chapter 73

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Guys I'm doing it again, I'm jumping all over the place in this chapter so read the teeny tiny italic notes between paragraphs if there are any 😂😂

Spencer's POV:

I hear Reid talking with Aaron and slow down on my way to steal Archer from them because I want to hear where his heads at right now. "I wish I could take you to school with me." He says and I roll my eyes, of course he's talking to the dog and not Aaron. "What is he gonna do all day without us?" He asks. "What am I gonna do without all of you?" He says quieter. What the hell is he talking about? "Hey listen, we'll still be at school, just in in-class detention, I'm sure we'll see you at lunch? I don't know though, I've never had in-class detention before, I've never even had detention at all...We should ask Alex and Spencer, they've had it tons of times!" Aaron says and I scoff. "Spencer?" Reid calls out, and I walk around the corner joining them. I feel horrible for accidentally telling him about the custody thing, because as soon as he sees me, I can physically see some of his anxiety leaving his body as he smiles at me.

"What's in-class detention like?" They both ask me and I try my hardest not to scoff again. "It's detention. What do you think it's like?" I say, and the two of them stare at me waiting to elaborate because of course these goody fucking two shoes have never had detention in their lives before. Even Archer looks at me tilting his little head waiting for an answer. "Well for starters, it's shit. We basically stay in a classroom all day, catching up on assignments and studying for tests, sometimes they give us make up tests if we didn't do well on a previous one, and we're not allowed to talk to each other, or go on our phones, or even listen to music! We can't even go outside for lunch! It's fucking ridiculously." I rant. "I won't be able to see you at lunch?" Reid asks stressfully, the anxiety filling him back up. Oops? "I-well-uh-maybe not? That was-that was before Hunter was best friends with our principal, so it might be different." I rush out, and thankfully as a distraction from my word vomit, everyone from outside comes barreling in behind Luna. Reid however pays no attention to them, getting up and rushing into the kitchen, with Archer. Well fuck. Archer was the whole reason I came in here.

I turn to follow Reid and Archer, but get a mini heart attack, when Chicky Nuggy is held up to my face. "What the hell are you doing to the cat?" I say annoyed at how many times Noah's given me a jump scare like in the movies when they pop out of nowhere. "Can help make Chicky Nuggy m-meet Luna baby?" Noah says and I look at him like he's crazy. "Cats and dogs don't like each other." I say making him gasp and widen his eyes. "Actually, because the puppies are so young, if they're raised alongside Chicky Nuggy, they'll be used to cats, and Chicky Nuggy is still young as well, they'll adapt to the puppies too." Sebastian says plucking the cat away, and setting it in front of Luna. "Okay well you have fun experimenting that, I'm going to find Archer." I say, only to stop when Noah grabs my hand. My first thought is to yank it away from him, because I don't like holding anyone's hand, I tolerate it from Reid, but still hate it. "What are you doing?" I say, still debating on just pulling my hand away. "Come too!" He says. "No." I say making up my mind to pull away and start walking to the kitchen. "Spencer! B-back now! W-wait for Noah!" He calls out following me, I smirk to myself and break into a sprint.

Noah's POV:

He's running! He's so fast, but I'm like Lightning McQueen! I run fast too, but when I get to the kitchen, I only see Hunter and Reid and Archie and Maddy. "Woah where are you off to buddy?" Hunter asks me and I look under the table. Spencer's not there. "W-where go?" I ask. "Where'd who go?" Hunter asks, and I gasp. Was Spencer so fast that Hunter didn't even see him! "H-Hunter no see Spencer?" I ask. "Nope, I didn't see him, did you?" He asks Reid who shakes his head. Reid probably couldn't hear Spencer running either, I don't know if he's wearing the special thing that makes his ears work. "Maddy! Archie! S-see Spencer?" I ask, maybe they saw him. Archie barks at me, did he say yes or no? Maddy gets up and walks behind the counter, he starts barking too! "Shh! Madds stop it!" Someone says, it's Spencer! Maddy found Spencer! "Hunter l-look! Spencer here!" I tell him. "Thanks." Spencer tells Maddy. "Th-thank you!" I whisper to Maddy too and blow him kissies. I didn't give him real kissies yet because he looked like he didn't want them yet when I met him. I'm going to wait until he gives me kissies first, then I can give him little nose boops too. I see Spencer leaving the kitchen and wave to the puppies and follow him.

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