*time skip to when Hunter, Atlas and Noah are leaving the hospital*
Hunters POV:
Todays the day we get to take Noah home, the doctor here has been in contact with our doctor back home and brought him up to speed with how we'll be moving forward with regular check ups and what not. Noah's really warmed up to Atlas and Atlas is loving the attention and cuddles. The other boys at home are always claiming they're too old to be hanging out with their older brothers, let alone show any kind of affection, except for Reid, he loves a good cuddle. With me, Noah has been talking more, asking me questions about his new home, and other brothers. He's still unsure of the concept of a phone, especially after Nick sent me a video of the boys playing soccer in the backyard, he was worried that his new home would be inside "the box" as well.
One thing I am concerned about is the "rules" he's been forced to follow. He hesitated for a while, but eventually asked me if he would have new rules or mommy and daddy's rules. I made the mistake of asking what those rules were, and when he whispered no potty today to me, I told him he can go potty whenever he needs too. Thinking for a few minutes he says he needs to go. I gently take him from Atlas and into the bathroom walking towards the toilet, he looks confused and points to the corner. My heart breaks thinking of what he's gone through. Once I convince him that its okay to go on the toilet, he goes, but when it flushes, he flinches at the sound. I hold him close and tell him it's okay, and we wash his hands and go back to Atlas. A good thing that's happened is that he's stopped flinching when Atlas or I go to pick him up or hold him. We also haven't told the rest of the boys the extent of his injuries, or about the abuse. All they know is that he's hurt, no details, otherwise I'm sure they would've been on the first flight here.
Atlas' POV:
It's already been 3 days since meeting Noah, and I'm already bragging to my other brothers that I'm his favorite. My phone is full of pictures of us cuddling and I've been sending them in our group chat. In the days we've been here, we'd come to learn that Noah did go to school, but only junior kindergarten, and that one day he just never went back. It's hard for him to explain things, so we patiently ask him questions. Hunter and I try not to make faces or look angry when Noah mentions one of his rules. The little bathroom fiasco scares me because something so basic as to going to the toilet, he wasn't allowed, what other rules did these people force onto him? He just got discharged and we're heading to the car now. It's sunny today and I can see Noah squinting his eyes and trying to cover them, Hunter notices as well, and takes off his sunglasses giving them to Noah. He looks adorable with these giant sunglasses on his face but he doesn't even care that they're way too big, they're doing the job and that's all he needs.
Noah's POV:
Hunter and Atty say that we're gonna drive to the airport and then go on an airplane. It's also really light outside and it's hurting my eyes, Hunter gives me something to cover my eyes, it's a little big but it blocks the sun. "We don't have a car seat for him so I'll sit in the back with him" I hear Atty tell Hunter, I wonder what a car seat is, but I don't ask, I'm happy Atty is going to stay with me. He pulls a string around me and I try to wiggle away, I don't wanna be tied up again. "Hey it's just a seatbelt, it won't hurt you, it's to keep you safe." Atty says to me. I stop wiggling around and hold onto his hand and he pulls the string around me again, and then it clicks! Atty and Hunter have a string too, and then we start moving! I keep holding Atty's hand just in case.
There's so many things to look at outside the window, everything is moving super fast and all I can see is green blobs. "The green is the top of some trees, when we get out of the car you'll be able to see them better" Atty says, but then I see something big, really really big! I take off the sun cover from my eyes and try to see more but the string holds me back. I hear Hunter and Atty laugh and we stop moving.
"That's the airplane we're going to go" Hunter says. "R-really big" I say back. "Yeah it is really big, are you ready to get on?" He says. I slowly nod and Atty takes the string off me, Hunter opens the door and picks me up, as I stare at the airplane. I hold Oli closer to me and close my eyes, leaning closer to Hunter. The airplane was starting to look scary, I don't think I wanna go on it anymore.
Once we get on the airplane, it doesn't seem so scary anymore, and I'm feeling sleepy now, Atty gets a blanket and tells me I can sleep, but what if he gets cold too? I move the blanket so he can share with me and he just smiles and puts his arm around me. "Okay, we're all set, we're going take off soon, how about you two get some sleep, I'll wake you both up when we're landing." Hunter says. "Sleep t-too?" I ask. He just smiles and shakes his head, saying he's going to do some work first. I tell him I'll save some blanket for him, as my eyes start to close. Before the airplane starts going, I fall asleep.
And now the story can pick up its pace. Next chapter they'll be home and Noah will be meeting the rest of his brothers! Stay tuned
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...