TW: abuse: I'll put a star where it starts and ends. If you need to skip it, don't worry, you won't miss anything needed to continue the story. It'll be extremely short, just some of Noah's thoughts from before he came to live with the boys.
Also another TW: car crash, I'm gonna talk a little about what happened to their parents.
Noah's POV:
Reid's sad, or maybe he's scared like me? He needs Oli and a big hug, so I give it to him, and he hugs both me and Oli. The thing from his ear is on the table, but I don't touch it because its not mine and I don't want him to be angry like Spencer too. Hunter says it's okay now but I don't know... Spencer said no no words that daddy used to say, and really loud like daddy too. He pushed the door really hard and it made a loud noise. It sounds just like my old home.
What if he comes back? Daddy used to come back with a stick to hit me with, or a sharp cutter after he was loud. I don't want Spencer to come back like Daddy. I cuddle closer to Reid, the door sounded just like my old room when mommy and daddy would push it closed and leave me there with no lights forever! Don't like the dark, monsters live there, and don't like remembering mommy and daddy when they hurt me, it's too scary. I hope Spencer doesn't hurt me too.
I snuggle closer to Reid, making sure to hug him tight like Hunter did for me, it made me feel better so I tell him what Hunter told me too. "S'okay n-now, f-fine n-now, Hun-ter s-says ev-ev-ery-thing o-okay!" Reid hugs me tighter and kisses my head, I shake my head and laugh, kissies tickle!
"Noah, I know you wanna stay with Reid and I right now, but Nick, Atlas and I need to talk with Reid for a little. Do you wanna go watch Mickey, or with Sebastian Eva and Tommy?" Hunter asks me and I frown. "G-go L-lex?" I ask maybe he can have a tea party with me again! "He's busy right now, but maybe later you can ask him if he wants to play okay?" He says. "Uh-huh! L-lex play l-later! G-go with S-sebby n-now?" Hunter nods and helps me down from Reid's lap. We go into the hallway by the door, I stare at it while Hunter opens the closet, it's dark brown, maybe I should ask Hunter if we can paint it purple, that will make everyone happy! He helps me put on my coat and scarf and boots and hat and mittens, now I'm all warm! Hunter opens the door and I see Sebby and Eva and Tommy! "S-sebby! Ev-ev-eva! T-tom-my! I say going to give them all a big hug!
Sebastian's POV:
Ev, Tommy and I go sit on the porch swing outside so we don't overwhelm anyone inside or overcrowd them too. It's also so we can avoid running into Spencer right now, until he cools off at least. "Damn, you know I've seen Spencer lose it before, but that seemed... different? Tell me I'm not imagining that?" Tommy says. "He's right Seb, it's been what, like 2 months since he last blew up at any of your brothers, but I don't know, something felt different this time. Plus it was enough to make Reid cry, so you know it's bad right?" Ev says and I frown, Reid gets upset whenever anyone yells at him or in general, which is understandable, but there's only been a handful of times that Spencer's made him cry that easily. "Yeah, it has been a couple months since he last lost it, Im probably just used to him being pissed when he doesn't get his way, so I didn't really think anything different of it. And Reids been having a tough time lately, I think the yelling pushed him over the edge today. What was James talking about earlier? He said something about the meeting Hunter had with Reid and the principal? I mean I know there was a meeting but I didn't get to ask about what yet." I say to them both. Ev shrugs, never listening to the school gossip either. "You two really need to keep up with all the drama at school, some of its actually pretty funny. I bet it's probably on that stupid gossip blog though let's check!" Tommy says pulling out his phone.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...