Reid's POV:
I turn over in my sleep, and debate if I should actually get up to get some water or not. I don't remember going to bed last night, and when I open my eyes I'm not sure where I am. I blink a few times to adjust my eyes, and see someone laying beside me. "Daddy?" I whisper reaching out to touch his face. It's not daddy, it's Nick. I'm in Nicks room. I accidentally wake him up, I didn't mean to wake him, I don't even know what time it is, but I guess it's pretty early if he was still asleep. I tell him that I thought he was daddy, but he says I look most like him out of all of us! He really had curly hair like mine? Nick says to go back to sleep, but I never got water, and I want to go find Atlas, he's taking me to school today, maybe I could go lay down with him until it's time to get up. Nick says Atlas had a sleepover with Sarah so I can't go find him, and that's pretty mean since they didn't invite any of us. I want to have a sleepover in the living room again like we did when Noah first came home. I decide to find Noah instead, and Nick walks me to his room. I walk in quietly, but before I can slip under the blanket, Noah pops up making me jump. "W-wake now?" He asks, but I shake my head, apologizing for waking him. "Noah w-wake. Wait for H-Hunter. Hunter s-say "no more sleepy t-time! W-wake now!"" Noah says giggling as he mimics hunters deep voice, making me laugh too. "well it's still sleepy time, and I came to sleep with you." I say and he nods rolling over to cuddle with me. "S-sleepy time with Reid." He says before falling asleep instantly. I think Noah gives the best cuddles, almost better than Hunters.
I fall asleep right after he does, and am woken up by Sebastian, shaking my shoulder. "Hunter slept in. I have to help Noah get ready. Do you need any help?" He asks as I blink up at him. "Help with what?" I ask yawning. "Getting ready. You have school today, while I'm stuck at home until Monday." He says and I sigh. "I'll be fine." I say getting sitting up on the bed. "You will be fine today. It won't be so bad, you'll have maybe 8 other students in class with you since majority of the student body was suspended. You'll have Atlas too, if you need him, but if you really don't want to go, I'm sure Hunter would let you stay home with us." He tells me while pulling a shirt over Noah's head. Noah won't stop squirming around, making it hard for Sebastian to help him get dressed. "Hunter won't be happy if I ask to stay. I don't want him to be disappointed because I couldn't do it." I say frowning. Noah slips out from Sebastian's hold, and out of the shirt, running for the door. "G-go find Spencer!" He says before Sebastian catches him. "You'd never disappoint him, he would understand why you didn't want to go. And you." He says to me before directing his words to Noah. "You can finish getting dressed with me, and then go say bye quietly so you don't wake him." Sebastian says, finally getting the shirt on properly, he takes extra measures and tucks in the shirt, that I now see is almost matching his own outfit. "T-twinsies!" Noah says high fiving Sebastian and doing a twirl, before running to find Spencer. How does he have so much energy in the morning? He hasn't even eaten breakfast yet.
Sebastian waits with me until I finish getting ready and we go downstairs together for breakfast. Hunter is only half dressed, but then I remember he's working from home and has a video conference today. I'm startled from my thoughts when I hear Alex scream, but no one else looks panicked, and Hunter leaves the kitchen. He comes back with Noah who's dying of laughter because he scared Alex. His laughter is contagious, just like this morning when he was imitating Hunters voice. I finish eating and wait for Atlas, Sarah and Noah to be ready to leave. Standing by the door, Hunter gives me a hug, and says to have a good day at school. I nod and hug him a little longer before giving Nick a hug too. I'm glad he's here, I missed seeing him on mornings. "I'm going to find that picture for you this weekend okay?" He says and I nod with a big smile. I won't believe him about daddy's hair until I see it.
In the car, I start to feel anxious, and try counting. Five things I can see, Noah, Atlas, Sarah, trees, the steering wheel. Four things I can feel, my shirt, my jeans, my jacket, my backpack. When I get to three things I can hear, I feel a hand on my knee. I didn't realize I was shaking my leg. We get to school a few minutes later, and Atlas says he's going with Noah, and Sarah could walk with me, but maybe he could come with me instead. Would that be mean to ask? I ask anyways, even if it is mean, I just want to stay with Atlas a little longer before I have to go to class. Noah answers for everyone, saying that he'll go with me and Atlas can go with Sarah. I wish I could stay with him too, but I tell him that I don't know where his class is, I think for a minute that I could always text Jesse (LMAO im so sorry but I'm changing Joeys name to Jesse, I just wasn't feeling Joey. Also in one of my other books a character is named Joey too. I'll go back and change it all eventually but if I miss any, just remember it's Jesse now) and ask him, but then I remember I forgot my phone at home. Sarah offers to go with Noah and he cheers, I guess he's just happy to go with any of us. I have to stop at my locker, but my hands are shaking too much for me to get the combination right. Just don't look at the cafeteria, I'm not going there, we're just at my locker. Apologizing to Atlas for taking so long, I finally get it open and quickly stuff my books into my backpack.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...