Nicks POV:
After Noah and Hunter left, Atlas, Bellamy and I got up and ready for the day. "So what time do we wake all of them?" Bellamy asks us, pointing to the four sleeping boys. "Now, I'm gonna go give Seb his note from Hunter, one of you guys set an alarm for 10:15 to remind him to get a snack." Atlas says heading towards the library. "They like you better, so I vote you wake them." I say to Bellamy who rolls his eyes at me. "Yeah sure they'll stop liking me the second I wake them but okay." He says deciding to start with Alex. If Alex gets cranky, he'd be loud enough to wake the rest of them without Bellamy having to do it.
"Alex." Bellamy whispers shaking him. No response. "Alex!" He whisper shouts, getting a mumble in response. Just when he thinks he's getting up, Alex turns over away from him. To speed this along, I yank the blanket away, shoving it into Bellamy's hand and then run to the other side of the room. Bellamy stares in horror as Alex shoots up glaring at him. "That wasn't me I swear it was Nick!" Bellamy says holding his hands up and dropping the blanket. "Will you stop fucking moving!" Spencer shouts sitting up as well, annoyed. Aaron mumbles something incoherent at the noise, but stays asleep, and Reid is still completely out.
"Oh look you're both awake, let's do something today, also Hunt left these for you." Bellamy laughs nervously to the two of them. "Yeah no I'm going up to my theatre, he said I can watch one movie and I'm not wasting that chance, who knows how long we'll be grounded for!" Spencer says getting up after reading his note. Alex sighs, getting up as well. "Unless you want to workout and meal plan with me today, then no let's not do something today." He says still glaring at Bellamy. If it was up to him, he'd probably still be sleeping right now, and not worrying about anything. "It's my day off too, I don't really feel like working out, but I can spot you if you want?" Bellamy offers. Alex agrees, but I know he loves his no workout days too. He got up to get ready, leaving Bellamy to wake the last two, Reid and Aaron.
Alexander's POV:
I very slowly drag myself into the shower to wake up a bit more, and then set off to find Seb. Checking his room, he wasn't there, so I went to the next obvious spot, the library. The second I spot Sebastian, I open my mouth to speak, but Sebastian raises his hand to stop me, without looking up from his book. Thirty seconds later, he turns the page and puts a bookmark in, before closing it and looking up at me, handing me a paper. "What's this?" I ask sitting on the floor in front of him. "Meal prep ideas and a workout schedule for the next few weeks. If you stick to this you'll be ready for football. Get Spencer to run with you, and maybe use Noah to help with your agility, he's small and quick, make him run in zigzags, try to catch him." Sebastian says. Seriously? How long has he been awake to have organized this already? I haven't even asked him to help me yet, but he already knew. "Thanks but now that you basically did all the easy work for me, I actually have to go workout." I sigh, feeling extremely lazy. "Maybe I'll just start... later when Hunters home." I continue. "It's only a few hours, you'll still finish the workout if you start later." Sebastian says and I nod, laying down on the carpet, watching him read. I can kill a little time here.
Nicks POV:
"That went better than I thought." I say rejoining Bellamy. "Now you come back, thanks for that, was pretty sure they would've ripped my head off." Bellamy says sarcastically. "Yeah well these two are a lot nicer to wake." I say kneeling beside Reid and Aaron. These two are extra cuddly when they first wake up. Gently shaking them, they slowly wake. Reid sits up with his eyes still closed, his head nodding and rolling as he tries to keep himself up, eventually cuddling into Bellamy, and Aaron dramatically sighs, looking at me, and then to the clock. "Is it really time to get up?" Aaron whines pulling the blanket over his head. "Yes. Yes it is, Hunter left a note for you two." I say pulling the blanket off Aaron. Both of them perk up hearing Hunters name. "Hunter? But-but why did he—where did he—what time is it? He was supposed to be back at 8?" Reid says a little disoriented and upset.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...