Reid's POV:
Nick is making a snack with Noah for everyone for when they get home, but I keep eating them, they're literally so good, it's just celery sticks with peanut butter and apple slices with caramel sauce, but who doesn't love snacks right? I'm a little anxious for Spencer to come home because he'd been texting me all afternoon about going out to this party tonight, and he wanted me to ask Hunter if we could go to it. Parties aren't generally my scene, and if he's not asking to go himself that means he's in trouble with Hunter, and that always means lots of yelling and screaming. That also means the anger will eventually land on me for "not convincing" Hunter to let us go to the party, even worse if Alex has permission to go but not him. He's my twin and I love him, but I swear sometimes his anger can be scarier than Alex's. It's different though, Alex's anger is shown through violence, hence the boxing, he's never hit me before, but seeing him box is still scary. Spencer though, his anger is loud and harsh, louder than anything else, I guess that's why it freaks me out so much, it's like the anger radiates off of him.
We hear the front door being opened and Noah looks up at me excitedly. He's been excited ever since he woke up from nap for everyone to come home. I can't believe he thought everyone was leaving for good, if it were up to me, I'd always stay with him. I help him off the stool and we go over to greet everyone. Everyone meaning our brothers, not their friends who knocked at the door two minutes later...
Noah gives Atty and Seb a huge hug telling them both he misses them so much. I love the nicknames he gave everyone, I'm using them too. He shyly looks and waves at Alex while I give a confused look, he's suppose to be at boxing after school today? "Cancelled, the gym is having some "maintenance" being done, whatever that's suppose to mean." He says seeing my confused look and heading to the kitchen. "Where's Spencer...?" I ask since he's not here. Before I get a response, the door knocks and I know it'll be Spencer so I don't look, I just open it.
Spencer's POV:
Reid opens the door and freezes seeing James, and then looks behind us to see Eva, Tommy and Ben. Noah shuffled around Reid to give me a hug but also freezes and slowly backs up when he sees the other people. I roll my eyes too mad to even care what he's doing right now, I step around Reid and before I can ask him if he's asked Hunter, James starts going on about whatever bullshit gossip he overheard today from his younger sister. "Hey red(he intentionally calls Reid red, that'll be explained another time maybe if I remember lol) you're pretty popular today, you were the talk of the school, everyone heard about your little meeting, and a little birdy told me that Blake and some other kids were taken out of classes right after." He says and I pause for a second looking at Reid, who looks stressed as hell. I don't normally listen to any this crap but it involves Reid, so I nudge James to lay off. "That why Hunter let you skip today cause you snitched on them and for what huh? They didn't do shit to you." He continues and I shove him harder to shut the hell up. He raises his hands in surrender to me laughing and says he'll see me later tonight and I nod.
It's only Reid and I in the hallway now, everyone else having gone to the kitchen. "Did you actually snitch? What did Blake even do to you? He's full of shit anyways." I say. "I didn't snitch! I uh— isn't he part of your friend group?" He asks, and I tell him that even though Blake hangs with some of my other friends doesn't mean we're good friends or anything. (I mentioned an incident that had happened last year where Blake physically hurt Reid, currently only the 3 eldest brothers know exactly what happened, while the rest only know it was an accident during gym class, which also explains why they haven't stood up for Reid as older brothers) "It doesn't even matter, did you ask Hunter about going tonight?" I ask him, before he can respond Hunter barges into the hallway with a look I know all too well. (LMAO sorry I had to add that Taylor swift in)

Our little brother
Fiksi UmumNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...