Sebastian's POV:
Melissa drives us back to her place and Eva is sitting outside waiting for us. She sees us pull up and she jumps up waiting for the car to stop. As soon as I get out of the car, she hugs me tightly as if I haven't been staying over for the whole week and she hasn't seen me everyday. I try to push her off but she has a good grip. "Sebby! H-help! S-stuck!!" Noah cries out pulling at his seatbelt. "Noah! We're going to have to so much fun, I'm gonna introduce you to all the baby kitties and they'll love you!" Eva exclaims making him jump slightly from how loud she is. I turn to unbuckle him and help him out and as soon as he's out he let's go of my hand and takes Eva's asking for the cats. "How offended do you feel right now? Your own brother left you for cats." Melissa says laughing as we watch the two of them go inside. We follow them inside after grabbing Noah's bag and my extra bag of fresh clothes that Hunter sent for me. When we walk through the door all I see is Noah running in circles around the room with the cats following him and he's already have a blast. Tommy nods at me but focuses on taking a video of the cats copying Noah when he jumps up and Eva cheering them on. I roll my eyes at them but the little kitten that's taken a liking to me stops and trots over to me, rubbing itself all over my leg. Bending down to pet the kitten, Eva notices and asks if I've decided to keep this little guy. The kitten tilts his head up at me as if asking me the same and I groan. How could I not keep him? He's perfect for me, he's the cleanest and most calm kitten I've ever seen before. "I'm gonna call Hunter and see what he says." I tell her and ask Melissa to keep an eye on Noah because I just know Eva, Tommy and Noah are recipe for trouble.
*H is Hunter and S is Sebastian* obviously lol
H: Sebastian? Is everything okay? What's wrong?
S: Hi, uhh nothings wrong but I have a question for you, all of you really but mainly you.
H: Alright... what is it?
S: CanwepleaseadoptakittenfromEva?
H:.....Can you repeat that a tad slower I think I missed it between the mumbling and speed you were talking at.
S: Hah funny right so I wanted to you know like sort of adopt a kitten from Eva?
H: You want to adopt a kitten...?
S: From Eva, yes. I swear this kitten is perfect, he's clean and mellow and calm and he already likes me and Noah too, and-
H: It'll be a lot of work, but if you think you can handle it then yes, we can adopt the kitten.
S: YES thank you so much!!! Bye!I turn around to go tell them what Hunter said only to jump out of my skin. Noah is standing right behind me holding my soon to be adopted any minute kitten. "Keep k-kitty?" He asks as I catch my breath, now I know how Alex feels when Noah does this. "Yeah we're gonna keep the kitten, Hunter said we can." He smiles and snuggles the kitten telling him about Hunter and Oli who he's going to meet later. "P-purple eyes!" He says holding the kitten towards me to show me his eyes. I've of course already seen his eyes, but act shocked still. "Wow that's so cool right Noah?" He nods happily and puts the kitten down and runs off with the kitten slowly following behind. I join Tommy on the couch, and we build the puzzle on the coffee table together for a few minutes, while Eva riles up the kittens and Noah. Once Noah settles for a minute he observes Tommy and I, watching closely. I can see him out of the corner of my eye tracking every move of my hand. His eyes widen when I connect a puzzle piece and he gasps. "It bro-ken? Y-you fix!" He says, and I shake my head telling him to come sit next to me. I explain how this is a puzzle, and it's not broken, but like a game. How I have to find the pieces that match and connect them together to make one big picture. "N-noah play t-too?" He asks and I nod. "How about you find all the purple pieces and make a pile okay?" I tell him and he nods saying he's going to find "alllllllllll the purple", and starts sorting pieces.
Noah's POV:
"Okay pizzas here!" Melly says bringing 3 boxes to the big table. Everyone goes to sit, I sit beside Sebby and Tommy, he's really nice. Sebby puts a cheesy pizza triangle on my plate, and 3 on his plate. "Do you want me to cut it up for you?" Tommy asks me. I nod, we had pizza at home and it's really hot, but everyone picked it up with their fingers. I didn't like holding it. He cuts it up into teeny tiny pieces. Yummy! "Th-thanks you!" I smile at him. Sebby cut his pizza too. "He's literally a mini version of all your brothers in one Seb!" Eva says, making Sebby laugh. "She's right, he has all the little quirks from everyone of you guys." Melly says. What's a quirk? I think, before I can ask, Tommy says "a quirk is like a habit or a certain behaviour of one that others may find odd, or that stands out." I look at him with my mouth and eyes wide open. "R-read m-minds!?" That's so cool! Everyone starts laughing and Eva says "of course he can read minds, and you know who else can read minds?" She asks and I nod, I know who else can do it! "H-hunter! A-and Nicky and a-and Sebby!" I tell her. "What!" She cries out. Oh no I made her sad! "Seb I'm your best friend how could you not tell me you could read minds!" She says crying. "N-no n-nice Sebby! H-have to s-say sor-ry." I tell him so that Eva isn't sad anymore. "And g-give hug! B-big hug, m-make hap-py again!" I say, I don't want Eva to be sad. "Ev, you're my best friend, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it's suppose to be a secret. Only the people in this room know that Tommy and I can read minds, and none of you can ever tell anyone else about it." Sebby says. A secret? I can keep a secret! "Keep s-secret S-sebby pr-promise." I tell him, zipping my lips like Spencer showed me when I saw him eating cookies before dinner. "I promise not tell anyone either." Melly says, and everyone looks at Eva, who's making a funny face at Sebby. "Fineeeeeeee I promise too, only because Noah promised, not because you asked me too." She says and I clap. "Yay, a-all hap-py n-now!" "Yes! All happy!" Eva says and then she gives Sebby a big kissy, he wipes it off but then she gives me a kissy too! Her hair falls in my face and it tickles. She tries to give Tommy a kissy too but he gets up and runs away.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...