Chapter 38

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Hunters POV:

Noah just left with Sebastian and Melissa and I'm trying to be calm, but my nerves are sky rocketing since he hasn't exactly been out of our sights without myself, Nick or Atlas staying with him. The house is gonna be quiet tonight, with everyone out except for Nick, Reid and I. I called Lily today to ask her about the sleeping techniques she and Reid discussed at his last session, being sick, his sleeping schedule is all over the place, but he's still having trouble, so we might as well try some of them. Nick is being a mother hen and staring at his phone as he tracks Sebastian, making sure they get to Mel's place. I shake my head at him, my nerves are bad, but I'd like to think I'm doing better than him.

"Have you guys seen my shirt? The dark green button up? And my watch? I took it off when I got home but I don't remember where I put it?" Atlas says running around like a chicken. Nick rolls his eyes but then smirks at me. We have a night off from the boys, and here we are about to act like kids ourselves. "Green button up you say?" Nick asks and Atlas freezes hearing the taunting in his voice. He whips around to face Nick accusingly. "Nicholas fucking Parker! I swear to god what did you do to it! Obviously you didn't wear it it wouldn't fit you, and how did you even know I was—" As soon as Atlas realizes Nick hasn't done anything to his shirt, I run. I know exactly which shirt he was talking about and exactly where it is. I can hear Atlas yelling at Nick to let him go, before hearing a grunt, and then the thundering footsteps of Atlas running after me, quickly followed by Nick. "Everything's fine!" I say quickly as I run past Reid coming out of the bathroom with an alarmed look on his face. He quickly backs up, allowing space for Atlas and Nick to run by as well, now knowing that we're all up to no good. Running faster, I quickly find the shirt and dart out of the room, before Atlas can reach the room himself, circling around and running past him, tossing the shirt to Nick. He catches it with ease and turns around running back the way we came. Atlas tries to stop but slides further down the hallway before he can turn around, and I block him from running past me. He runs right into me, attempting at knocking me over. Attempting and failing. "Oh come on! It's like running into a wall!" He complains before slipping around me and running after Nick. Before following, I see Reid. "You okay?" I ask. "Mhmm, whatever happened to the no running in the house rule?" He says grumbling about us being such kids, and going into my room, probably to grab one of my sweaters. "NICK YOURE GOING TO GET IT DIRTY!" Atlas screeches from downstairs. I hurry down to see Nick holding the shirt near the dirty dishes, baiting Atlas to come closer. Reid scurries into the kitchen, getting Atlas attention. "Atlas, will you be home late tonight?" He asks with a small pout, reaching forward to hug him. Atlas hugs him immediately, and widens his eyes. "I can stay home if you want me too?" He says, but Reid just tightens his hug. While Atlas was distracted by Reid, Nicholas conveniently slipped out of the kitchen with Atlas shirt. "You should wear the burgundy button up, it looks better." Reid says looking up at Atlas with a twinkling mischievous innocence in his eyes. Atlas goes to respond, but then looks up to see Nick gone. Playfully glaring at Reid who still hasn't let go of his hug, Atlas says "did you just play me!" Reid just smiles and Nick walks past them high-fiving him. "How about you come help me find that burgundy shirt since my GREEN SHIRT is no where to be found." Atlas says to Reid, who nods. They leave the kitchen, and Nick and I burst out laughing. "Every time! It's so easy to rile him up." Nicholas says still laughing.

Atlas POV:

Reid and I walk to my room to find the burgundy shirt.  "I really can stay tonight if you want me too." I tell him, but he shakes his head. "You never go out, I want you to have fun." He says but twiddles his thumbs sitting on my bed. "I could still have fun if I stayed in too."  He shakes his head again looking at the floor. I sigh and kneel in front of him. "Hey, look at me. I'm coming home. I'll be home before your bedtime. It'll be quiet without Alex, Seb, and Noah, and Spence until he comes home, but Nick and Hunter are here. We'd never leave you alone, you know that right?" I say holding his hands, stopping him from picking at his fingers. He takes a deep breath, before nodding. "I know, I'm sorry, I'm being stupid." He whispers and I disagree. "Your anxiety isn't stupid, and you don't need to apologize, all of us, Hunter, Nicholas and I, we'd do anything for you guys." I say smiling softly before standing up. "So, does the burgundy really look better than the green?" I ask posing for him. He laughs and nods, saying the green makes me look like a bush. I gape at him as he continues laughing. "Oh and your watch is on the table by your keys, but you should wear the white one, it'll stand out better with the burgundy." He says handing me the watch. I ruffle his hair thanking him for having such good fashion sense and we head back down to Hunter and Nicholas. As soon as we walk in, the peanut gallery bursts into laughter again. Seeing the time, I know that if I leave right now I'll be there with a few minutes to spare. A quick bye from those two and a hug from Reid and I'm off.

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