New/Updated Brothers Descriptions

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So before starting this book I wrote a character page for the boys, but now that you've met them, I feel like I should make another one for them. You've seen their personalities now so I just wanna make sure no one's confused when they act a certain way or say a specific thing. I also said way back in the beginning that I'd update the character page, but I don't think it makes sense for you to have to go back and forth so here's a new one instead! 😁

Hunter: basically the head of the family, always thinking about everyone else, trying to accommodate for all of the boys. He's not a workaholic but he did work a lot before taking a leave for Noah to get settled. He acts like a parent more than a brother, but he has his moments when he teases them playfully too. As playful as he can be, he's really strict when it comes to rules and routines. Now that I've added a friend for him (Liam, the principal), he's going to have a bit more of a social life that's not only surrounding his brothers, maybe go out without his siblings. He's almost always calm and collected on the outside, even if he's angry or freaking out on the inside. Still has a soft spot for for Noah and Reid, the three of them often bond together the most, like when the three of them have sleepovers in Hunters room.

Nicholas: he's kind of the second parent, only being one year younger than Hunter. He helps keep the younger boys in line and is pretty laid back, but will be strict when needed, or sometimes unneeded😤. When it comes to punishments or disciplining them he's more like an enforcer, he's the one that will raise his voice and get angry whereas Hunter tries to keep calm. It's a good balance between the two of them. He's only really affectionate with his girlfriend Sophie, who will soon be making her debut lol, also with Reid, and now he's trying to be more gentle with Noah as well. He works with Hunter now, but used to work as a tattoo artist on weekends, which is why he has tons of tattoos. He used to box, and usually bonds with Alexander over that. He's closest to Alexander of all his younger siblings, but usually has a good relationship with all of them. He used to sometimes overwork so he could take some pressure off of Hunter, but recently decided to change his hours to be home more often, since it's going to be shown that it was taking its toll on all of the younger boys.

Atlas: he's the youngest of the eldest brothers, and so Hunter and Nicholas try not to "burden" him with the responsibility of disciplining the younger boys, but if he has to he steps up. He's a drama queen lmao and he's also basically that Smurf that's always looking in the mirror 😂. Hes growing to like his purple hair because Noah loves it and tells him it's pretty every time Atlas picks him up. He's a teacher at the school, I'm not sure if I mentioned it but he teaches English, grades 8-12 (the school runs from grades 7-12, also I decided there's gonna be 6 classes a day). he's obviously clumsy as hell, and he's almost always happy. He's the easiest to prank and so he's always at the end of all the boys jokes and pranks. Because he's the youngest older brother, he sometimes has a different kind of relationship with the younger twin sets, not always being seen as a parent figure, but also just being closer in age. He's smart, not athletic, but enjoys swimming.

Alexander: still has anger management issues 😡, still boxing, he's super awkward with kids lmao so he's not always up to hangout with Noah, but he warms up. He's a huge health freak lmao always eating healthy foods and breakfast smoothies. Works out a lot, usually to let out his anger, and to keep busy, he hates being lazy and sitting around to do nothing. He wants to get a job at the same tattoo place that Nicholas worked at before, and to start getting tattooed himself. He's branded as the bad boy of the family, having gone through a phase a couple years back, however Spencer actually holds that title now, though Alexander physically fits the "bad boy" look.

Sebastian: the genius, organizer, and cleaner 🤓 He hates messiness and germs and can't stand when things are out of order. He likes to stick to routines. With routines, he knows what's coming next, he doesn't like not knowing. He has anxiety, but knows how to work through an oncoming attack by himself most of the time. He's smart, like a walking encyclopedia and can give you random facts about almost any topic you think of. He's logical, quiet, and observant. Similar traits to Hunter. Him and Reid are both the introverts of the family, however Sebastian enjoys quiet time alone, compared to Reid who enjoys quiet time, but not alone.

Reid: the other baby of the family 🥹 even though he's a few minutes older than Spencer! hes super cuddly and loves spending time with his brothers. He's a worrier, always worrying about every and anything. He has separation anxiety, which makes him always stay close to his brothers, more so the eldest ones. He is completely deaf in one ear and has a hearing aid in the other. Loves food, and music, playing instruments and seeing live local bands at a coffee shop in town or in the park with his best friend Aaron. We haven't met Aaron yet, but Reid is definitely lowkey crushing on his best friend, but doesn't even realize it yet. Honestly he gives off cinnamon roll kinda vibes, he's sweet and soft and caring and shy and all that cute stuff, he connects with Noah really well because they have similar personalities. He was the closest with their parents, and losing them the way they did hit all of them, but Reid the most since he was with them when it happened. Being so close with them, that's why he's so close with Hunter now. Hunter tends to coddle him, but he doesn't mind at all.

Spencer: clearly the bad boy lmao 🤬🤬, he smokes and drinks and parties too hard, gets into trouble and fights with all his siblings. Loves them but would never say that to them, he's not into expressing his feelings other than annoyance and anger. He likes to start shit and hangs around a group of kids in town that are always up to no good, and is easily influenced into making bad decisions. When he gets angry(which is often), he takes it out on anyone closest to him. Recently and will currently be acting out more than normal because Noah's home coming really shook things up for him. He's not exactly acting out for attention, but more so as a way (the wrong way) to express his feelings if that makes sense?

Noah: the actual baby of the family 😇. He loves his brothers so much, and even though he's just met them, he trusts them. He's extremely trustworthy, too trustworthy for his own good really, seeing as how fast he trusted his brothers he just met. He's adorable and innocent soft and sweet and very empathetic, whenever Reid is feeling upset, Noah wants to cheer him up. He loves hugs, and always give them to his brothers even if it's only been a few minutes since he last saw them. He wasn't nurtured or cared for growing up. When he was first kidnapped, his "mother" was nicer to him and actually cared for him, even taking him to preschool/kindergarten, however that shortly stopped and from then on both his "parents" were abusive to him, physically and emotionally. He's curious and always wanting to learn since he was never able or allowed to do that before, but now that he can he's slowly understanding that he's allowed to ask questions and to say what he wants. Sometimes he remembers his rules from his kidnappers, but his brothers are always there to reassure him and to make new rules to counter the awful things they made him do. He is closest with Hunter having a special bond with him as Hunter is his caregiver, and Reid is the second closest, and Alexander comes in a close third even if he's awkward with kids. In a little while he'll be going to the daycare at the school once a week, so that Hunter can get into the office, daycare is where he's gonna meet his first friends 🥹 I'm so excited for that lol

Lmao that turned out longer than I thought but I think it was needed, when I first introduced the boys I gave them each a description, and now that I've written about them, I feel like their original descriptions may have slightly changed, or I just gave a better more detailed description now. Anyways I also can't remember for the life of me if I had given them any pets??? But I'm going to be giving them one soon, if they did have a pet and I just forgot I guess RIP to that pet 😂😂 I'm thinking a cat for maybe Sebastian or Spencer, I have some funny ideas for that, but Noah loves dogs, well he loves animals in general so maybe a trip to the zoo I don't know but definitely a pet soon

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