Chapter 53

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Noah's POV:

Ralph is breaking so many things, and Felix needs to fix it all! And Vanellope needs to drive super fast! Felix has shiny medals like Sebby, I wonder if he has a fix it medal in his room, I should ask him. Sebby didn't come out of his room, but Oli says we should let him sleep because he has ouchies, so I stayed with Reid instead, he was still sad.

Hunter says it's time for bed, but I don't want to leave Reid! He says that Reid is going to sleep with him tonight, and that I'm going to sleep in my own room. "Sleep w-with you too please?" I ask. I want to have a sleepover too! "What if you had a sleepover in Atlas's room? We can go ask him if you want?" He says and I frown. I could sleep with Atty, but it's not the same! Oli will have to stay with Reid to protect him so I guess I'll stay with Atty, so he can protect me. But Spencer says that Atty has noodle arms, I'm not sure if that will stop the bad guys. Oh no. I ate noodles, what if I ate Attys arms!  "Don't worry, I'll stay with Reid, my twin." Spencer says before I can ask if Attys okay. I'm gonna give him angry eyes! He made this happen, he wanted Reid all to himself and for me to eat Attys noodle arms! He's my Reid, not his! Hunter picks me up and then Spencer sticks his tongue out at me! Meanie meanie meanie!

Spencer's POV:

I smile smugly when he gasps at me sticking my tongue out. He doesn't need a stupid giraffe to protect him, he has me. It shouldn't feel this good, but the look on his face, priceless. Wish I got a picture.

Noah's POV:

"Do you want a bedtime story?" Hunter asks carrying me to Attys room. and I nod. "Li-li read t-too!" I say when we pass him. Liam says he knows lots and lots of stories, so I want him to read with me and Hunter. "P-please li-li?" I ask. "Yeah li-li, come read a bedtime story." Hunter says with a funny smile. Liam says yes! He's gonna read the best story ever! I jump into li-li's arms and he talks so funny. I wish li-li could live here forever with us.

Hunters POV:

I'm literally dying. He called him li-li. Liam's never gonna hear the end of that from me. Of all the nicknames he could've chosen, he picked that. I call him Li sometimes, but li-li is killing me. I let Noah leap from my arms to Liams, and we all head to Atlas room. "Little sir, what story would you like to hear?" Liam asks with a British accent, causing Noah to burst into laughter. Noah asks for a story about magic, and Liam jumps into telling him about Peter Pan.

Noah's completely captivated, he's falling asleep, but is still focused on the story. As his eyes close, Liam quietly trails off. "Man I was just getting to the good part!" He whispers to me seeing Noah asleep. I roll my eyes at him and tell him to shut up. "C'mon I can let Reid sleep on the couch for another hour before taking him to bed. I think I need a drink after today, and the rest of the boys should already be in their rooms." I whisper as we leave Noah. "You need a drink? I was fucking there dumbass, if anyone needs a drink after today it's me." Liam says as we head downstairs. And drinks are now out of the question because Spencer is still awake and on the couch. The one time I want him to be hiding away in his room like a normal teenager.

Spencer's POV:

"You okay? Need anymore ice?" Sarah asks. "No I'm good." I tell her. She tells me that I should at least go lay down on a bed instead of uncomfortably on the couch where I am now. "I'll go soon." I say and she nods saying she's going to bed herself. Atlas said he was going too, but I'm not stupid. The two of them have definitely had a thing going on between them for years. They think they're so slick hiding it from everyone. Everyone else might be oblivious, but the amount of times they'd leave the room right after each other, and the way she looks at him, and his looks too, it's gross honestly. "They're so sleeping together." Nonna says shaking her head. "I'm going to cockblock her, goodnight Spencer." She continues. My god she has absolutely no filter and I both love and hate it. I knew they were but her saying it has definitely put the image in my head and I never want to imagine it ever again.

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