Hunters POV: (this'll be a long one and maybe even the only pov this chapter lol but we will see)
When I pick up Noah he rests his head on my shoulder and clutches onto my shirt with both hands. I rub his back gently and hold him a little tighter knowing he's seeking comfort. I'm so proud of Reid for lending him dads old mp3, he never goes anywhere without so I know it was a big deal to part with it, even if for only a few hours. Reid was a daddy's boy, always staying with dad and wanting to do everything he was doing, so carrying around his mp3 is his way of keeping him close always.
We get to the first store and Noah is still clutching onto me for life, I whisper to him that he can choose anything he wants, and start walking around slowly for him to look at everything. Reid and Sebastian stay close to me, while Atlas and Nick stay back a bit knowing that they're also trying to seek comfort from me. Losing mom and dad was hard for all of us, but it hit Sebastian and Reid harder. Out of all of us boys, they were the most emotional and more sensitive to things. They were both also extremely shy, coming out of their shell only around us and a few friends, being out in crowds still get to them sometimes, so I try to stay closer to them whenever we all go out. Sebastian and Reid act more like twins sometimes than they do with their actual twins, it's funny because Alexander and Spencer do the same.
Walking around we look at all kinds of beds, at first I was thinking maybe getting him a normal sized bed, like one of ours in case he wants or needs someone to sleep with him some nights, but then we pass by some toddler beds, with themes and patterns and Noah can't take his eyes off of them. Sebastian asks Noah if he likes race cars, he shakes his head no, but when Reid asks if he likes trains, he nods and so we stop by a Thomas the train theme bedroom set. Even though it's for toddlers, it's the perfect size and height for Noah, the bed frame looking like Thomas the train, even comes with removable railings. The dresser, chest and side tables all have handles that are trains, and has a feature that makes it glide open and closed easily and slowly so that fingers can't get caught in them, even if he does ever get them caught, it's got a soft ring around all the edges just in case.
He seems pretty happy with this and so Nick sets off to find a sales associate to help us out, while Sebastian starts listing endless amounts of train facts that Noah is absorbing like a sponge. Atlas finds 3 different Thomas the train bed sheet sets and asks Noah if he likes any of them, but he shakes his head, slowly pointing at a pink and purple tie dyed set with unicorns on it. "That's the one you want yeah?" Atlas says to Noah. He shyly nods and says "h-horsies". We all smile softly at him, and Sebastian switches topics and starts firing out horse facts and telling Noah that we can go see real horses one day. Guess I'll be organizing that sometime.
Atlas POV:
Grabbing the unicorn bedsheet set, it comes with a fitted and flat sheet, 2 pillow cases, and a comforter. Reid grabs my arm and pulls me down the aisle next to everyone, he's looking for I don't know what but I let him lead the way, he looks like he's on a mission so who am I to stop him? We stop at the end of the aisle in front of a bunch of those really soft plush blankets, and he starts digging around. A few minutes later he finally pulls one out of the bin. Giraffes, it's got a bunch of giraffes on it, of course Noah would love this. I go to tell him it's a good find, but he's digging through the bin again. I wait until he grabs 2 more out again, but he doesn't show me this time, instead just heading back to Hunter. "Reid wait up, can I see the other two blankets please? I think Noah will love the giraffes, I don't think he'd care much for the other designs after seeing that one." I say to him, but he only blushes looking embarrassed and says "they aren't for Noah." While rushing faster away from me.
We get back to Hunter, and Reid shows Noah the giraffe blanket and his face lights, feeling how soft it is he squeals ever so quietly saying "s-soft so s-so soft!". Hunter sees Reid holding 2 more and looks at me questioningly I just shrug my shoulders, so he whispers something to Noah and brings him over to me. I hold Noah as he goes to talk to Reid, taking Sebastian we go to look at pillows for Noah. Noah picks a soft cushiony pillow, as well as a flatter but still soft pillow, saying the cushiony one is like a cloud. Nicholas finds us with a sales associate beside him, and she tries to talk to Noah. "Wow a Thomas the train bed? You must love Thomas huh? He's pretty awesome right?" She says, but Noah just hides his face in my neck. She laughs while Nicholas apologizes, and says not to worry, and that she'll start a tab for us and to let her know if there's any other big items we need to add to it, or when we're ready to cash out.
Reid's POV: (before he takes Atlas)
I see a sale poster for those ridiculously soft blankets, and so I grab Atlas and take him to go find them, but I don't say anything to him. Finding the bin and I start digging through it looking for the perfect one, and I find it, the giraffe one from the sale poster. Noah's gonna love this, but feeling how soft it is, I go back to look for one for me. I find one with musical notes all over it, and hilariously I find one with the periodic table, Sebastian would love this. Grabbing them both I start heading back to Hunter and them. Atlas tries to stop me and asks to see the other two blankets I picked up, but I don't wanna show him yet, it's embarrassing to want one of these soft blankets at 16, plus I have too many blankets already, so I just tell him they aren't for Noah, trying to hide my blush and rush off to find Hunter.
Hunters listening to Sebastian still talk about horses, I swear he knows everything about everything, I want to be as smart as he is. I interrupt his facts by showing Noah the giraffe blanket, he loves it, I knew he would. I can see Hunter looking at the other blankets I'm holding, but I hide them away and turn away waking a few steps away from him. Maybe I should just put these ones back, Alex is gonna laugh at me if he sees I got one too, especially from the baby store, and Spencer will just follow what Alex does. I see Hunter gives Noah to Atlas and him coming over to me. "Let's take a small walk while wait for Nick to come back okay?" He says, I just nod holding onto the blankets.
"Sooo, what've you got there?" He asks me once we're a little away from everyone else. I just look down embarrassed now. "Nothing I'm gonna put them back." I say to him. Before I can walk away he holds my arm and tells me to wait. "Reid, if you want a blanket, then get one, I know today we're shopping for Noah, but that doesn't mean we can't get things for you as well you know. Plus they're really soft, how could you not want one of these right?" He says to me laughing towards the end feeling how soft the blankets I'm holding are. Sighing I tell him that Alex and Spencer are gonna make fun of me for getting a baby blanket. I know I'm technically older than Spencer, but I was actually the smaller twin between us, and so growing up he always learned to do things before me, and grew out of any baby habits before I did. Alex being the older brother he is, always made fun of us in a brotherly way of course, we all have that playful relationship with each other, but sometimes Alex gets mean when he angry, and Spencer follows everything he does. "So what if they laugh? A blanket is a blanket, if this brings you comfort, then who cares what they think? Everyone has their own way of finding comfort and if this is yours then don't let them take that away from you. Besides, if they do say anything I'll just remind them who still has their teddies shoved under their beds at close reach" Hunter says. I laugh knowing that Spencer does have his teddy right there under his bed, he used to take it out secretly during storms but I always knew. "Thanks Hunter." I say, he goes to hug me, and I look around fast to make sure no one was around or looking, and then hug him fast, basically running back to everyone so I could show Sebastian the blanket I picked for him. When I show him the blanket he loves it. He says he can't wait to show him friends in the science club at school. I laugh because that's such a Sebastian thing to do.
Wow that's a long one, lol I kind of love this chapter though. Reid was one of the youngest brothers before Noah was found, and so I want to show how close his bond is with Hunter, Sebastian too. I also want to make it clear right now that they're not just close with Hunter but all of the older brothers, Hunter being their guardian gives him a more father like role for them though, so if given the option, Hunter would be the first person they turn to for anything, but other times and in the future they will turn to Atlas and Nicholas for things. Anyways also I wanted to say that this chapter was supposed to include at least 3 stores, but they only got the bed 🥲 I'm sorry lmao but next chapter will hopefully wrap up the shopping trip or almost finish the trip. I hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as I did!
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...