Chapter 51

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Alexander's POV:

Fuck. I'm so sore and that shower didn't help at all, but now that I'm not covered in blood, I need to find Sebastian. I knock on his door and then swing it open, his head whips around and I already know what he's going to say so I stop walking right in between the doorway. "I'm so clean right now, I literally just stepped out of the shower. This is the cleanest your gonna get me." I say holding my hands up. He nods hesitantly, and so I walk further into the room. "You okay? Were you hurt?" I ask him, seeing his raw knuckles. He sees me looking and pulls his sleeves over his hands. He clears his throat and then says he's fine. "Just a few scrapes, felt like a cat was fighting me." He says with a strained laugh. "You need to ice that, and that and... you know what, you should just take an ice bath, Spencer too." He says looking away from me. Don't laugh, this is not the time to laugh, even at that terrible joke, I think to myself trying to focus on why I came here. "Seb look, I'm sorry, I wasn't even thinking of getting Reid out of there, or making sure you weren't in there either." I say and he nods, muttering that it's fine.

Sighing, I ask if he's coming downstairs, it's a long shot, but maybe Noah can cheer him up. He shakes his head no, and so I just nod and turn to leave. "I'll try and come down later." He says and I nod again. I hate not being able to help him, but the only thing I can do is to not be dirty, literally. Maybe I'll just tell Hunter to give Noah a bath before Sebastian comes down.  I head down to the living room and find Atlas and Liam staring at a laptop, and Reid asleep on the couch. They look stressed and Reid looks rough. He's asleep and probably has been for a while, but looks even more exhausted than at school. Why didn't I go to him first. I should've gone straight to him and gotten him out. What the fuck was I thinking just leaving him smack in the middle of a fight?

"It's not your fault." Atlas says seeing me stare at Reid. "I should've gone to him first." I say but he shakes his head. "Obviously I don't condone the fighting, but at the same time, Spence can hold his own, but in an unfair fight him against multiple others? He needed the help, and you helped him. Again not happy with the fighting, but there were only so many different ways it was going to go whether you went to Spencer or Reid first." Atlas says and then smiles to himself. "What are you laughing about?" I ask and he just grins at me. "I'm not the one who has to punish you guys, that's Hunter's job, so just because I say it's ok but also not okay, it doesn't matter, so good luck." He says still laughing. Liam tried to hide his laugh and covers it up with a cough. Rolling my eyes I go to find Hunter anyways, I still need to ask him about Noah.

Spencer's POV:

After taking a quick shower, I head downstairs for some ice, my face fucking hurts. Even rolling my eyes hurt but I can't help it when I see Nick in the kitchen with Hunter. I knew I should've waited and let Alex go downstairs first, but he's taking his sweet ass time in the shower. Hunter goes to say something but I stop. "Can we not do this right now, let me get some ice and then you can yell at me all you want." I say, and he pauses, sharing a look with Nick. "Come here, let me look at that." He says gesturing to my face. He gently holds my chin up inspecting my nose, but let's go when i make a face trying to ignore the pain.

Nick takes this time to poke at my ribs. "Ouch what the fuck!?" I say sucking in a breath. "Just checking your ribs, lift up your shirt, you sound like you'll need to ice there too." He says as if he didn't just basically stab me. Wincing again as I roll my eyes at his words, Hunter gives me a look that says I'm not too old for him to take off the shirt for me. Raising it a bit I show them I'm fine, now it's Hunter rolling his eyes. "Nice try." He says before lifting it up higher, showing the massive bruise I have. "Shit Spence, that looks bad." Hunter says. "It's just a bad bruise, nothings broken, I already checked, twice." Sarah says walking into the kitchen, also reminding me that she already told me to ice my ribs earlier today. "Whatever, I have ice now, I'm going to lay down." I say leaving them there before they can start with the yelling and lectures.

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