Nicholas POV:
Noah and I get the pajamas on Oli, and I'm extremely happy that Alex used to ask mom to make pants for his toy horses, because I have perfectly made pants that have 4 legs for this giraffe. He looks so happy I think he might cry. Glancing at my phone, I see Sophie calling, and ignore it, but look back up quickly because I hear Noah sniffling. Oh shit he's actually crying. "Please tell me those are happy tears?" I say trying to sound very happy myself, and not freaked out because if anyone walks in here and sees him crying they're going to fucking kill me. "Oli never have 'jamas! T-thank you!" He says launching into hug me.
"I'm glad you like them." I say, and he nods. "Like v-very much!" He says, as my phone rings again. I ignore again, and bring my focus back to Noah, but he's already running out of the room. "Hey wait up!" I say, it's basically bedtime for him. He stops immediately, and whirls around to look back at me. "N-no s'pose to run Oli! Sorry!" He says to himself and then calls the sorry part back to me. My phone rings again, so I tell Noah to go find Reid while I dreadfully take this call.
"Hello?" I say once I answer. "Finally, you've never been this hard to reach." Sophie says, not even greeting me back. "Maybe that should've been a fucking hint. What do you want Soph?" I ask impatiently, not wanting to do back and forth small talk. "I just want to talk Nicky." She sighs. "I miss you. I know that things went from bad to worse, and I know that you have every right to just hang up on me right now, but we've both had some time to ourselves, to cool off and think." She continues. "So talk then. If you're only calling to say you miss me, then you've said it, and if there's nothing else, then goodbye." I say. Damn why can't Hunter hear this conversation with her, he'd be so fucking proud of me.
"Wait, I'm sorry okay! There's some things I haven't told you about, and it's why I've been acting so crazy." She says fucking cryptically. "Does it even matter anymore? You could've told me before instead of acting crazy." I sigh. "I love you Soph, I do, but I have to put the boys first, all of them. Regardless of Noah not warming up to you, whatever the fuck you said to Reid really fucked with his head. And on top of those two things, everyone else is still pissed at you for various other reasons." I say. "I know I know! Everyone still hates me, and their opinion of me is valid, I wasn't the nicest person recently, and so it does matter." She says. "Can we just meet up, go for coffee to talk?" She says. Maybe if we both get some closure with one final talk we can both move on for real... "Okay. How's tomorrow?" I say and she laughs dryly. "Tomorrow works, I am unemployed now." She says and I wince. I shouldn't feel bad, because that was technically her fault, but I do feel a little bad. "I'll text you where and when tomorrow morning." I say, hanging up. Fuck. How am I going to explain to Hunter and Atlas that I fucking caved the first phone call I have with her since breaking up?
Reid's POV:
"It's so quiet, where is everyone?" I say thinking out loud to Aaron. " I don't know, I didn't think we were practicing that long. But we sounded pretty good, I'm not gonna lie, I kind of really don't want to add another person to our group though. I mean yeah it'd be cool to have another person for vocals, but..." he says trailing off. "But your voice is already perfect so we don't need anyone else to sing." I say giving him a smile. He smiles back and I yawn. "Cmon I think I hear Alex snoring." He says taking my hand and pulling me to the living room.
"Why are they sleeping down here?" I say, poking Alex gently to wake him. "Should we wake them? Actually wait I'm gonna use the washroom first, I'll be right back." Aaron says and I nod, poking Alex again. "Hmm? C'mere." Alex mumbles barely waking up, but he shifts and wraps his arms around me. "You're so hufflepuff." He says, pointing at my yellow shirt. "I think you're Hufflepuff." I say snuggling closer to him. "Shhhhh. I'm a secret puff, like Reese cup." He says not making any sense, but I think he's thinking of Buttercup, the powerpuff girl. "I love you." I tell him, closing my eyes and falling asleep.
Noah's POV:
I walk downstairs to look in the kitchen. I'm gonna be the best finder ever! I'll find Reid so fast I'll be lightning McQueen fast! I can't wait to show him Olis pajamas, he's going to love them! There's no one anywhere! How do I find them? What does Blue do? He looks for the clues! I'll look for the clues and find them. There are no snacks on the counter, and no bowls in the sink. Hunter always says they need to learn to clean up after themselves, so I guess they learned? Or they didn't have any snackies yet! These clues are hard to find, where else could they be? I hear someone in the living room, another clue! I peak into the room and see Benny and Lex and Reid! Always so sleepy. I blow a kissie at Benny, and tell him to have nice dreams. I give Lex a little kissy on his nose and he wrinkles it. "So c-cute! Like kitty! Have fun d-dreams! Go on adventures w-with Blue and find the c-clues!" I tell him. I give Reid three kissies on his cheek, because he says that's a triple kiss! And triple means three, and three is bigger than one! "Loveee you! Have h-happy happy dreams w-with mommy and daddy!" I tell him when Hunter finds me.
We go upstairs and get into bed. I snuggle into all the blankets, he has so many. "Buddy, if you snuggle any further I'm going to lose you in the blankets." He laughs. That's silly he can't lose me in a blanket! "Here pass me some of them, Reid sleeps with a hundred blankets, but you mister only need these ones." He says pointing to the super soft one, and the big fluffy one, and the one that that Spencer uses to pretend he's a ghost like Casper.
"Ooooooh!" I say throwing the ghost blanket on my head. "A ghost in my bed!" Hunter gasps, making me laugh. "No s-silly! Just Noah! Ghost no r-real!" I tell him, taking the blanket off my head. "Oh good! I was so scared for a minute!" He says. "S'ok! Noah and Oli h-here to "tect you." I tell him, and roll over to hug him. "And I'll always be here to protect you okay?" He says and I nod. Oli will protect us all, but Hunter is a really good protector too, and he's sooo warm. "Your fingers feel like ice!" Hunter says. I laugh and rub my fingers against his arms. This is going to be our best sleepover ever!
New chapter yay! I normally type directly on the app, but lately it's been giving problems so I've had to sign in on safari and it's a whole process otherwise this chapter would've been out days ago. Like is everyone else having issues with the app? Because I'm not getting notifications for new chapters from anyone, and it's kind of annoying. Anyways I hope you guys liked this one and guess what book I'm actually writing chapters for rn???? My MC one, how crazy lol it's been forever that book was basically on hold
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...