Chapter 21

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No one's POV:

"So what's everyone doing today? I need to go grocery shopping, Reid can you come with me?" Hunter asks. Reid nods, and Alex groans about having to do homework today. "I'm going to get a haircut, Sebastian I know you already finished your homework so you wanna come?" Atlas says sighing as he runs a hand through his hair. Sebastian agrees, leaving Nick and Noah not having said anything. "I'm just gonna do some cleaning today, Noah I could use a helper?" Nicholas says, Noah exclaiming that he's a good helper.

After eating the purple banana chocolate chip pancakes, everyone gets up and gets ready for the day, then heading out. Alex sits down in the living room, Spencer joining him, watching tv, trying to avoid actually having to do their homework. "Finish your homework early guys, I want you two to have enough time to do your chores." Nick says, as he sees them not getting up to move. Noah follows right behind Nick watching as he pulls out his phone.

Noah's POV:

Nicky's little box is ringing! I look at him waiting to see what he does with it. "I need to take this call, can you guys watch Noah for a little bit?" He says to Lex and Spencer. They both look at me and then at Nicky. "Half an hour at the most, alright?" Nicky says while leaving. I go to follow him but Lex tells me to stay here. I nod and go stand beside him, waiting for him to tell me what to do. Spencer's little box rings too! He looks at Lex and Lex makes a funny noise, and Spencer leaves too. I frown, why did everyone leave me? Hunter and Reid told me they'd be back later and Atty and Sebby too, but now it's just me and Lex.

Alexander's POV:

Spencer is a little shit. Nick asked us both to watch him and of course he leaves me alone. What am I even suppose to do with a kid at 10am? Looking over at Noah he looks like he's about to to cry. My eyes pop out of my head, and I go over to him and pay his head gently. "Don't cry everyone will come back soon yeah?" I say to him. Comforting Reid is much easier than this, I don't know what to do. He looks up at me and nods, hugging my legs. After a minute he still doesn't let go, and so I unwrap his arms from me and step back. "So ugh what do you want to do?" I ask him and he shrugs. Right we'll just... toys! Hunter left the bag of toys we bought him right over.....there! "Hey come pick out a toy" I say walking over to the bag. He chooses the tea set and i help him open it up and set it all on the coffee table, sitting back on the couch scrolling twitter on my phone.

Five minutes later he's standing in front of me, I'm trying so hard not to get angry, I know he's not even doing anything, so I close my eyes and take a breath. When I open them, Noah is standing there with a tiny pink teacup on a saucer, holding it out for me. "L-lex w-want?" He asks. I hate Spencer for leaving me alone, I'm not good with kids. I take the cup trying not to crush it with my giant hands. He goes back to the table and gets a tea cup on a saucer for himself and he starts to sip from it. There's literally nothing in the cup so I'm just holding it until he says "L-lex dr-drink". Raising the cup to my lips I pretend to take a sip, and he laughs. "S'yummy r-right?" He asks. "It's so yummy, can I have some more?" I ask, if pretending to sip tea occupies him until Nick comes back, then fine.

Nicholas POV:

My girlfriend actually has the worst timing, but I can't miss this call. She's been in Italy with her sister for the last month, and I haven't talked to her on the phone since before Noah came home and I really need to tell her, I just didn't want to do it through text. When I answer the phone, it's Sarah, Sophie's younger sister. (Sophie is the girlfriend). "Nick! Is this a bad time? I hope not, I need to talk to you before Soph gets out of the shower!" She says energetically as always. Oh god I don't even want to know what she's planning. "Hey Sare, what's up? What have you done this time?" I ask teasingly, knowing she's always up to no good. "I haven't even done anything yet! But since you're asking, I'm thinking of rescheduling our flights to come home a week later? Do you think you can you get her out of work for the next week, ya know seeing as her boss is your brother? I promise it's not for no reason, nonna and I were talking about her coming to stay with us for a little but she's got to do some things here before leaving right? So—" I cut her off, "Sare, breathe. You know Hunter won't mind, especially if I tell him this is Nonnas idea. We'd do anything for her you know that. I'll let him know when he gets home, but hey, let Soph know that we have a huge surprise waiting at home for when you all get back okay? I gotta go now, but I'll talk with you later." "I hate you! You know I love surprises what is it??" She basically screams. "Can't say" I tell her. "Whatever I'll find out I know it, but thanks again Nick, bye!!" She says and hangs up. Never in a million years will she ever guess that the surprise is Noah.

Walking back into the living room I see the cutest and most hilarious sight ever. Big bad Alex, drinking from a tiny pink teacup wearing a crown, and Noah wearing a tiara pouring him more tea. I pull out my phone and take a video and some pictures. I walk further into the room, and Noah sets down his teacup and climbs onto Alex's lap hugging him, and much to my surprise, Alexander actually hugs him back with a huge smile on his face. He notices me first and immediately scowls taking off the crown when he sees my smirk and phone out. Before he can say anything, noah turns his head and then wiggles off of him coming over to hug me. "N-nicky! L-lex h-hav-ing t-tea with n-no-ah!" He says excitedly. "I see, it looks like you two are having soooo much fun!" He nods and starts talking about it being yummier than the green drink he tried earlier, while Alex gets up grumbling about going to do his homework. Before he can leave the room, Noah goes over and gives him another hug telling him he had so much fun. I'm trying not to laugh because Alexanders face is so awkward right now as he pats Noah's head and squirms out of the hug practically running to his room. I turn to Noah, "so how about we get cleaning now?" He nods and we go to the closet to get the cleaning supplies.

Lol Nicholas was going to have a work call, but I decided to give him a girlfriend instead 😂 in a few chapters the boys will be back at school and so I'll make another character page to introduce their friends, at least the important ones that'll be around them often. Also I'd like to say that I reread my description for this book and it sounds a lot more ominous than it did when I first wrote that LOL just like to let you all know there will not be anything like too dark or disturbing happening, I'm honestly going for a more feel good kind of book, with the few bumps along the way, so yeah, my bad for making it sound like something terrifying would happens Anyways, next chapter I guess will have Atlas and Sebastian, and Hunter and Reid since I didn't get to it this chapter lol, hope you all enjoyed this one with some Noah and Lex bonding 🥰 also decided to have Noah bond with Spencer separately another time, maybe Spencer will babysit him or take him to the movies or something idk

May xx

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