Chapter 41

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Reid's POV:

I was eating dinner slowly, and only took a little bit to eat. My stomach was turning and before I could nibble on another piece, I felt it coming. I stood up really fast, too fast, getting dizzy and seeing black spots for a minute, but that didn't stop me from rushing out of the room. I did not want to be throwing up in front of everyone, not to mention especially while they were all still eating. In my panic to get to the bathroom or even to a garbage bin before throwing up, I didn't even hear someone coming after me. It wasn't until I was bent over the toilet, and felt hands rubbing my back and brushing my hair back out of my face. The hands caused me to flinch at first, but I knew immediately after it was Hunter. He waited until I was done, handing me a cup of water and tissues. Tears streaming down my cheeks, he slowly helps me up to wash my mouth out, still feeling shaky after being sick. He guides me to his room, on the way we hear everyone, sounding louder than before, but I feel too icky to even think about what's going on, but I hope Nonnas not upset that I ruined her welcome home dinner.

"Come lay down for a bit, no one will mind if we stay here for a little. They all know you aren't feeling the best, they'll understand." Hunter tells me, and I listen, cuddling into him, but still feeling bad that I left everyone. "I was feeling better, I promise I was, and I—" I'm cut off a a commotion downstairs. Looking at Hunter, he gets up saying he'll be right back, when he opens his door, Aaron is already standing there. "Mind if I stay in here while you go deal with that?" He says pointing to Atlas carrying Noah into his room. He nods and Aaron comes in and kneels beside the bed. "Hey" he says running his hand through my hair softly. "Hi" I whisper back, sliding over and lifting my blanket up for him to get in. As soon as he gets comfy, Bellamy knocks and joins us in the room. He asks how I'm feeling and I can feel my cheeks burning. "M'not feeling the best." I say and he nods sitting on the bed on the other side of me. Still facing each other, Aaron let's me cuddle closer to him, and Bellamy runs his hand through my hair, making me feel sleepy. The last thing I remember before falling asleep, is hearing Spencer run down the hallway.

*okay we're skipping to an hour after Noah's  PTSD meltdown he's about to wake up*

Noah's POV:

Blinking slowly, I open my eyes to see I'm laying with Atty. I don't remember going to sleep, but then I remember Nicky. He thinks I'm a bad boy now like daddy. I didn't mean to be a bad boy, I just wanted to be with Nicky, but he wouldn't listen to me anymore, he only wanted to listen to her, he wouldn't even look at me! My eyes water and I try to think of all the things I can do to make Nicky forgive me "A-atty" I say shaking him to look at me. "Hey you're awake, what's with the tears bud?" He says. "N-nicky n-no l-like No-ah, be b-bad b-boy." I tell him. "Look at me, Nicky loves you, and he didn't mean to scare you. You weren't being a bad boy, I promise. You didn't like Sophie though right? Can you tell me why you don't like her?" He says and I shake my head. I was a bad boy, and bad boys don't get love they get punished. What if Nicky punishes me like daddy? "B-be g-good b-b-boy now, pro-mise. N-noah l-list-en, l-like s-so-phie." I tell him, Nicky wants me to like Sophie, and I have to listen to him, then he won't be angry anymore. Atty nods and asks if I want to go find Hunter, I nod and we go to Hunters room, but he's not here, but I see the boy named Bell on his bed! I'll have to tell Hunter, in case he doesn't know. Reid is there too with his friend, he's getting cuddles, I wish I could have cuddles too, but bad boys don't get to have cuddles. "Come on, I think I hear Hunter downstairs." Atty says and I nod following him, I wonder where everyone went.

We find Hunter with Nicky and Sophie, and I get scared. I walk over to Hunter wanting to be close to him; but Nicky calls my name, and I freeze. I hold onto Oli tightly, and go to Nicky quickly, kneeling in front of him and looking down, just like daddy tells me to. I close my eyes waiting for Nicky to punish me. Or maybe Sophie will be punishing me? I open my eyes fast, I should've kneeled in front of her too, she's sitting beside Nicky, so I slide over a little so they can both do it. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump. "Noah buddy, can you stand up, you don't need to kneel like that, Nicky just wants to talk." Hunter says, and I try not to cry. Daddy always said he wanted to talk, but it was never talking, only yelling. I look at Nicky and ask him if I can stand, but he looks angry now, so I look back down. Was Hunter tricking me like mommy? "Hey, Noah come here it's okay, I promise I won't let anything happen to you, come sit with me okay?" Atty says and Hunter whispers to Nicky, he looks even more angry. "Noah, go sit with Atlas." Nicky says and I nod getting up fast, trying to hurry. "Soph, can you maybe give us a few minutes?" Atty says, and she gets up and leaves. "Atlas—" Nicky says but Hunter looks at Nicky and he stops. "Not the time." Hunter tells him and he nods. What time is it? "Noah, I didn't mean to scare you. You're not a bad boy, I wasn't very nice earlier, I'm sorry." Nicky says and I nod, trying to remember daddy's rules. "G-good b-boy, N-no-ah l-like So-phie." I tell him, looking down at the table. "He's not angry at you Noah, right Nick?" Atty says and Nicky says he's not angry, but he looks angry. I nod, and Atty tells me we're going to the living room now, I look at a Nicky for permission, and he nods.

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