Chapter 57

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Alexander's POV:

I hold Noah until I know he's asleep. What the fuck was that about? I never took him to the basement because Hunter didn't want Noah to see me fighting or punching things, but maybe he did see it? Maybe he snuck down and thought I was going to hit him or something? He wouldn't have fallen asleep on me if he thought that though. "They kept him in the basement." Hunter says quietly and I almost stop breathing. "How long?" I ask. "Not at first, since we know he had gone to school at some point, but when he stopped going, we think it was the whole time after that . The doctors, they're still trying to get the whole picture from him, but he only gives bits and pieces. But they kept him down there, that's why while the police had been keeping tabs on them, they didn't even know there a child inside the house." Hunter said rubbing his eyes. Is that why he's so amazed with windows and outside? Because he never got to see it? "Alex. Listen, I know it's not easy to hear, but I need you to remember that he's not there anymore, he's here with us, and we're doing everything we can to help him." Hunter says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nod slightly, still holding him. I don't really know what to do with him though... "Here, I'll take him and lay him on the couch in my office while I get some things done. Could you let me know when Lily gets here for her session with Reid?" Hunter says and I hand Noah over to him. He fusses a bit, before settling again. "I'm gonna go back to sleep too, and no it's not because I'm grumpy." I say leaving the two of them behind, Lily can ring the doorbell, she doesn't need to be announced. I feel like my brain can't process what Hunter just told me about Noah, but I also can't stop thinking about what else they did to him. I can't workout right now, but I need to do something before I lose my shit, maybe I'll just use those stupid stress balls that Atlas keeps giving me.

Before I can safely get to my room, I hear the devil. "Gooooood morning!" It says cheerfully. "Aw c'mon don't give me that look!" Sarah says and I can see it in her eyes, she wants something, but I don't know what yet. How could one person be so happy in the morning? "Do you need any help changing bandages? Or do you—" she says and I cut her off because she's talking too much and too fast for me right now. The drowsiness from the medicine I took is kicking in and all I want to do is sleep. "Please stop. I'll do whatever you want later if you just let me go back to sleep right now." I say, causing her to frown. I frown back because now I feel like an asshole, I didn't even ask her what she wanted. "I was just going to ask if you wanted some company, you're all off from school today, and thanks to all of you, so am I, but you're too sore to be working out like you normally would, and everyone's kinda keeping to themselves." She says with a small smile. Yup, asshole. "If you're not doing anything else then sure, but I'm probably just going to sleep." I tell her and she nods, opening my door and making herself at home, sitting in my desk chair and spinning around in it.

Atlas POV:

All the air is knocked out of me when someone jumps on my back. Hearing her laugh I groan, and topple her off. "Seriously? All the boys are bruised and now you want me to bruise too?" I say to her. She scoffs telling me she wouldn't bruise me. "Yeah tell that to my back, I can literally feel a bruise forming." I say. "Where did you even go? I felt you leave bed a while ago." I ask her. "I got up, showered, folded some laundry and saw Noah. He wasn't feeling very happy and I think he was over tired, but he wanted Hunter so I brought him there. I tried to get him to come here or to make breakfast, but he was not having it at all." She says as if that's nothing. " folded laundry? At this time in the morning?" I ask her. "Of course I did, I had the time, there was only the sheets from last night and some of the boys clothes. They're in stacks on top the machine ready to be put away." She says. "I had the time too but since no one was going to school, I didn't have to wake up early to take Sebastian or get ready for work myself." I say but she just rolls her eyes. "Fine you can go back to sleep for a little longer, I'll just sit here, patiently waiting." She says and I hold back a laugh. She's patient, but for long.

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