Hunters POV:
"What's so funny?" I ask Noah, fully knowing that it's because they got inside before Nick. "N-nothing! Come feed garden p-please!" He says grabbing my hand and taking me through the house and out to the garden. He's talking a mile a minute, something about fairies and Spencer and the poor vegetables. "Buddy, slow down a minute, you're talking too fast." I say and he dramatically sighs, before starting over. "Need to t-take care ve-ge-ta-ble, and say no stomp on f-fairies!" He finishes and I nod. He's very serious about these fairies. "I'll make sure he doesn't stomp on the fairies or the vegetables. Now why don't we get them some water now?" I say handing him his little watering can. Bellamy, Atlas and Nick join us a few minutes later. "Noah says you were making fun of him." I say to Nick, and the smile on his face is wiped off. "What! I wasn't—I was just kidding with him, but he was talking about fairies in the garden, like come on, that's pretty funny isn't it?" He says. "Wow you're such an asshole to make fun of him like that." Atlas says shaking his head at him. "Yeah especially because he's telling the fairies about you right now, so you've essentially pissed off Tinkerbell." Bellamy says pointing to Noah, who is indeed talking to the garden.
"Where Reid?" Noah asks suddenly standing behind us. "Oh, um I think he's in the music room with Aaron and Archer. Or maybe the library." I say, and he runs off. "Don't forget to wash your hands!" I call out after him. He turns around and makes a heart with his hands before rushing inside. "How was he in the car? Sebastian is adamant that we shouldn't have told him yet and that Noah wasn't ready. The rest of them, I think they're more upset at not having been there when we told him." I ask. "He wants me to arrest them, so they never take him away again." Bellamy says and I wince. "Other than that he was fine though, had a few questions about mom and dad, I think he thought we could keep them in our garden with the fairies." Nick says, before bursting into laughter. I roll my eyes at him, and finish watering the garden.
Noah's POV:
Gotta find Reid! I have so much to tell him. "Hunter kept saying we didn't have time to go see them." I hear Reid say, he sounds sad. Rushing in, I go straight to Reid to give him the biggest hugs ever! "Aw no hug for me?" Aaron asks but I shake my head and move his arms from around Reid. This hug isn't for him. "N-no for you. For Reid. F-from mommy and daddy!" I tell him. "N-noah say hi for you. S-say Reid m-miss so much, come see n-next time." I explain. "You told them I said hi?" Reid asks me and I nod. "No forget you." I say, and he hugs me a little bit tighter. "Can tell me m-more bout mommy a-and daddy?" I ask, he always has super nice things to say about them.
"M-mommy's garden?" I ask him, he told me and Archie so many new things, but the best part is that my garden is her garden! "Yeah, it was hers. She would be gardening while we swam in the pool sometimes. The pool used to be outdoors, but Sebastian didn't like the leaves or bugs falling in, so we made it indoor and connecting to the house. I liked it better too because I didn't like the bugs either." He tells me. Bugs in the pool? Yuck, I don't think I would like that either. "Making it indoor also made it all season! When it was outdoor, no one could swim in the fall or winter." Aaron says. I know why! I learned it in school. "W-water cold! Turn ice!" I say. "Exactly! It would freeze in the winter, but now we can swim anytime, and Atlas begged Hunter to add the hot tub so he could relax after doing laps, but he never uses it anymore, he doesn't swim as often as he did before." Aaron explains. He's right, I never see Atty go swimming. Maybe he forgot how to? Or maybe he forgot where the pool is, it would be easy for him to not see it because he wears glasses. I'll take him later to remind him, just in case.
"It's pretty quiet in here considering two of you have a spring concert coming up." Atty says. He found us! What's a spring concert? "We already know the song though!" Aaron says. "Yes but practice makes perfect, and you two haven't played it on piano for a little while. Also, look who I found!" Atty says, holding up Oli. Wait, Oli? "Atty why wake O-Oli?" I ask. He's supposed to be sleeping. "Wake him? He wasn't sleeping, he was looking for you." He tells me but I shake my head. "Oli s-sleep in day. No look f-for Noah now. Sleep day, w-wake night, keep watch, k-keep safe." I explain. Oli always watches over me when I sleep. Atty looks at Reid and Aaron, and I make angry faces at all of them, they're talking with their eyes and I can't read their mind! Hunter and Nicky do this allllll the time too! "Noah, you—you're safe here, we all are." Reid tells me, but I already know that. "Yes, c-cause Oli keep safe." I say.
"But you know, Oli can sleep at night at now, he doesn't have to stay up anymore, you have Hunter, and Nick, me, all of us to keep you safe." Atty says, but I sigh getting up to take Oli from him. "N-no thank you. Everyone can keep Noah safe, a-and Oli stay wake to keep everyone safe." I say, leaving to go out Oli back to bed, he's grumpy now because Atty should've left him asleep. "Did he just sigh at me?" Atty says as I leave. I hear Archie following me and point to my bedroom door when we reach. "This N-noah room. Say N O A H on door, and paint p-purple." I tell him, he can't read yet, but I'll teach him like my teacher teaches me. He's a silly puppy, he walks into my door and bumps his little head because it's not open yet.
"Night night Oli." I say tucking him in just like Hunter does to me. I give him a little forehead kissy and turn on my night light for him. "C'mon A-Archie!" I call to him, but he keeps trying to hop onto my bed with Oli! "N-no Archie! No 'llowed when Oli s-sleeping. No wake Oli." I tell but he barks, loud! "Archie! No be l-loud! Come p-please." I say again, and he finalllly listens and runs out my door.
Alexander's POV:
Just as I'm passing Noah's room, Archer darts out and past me, Noah turns to follow him but jumps noticing me there. "Lex! S-scare me Lex!" He gasps, before narrowing his eyes at me. "Lex go s-swim?" He asks, or more like accuses me with his hands on his hips. "No?" I answer because why the fuck does he think I went swimming, I don't even smell like chlorine or anything. "Where g-go now?" He asks me, following right behind me as I continue walking to the kitchen. "Kitchen." I answer, walking faster. "Lex? Lex why f-fast? Slower! W-wait for Noah! Hunter say n-no play tag inside!" He calls out, as I pick up my pace again, I've got longer legs, he can't catch me. "No tag? Well that's too bad because I got you." Bellamy says grabbing Noah and tossing him onto the couch. I nod at Bellamy, to thank him, and go into the kitchen, and immediately turn back around to leave seeing Hunter.
"Wait wait wait." He says and I pause. "Can we talk?" He asks and I sigh, turning to go sit at the table. "I'm not mad if that's what you want to talk about." I say, rolling my eyes. "I'm still sorry, even if you aren't mad." He says. "But even if you're not mad about today, I'm sure you've got a lot of thoughts of everything you've all learned recently. We haven't really talked much about anything, we briefly touched on the fight, then there's Sophie, the custody thing, the people who took Noah..." he says listing off everything as if it's not always on my mind. "I don't need to talk about any of it, it all happened, we found out, I got mad, and I'm done being mad now, what I want to know is when the fuck I'm gonna stop being grounded because I'd like to train with Ben for the football camp." I say, annoyed that I haven't been able to train with him like normal. "L-Lex say no no word! Can t-train with Noah, like trains!" Noah says hopping into the kitchen. "Train like workout and prepare for camp, not train like Thomas you silly bunny." Hunter says as Noah hops into his arms for a hug.
"Actually, I do need him to help me, Seb said he could help me with my agility, apparently, he thinks I'm "off my game."." I scoff, because my game is so fucking on. Noah skips over to me saying he'll help me. "He's right, you're a bit slower than usual." Nick says and I roll my eyes. "Asshole." I mutter, blocking Noah's ears. "Aw I'm so heartbroken, I bet you never called Seb an asshole when he said your agility needed work." Nick says, and I give him the finger. "Jokes on you because I did call him one." I say, leaving out the part where I didn't say it to his face, he doesn't need to know that. "Hunter! Gonna h-help Lex! Call Benny please?" Noah says and I silently thank him because I'm pretty sure Hunter was gonna say no about Ben. "I'll talk to his mom. You guys go get started outside." He sighs. Noah cheers, and quickly pulls at my arm to go. "Someone get Seb to come out!" I call back.
Lmao sorry I'm ending it here cause next chapter we're finally gonna see Ben again, and more Noah and Alex, and maybe the return of Liam too cause he's been gone for a while . Anyways has anyone decorated for Christmas yet? Im in the process, but it's a slow process this year, I feel like I'm behind 🥲
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...