Noah's POV:
I don't know why Lex is laughing, he lost his giraffe, he should be sad. I would be sad if I lost Oli. "Okay it's time to go back up now, we can come down another time okay?" Atty says and I frown. Doesn't he want to help Alex find his giraffe? He could be anywhere! "L-Lex up now, f-find giraffe later k-kay?" I tell him. Atty gives me a piggyback ride all the way back up the stairs, and we find Hunter waiting for us! He can help find Lex's giraffe, he can find everything! "H-Hunter! Hunter! C-can help find L-lex giraffe? L-lose him!" I tell him, but he just opens and closes his mouth. Why is he making fishy faces? "Alex—" Hunter says but Lex runs away!
"Atlas—" Hunter says but Atty swings me into Hunters arms and he runs away too! I wiggle in Hunter arms, I want to run too, where are they going! They're going to find the giraffe and play without me! "And where are you trying to go mister? Don't you want to stay with me and give lots and lots of cuddles?" Hunter says and I gasp. I can do that, I can give him so many cuddles! "N-noah give cuddles a-and kissies!" I say and give him three big kissies, one on his cheek, his other cheek and then his nose. "W-want kissies t-too please." I tell him and he gives me so many, and when he stops I feel his cheeks and his chin. "M-make go way." I tell him, sometimes it it tickles me but sometimes it's scratchy. "You want me to shave?" He laughs and I nod. If that makes the scratchy go away, I want him to do it. "Wow I know it's only been a few days, but fine let's go, you can watch me shave." He says and I nod, holding on tight to him.
"So did Alex bring you to see his gym?" Hunter asks. We go in his bathroom and he lets me sit on the counter by his sink. I'm so high up, and I can see myself in the mirror! I wave in the mirror and make silly faces. "Hmmm silly faces? Does that mean yes Alex brought you down to to his gym?" Hunter says making silly faces too. I nod and laugh, telling him yes. "Noah s-scared. B-but Lex and A-atty 'tect N-noah! P-play with Lex a-and lose giraffe!" I tell him. "Oli isn't lost, he's right there, you're holding him." Hunter tells me but I shake my head. "N-no Oli! L-lex giraffe l-lost! B-big square e-empty, n-no giraffe!" I tell him. Maybe he didn't know that Lex had a giraffe in his gym. I hope it wasn't a secret. He's making fishy faces again. Does Lex have a big fish and not a giraffe? Was he hiding a whale in there?Or maybe Hunter wants to be a fish? I don't like this guessing game, it's too hard.
"Uh yeah okay, well you know what? Tomorrow we're all going to see giraffes." Hunter says and I cheer! I can't wait to see the giraffes with everyone. Hunter puts bubbles on his face and I watch him use a little stick to wipe it off. "How does it feel now?" He asks pulling my hands to his cheeks. It's so soft! I lean up and rub my cheek on his. "S-soft. Like i-it." I tell him holding onto to him so he stays close. "Yeah? Let's go see if Liam likes it." He says and I nod. I hope Li-li likes it too. We get to Hunters room and Li-li and Reid is here. I wiggle in Hunters arm and he puts me down, but I hold his hand to bring him to them. "Soft!" I tell them pointing to Hunters face. "Y-you shaved?" Reid says quietly and I nod. "M-make soft! N-no scratchy. F-feel." I say and he runs his fingers on Hunters cheeks. I run my finger on Reid's cheeks, and it's softer than Hunters!
Hunters POV:
"Is his cheeks softer than mine?" I ask Noah who is basically petting Reid's cheeks now. He nods, and continues to trail his fingers along Reid's face. I almost stop breathing when Liam lightly trails his own finger against my cheek and down my neck. "Hmm, I don't know Noah, Hunters cheeks are reallllly soft right now, I think his might be the softest ever. Even softer than chicky nuggy" He says. Noah laughs and calls him silly. "Chicky nuggy h-have soft h-hair. H-Hunter have s-soft ch-cheek." He tells us. "You're right, Liam is just being silly right?" I say and he nods, mumbling to Reid that Liam is so silly because chicky nuggy is a cat, and that I am a boy.
"So we're going to do something tomorrow, I think you'll like it, and Li, you can come too if you're not going into the school." I say, I'm betting Reid will be the easiest one to tell, so starting with him was a good choice. "S-see giraffes!" Noah says excitedly. A small smile appears on Reid's face when he asks if we're going to the zoo. I nod, but the smile slowly falls. "M-maybe we could go another day?" He asks. "Or maybe you'll love it tomorrow?" I say. "You can stay right beside me the whole day if you want, I promise I won't leave you." I continue and he nods. Noah babbles on about animals while Reid listens intently, and I turn back to Liam. "So do you want to go to the zoo?" I ask him. "Depends, you asking me on a date?" He asks quietly with his signature smirk. "On second thought, don't answer that. Because it is a date, and I'm taking you." He continues and I laugh. "Do I even get a say?" I ask shaking my head at him. "Nope." He says with a cheesy grin. "I'm gonna court the hell out of you. Just wait and see." He says and I feel myself flush at the thought of actually going on dates with him, not just family outings like tomorrow, but real dates, just him and I. It's not something we had ever been able to do, he moved away long before we could continue to explore our feelings. "Calm down Mr Bridgerton." I say rolling my eyes at how he worded it. "H-Hunter why red! Cheek r-red!" Noah exclaims causing Reid to look up at me questioningly. "I'm just feeling a little hot, I'm going to tell everyone else about the zoo okay, you two stay here." I say leaving my room, Liam following after me. Noah has absolutely no filter and I love and hate it.
The rest of the boys hate the idea of going to the zoo, so I stick Alex and Spencer with the "it's part of your punishment", and Sebastian with the "you can teach Noah all about every and any animal we see" to get them all to agree. Atlas volunteers Sarah to come, even though I knew she'd be coming anyways. She dramatically tells Atlas he can't tell her what to do, and looks at me to tell him she's right, but I tell them I'm not getting in the middle of whatever that is. Nick just agrees and starts making a list of things he could bring that would help the boys forgive him, like they're favorite snacks. I do feel kind of bad with how they're treating him, but at the same time I don't. I start making my own list of things we need to bring, and start packing backpacks for everyone. I have a feeling that as much as they say they hate it or don't want to be there, we're going to end up staying the whole day.
Short chapter but lmfao guys I'm so sorry for taking so long this was originally part of the zoo chapters but since it's taking me a million years to write them, I decided to give you guys this little blurb 😂. I'm trying really hard to finish the zoo chapters by weekend! I was honestly just super busy for the last month, but I'm good now and will actually have time to write lol. Anyways guys I'm super sad I got waitlisted for Taylor Swift tickets so pray for me that I somehow get tickets still please.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...