Chapter 56

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Noah's POV(it's short cause at the end he'll have a longer one lol:

My eyes open, I try to close them again. I'm still sleepy and I want my eyes to sleep again! "What's got my little guy so upset?" I hear Sarah say. "Eyes n-no work!" I tell her as I start to cry. I don't want to be a bad boy, but my eyes don't want to listen! "What did your eyes do that are not working?" She asks me. "N-no sleep no m-more." I tell her as she lays down beside me. She opens her arms for a hug, I give her one, a big one. "That's okay if your eyes don't want to sleep anymore, wanna know why? Because I need your help. You and me, we're going to wake Atlas and then he's going to help us cook breakfast for everyone." She says. "B-but no hung-ry! N-no want b-break-fast!" I say. She rubs my back and doesn't say anything, good I hope she decides not to wake Atty, he's sleepy and his noodle arms to need to rest.

"If you're not sleepy, and you're not hungry, how are you feeling right now?" She says. I don't feel happy. And I am sleepy, my eyes aren't sleepy, shes not listening to me! I want Hunter, he'll tell my eyes to be sleepy and then I'll feel happy. "W-want Hunter please." I ask her. "How about we go find Hunter first, and then we go wake Atlas okay?" She says and I think about it. I don't want to wake Atty, but I want Hunter. I nod and follow her to Hunters room, holding her hand so she doesn't leave me by myself. It was always a trick when daddy said we'd go find mommy, he would take me to the locked door and put me inside until mommy found me. But Hunters door is never locked so I don't have to worry. She knocks and opens the door a little, I peek in too, so that Hunter can see me.

Hunters POV:

I've been awake for over an hour now, and I can hear someone walking in the hallway every so often, I'm sure it's either Sarah or Nonna, since they're both early birds. I've coordinated with Lily to have a session with Reid today, even if he doesn't talk with her, she'll be able to give me an idea on how to help him, and maybe on how to help the others too. Even though she's Reid's therapist, she's also been a friend to me and someone I could count on for advice. Reid woke up every hour throughout the night, but even while he was asleep, it looked like he wasn't actually getting any, same as yesterday when he got home.

My thoughts are broken when someone knocks on my door. Sarah pops her head in, and surprisingly so does Noah. After the nightmare he had, I expected him to sleep later than this. Sarah's face reads guilty and apologetic, whereas Noah looks, almost angry? I nod at them to come in, and Sarah tells Noah that Reid is still sleeping, so they have to be quiet. If he didn't look angry before, he definitely looks angry now.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" I ask him. He's getting better at telling me what he wants, but sometimes I have to ask him a bunch of questions to figure out what's going on. "Want s-sleep. N-no eat. No w-wake Atty. Eyes n-no sleep!" He says crossing him arms pouting. "You want to try to sleeping here with Reid and I?" I ask him, but he shakes his head. "Do you want to try sleeping with someone else?" I ask but he shakes his head again. I sigh, knowing that this is one those times where I'll need to ask a lot of questions. "Are you feeling sleepy?" I ask, getting to the point, if he says no, that's one thing crossed off the list. He thankfully nods at this question. Sarah mouths to me that she'll be back, probably going to get Atlas.

"Did Sarah ask if you wanted breakfast?" I ask and he nods. Reid shifts causing both Noah and I to look at him. Usually he smiles seeing Reid but today he's frowning at him. "W-wake Reid now?" He asks, but this time I shake my head. "Reid needs to sleep a little longer, but you can lay with him if you'd like." I say, offering again. "N-no, thank y-you!" He says upset with a shaky voice. He plops down on the floor beside the bed, tears streaming down his face. I sigh holding my hand out for him, he reaches up and holds my fingers, continuing to cry silently on the floor. I'll let him cry it out for a bit, and he'll hopefully be in a better mood or decide to come lay on the bed.

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