Hunters POV:
Noah goes with Nick in the police car with Bellamy to drive home, and everyone else goes with me, including the puppies. Archer is still full of energy, and trying to nibble on anything he can get his mouth close to, while Madds peacefully rests on Spencer's lap, looking up at Archer every so often. Clearing my throat, I decide I should probably get this over with now, so if they get angry, they can yell at me now rather than around Noah. "So, I know we told you all that we were taking Noah to a doctors appointment, but we actually did something different... we told him about mom and dad, explained the whole those people aren't your mommy and daddy thing." I say, and they're all silent, but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
"He, he had questions obviously. We watched some home videos, and it's sorta funny but every time any of us spoke about "baby Noah" he didn't know he was baby Noah." I say with an awkward laugh, since they don't seem to find this funny at all. I glance at Atlas real quick I shake my head at him because I just know he's about to tell them that we took him to see them too. "We took him to see them too!" He says quickly and that's when the boys finally give a reaction.
"What!" Alex coughs, almost choking on his water
"Without us?!" -Sebastian asks accusingly.
"You went to see mommy and daddy?" -Reid asks clearly upset.
"What the fuck do you mean? You just took him to a fucking cemetery for a fun day out?" -Spencer asks as if he's just heard the most ridiculous thing ever.
"Oh my god." Aaron says shocked.
Archer and Maddox joined in the commotion barking as well."Okay first of all, I'm sorry, I know you all wanted to be around when we told him, but we didn't want to overwhelm him. Second of all, he was really happy, he was excited to learn that he has the same mommy and daddy and you guys, because they're always so nice and happy in the videos he's seen. When we got there, he talked them forever, about everything, and I know that if we all went, it might not have been as happy a visit. It's just a bit more emotional when we all go, and we wanted Noah to have his own opinions and emotions, not copy what you guys do." I explain, not giving them a chance to talk until I finished.
"You could've still told us." Sebastian mutters for everyone, but they all seem to drop it, all in their own heads after that. "I'm going to the basement." Alex says as soon as we get in the house. Spencer quickly follows, keeping Madds with him. "M'gonna take you meet mommy and daddy one day too." Reid mumbles to Archer, going into the living room with Aaron. Sebastian stays behind with Atlas and I. "You know what? I'll wait outside for Noah." Atlas says going back outside quickly. "I'm sorry." I apologize again to Sebastian. "He wasn't ready. He's happy now but he's going to crash. Make him sleep with you tonight." He tells me, and heads upstairs, just as I hear the front door open and shut quickly, and Noah bursting into a fit of giggles.
Noah's POV:
Bell makes his police car light up and make noise! Hunter was right, it is loud. "So you ready to head home?" Nicky asks me and I nod. "Bell?" I call out to him. "Can 'rest bad m-mommy and b-bad daddy? So no f-find Noah p-please?" I ask him. If he arrests bad mommy and bad daddy, they won't ever come back and find me. "N-no take way 'gain." I explain. "I'll see what I can do okay? Do you think we should water our garden when we get home? Have you been taking care of our vegetables?" Bell asks me and I gasp.(I can't remember if they ever actually planted the vegetable garden so we're gonna just pretend that they did lol)
I haven't taken care of them! I hope they're okay. "Don't worry, Reid takes very good care of the garden, and so do I, and Hunter too. Sometimes even Alex and Spence, not Seb though, he only watches." Nicky tells me, and I make angry eyes. "Spencer n-no 'llowed! S-say stomp stomp stomp a-all over vetables!!" I tell him. He's big a strong, maybe he'll make sure Spencer doesn't hurt our garden. "It's vegetables buddy, and we'll make sure he doesn't stomp on them." Nicky says.
"Why mommy a-and daddy no live in gar-den?" I ask. Hunter told me(I have the memory of a goldfish, was Hunter the one who told him that they couldn't leave the cemetery LOL?)that they had to stay with all the other rocks, but we can get rocks too? "Because they are not vegetables, they're people, and people don't live in gardens." Bell tells me, but he's wrong, should I tell him? Bad daddy says never correct a grown up, and Bell is like a hundred years old so he's definitely a grown up.
"F-fairies live garden." I decide to tell him quietly, maybe he doesn't know that's where they live. Or maybe he's never seen one! "Fairies? In our garden? Are you sure? I've never seen any, do you think they're hiding?" Nicky asks and I nod. "Hide f-from Spencer! No want to get s-stomped on!" I say and they both laugh. "S'not funny!" I tell them, but they keep laughing, I'm gonna tell Hunter on them because this is very serious, the fairies could get hurt.
"H-home! Nicky look! Home now!" I say pointing at our house when I see it. "Yeah goofball, we said we were going home, where did you think we would end up?" Nicky says helping me out of the car. I think he's making fun of me, that's not very nice at all! I run away alllll the way to Atty, he's waiting for me at the door. "Hey wait for me! Let's leave Nicky out here!" Bell says running with me. We get inside quick and close the door before Nicky can get in. Bell high fives me and I laugh when we hear Nicky knocking.
Shorter chapter cause I wasn't sure what else to add yet lol but I am sloooowly working on this book I'm sort of stuck but not really lol like I know what I want to write, I just need to make my ideas an actual chapter and not jot notes lol anyways I'll be updating our big brother in the next few days if anyone wants to check the spin off/prequel out (if you haven't already lol)
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...