Chapter 19

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Hunters POV:

Once we're all done, I lift him out of the tub, grabbing his purple princess towel (tangled/rapunzel) wrapping it around him, and grabbing my own towel as well. We dry off and I grab his pjs and a pull up. Helping his get dressed, I text Reid asking him to come get Noah and to set the table, while I get dressed myself. Reid comes in wearing moms apron, I look at him with narrow eyes, he only wears that when he's baking, so now I'd like to know what he apparently made for dessert. Noah noticed Reid and runs right into his legs hugging him again just like earlier.

Noah's POV:

Hunter and me finished in the bath, it wasn't bad or scary at all! I had so much fun with ducky, we went on an adventure in a boat! I smell so good now too! Hunter says it's strawberry scented, yummy! He helps me get dressed in my new clothes, pjs he calls it, it has lots and lots of trains on it. I turn around and see Reid, when did he get here? I go over quickly and give him a hug. Maybe I should ask Hunter if I can sleep with Reid tonight he gives lots and lots of cuddles and kept me warm when we took a nap today. Reid says we're going to set the table while Hunter gets dressed and then we're going to eat the yummy food we cooked and that he made a surprise! I wonder what it is!

Spencer's POV:

Walking into the kitchen, I see s'mores chocolate chip cookies. I bet Reid made them, this was moms recipe and Reid was the only one who was able to perfect the recipe, not even Hunter can make them as good as she did, and he'd baked with her years before we were even born! Taking 2, I shove one into my mouth and moan at how good it tastes. "SPENCER! Don't you dare eat another cookie!!! They're for dessert and Noah was suppose to have the first one!! He's never eaten them before!" Reid angrily stomps into the kitchen with Noah trailing behind him, wide eyed, looking a little stunned at Reid, probably never seeing him angry. Reid gets very defensive about the desserts he makes, his food in general too, but he knows this is my favorite, he won't stay mad long.

A tiny force runs into my leg startling me. I see Noah and he beckons me closer to him, he tells me to say sorry to Reid so he won't be sad anymore, I sigh not needing to actually apologize, but going to do anyways just to make Noah stop worrying. Before I can though, Alex walks in taking the second cookie from my hand, eating it and running out of the kitchen. Reid sees the second cookie missing and is set off again. "Spencer seriously!! I just asked you not to eat anymore!" He says angry all over again. "It wasn't even me!" I try to tell him, but he just says "there's no one else here and Noah can't reach the counter, you have crumbs on your fingers and" he counts the cookies, "two are missing, not just the one you ate when we got here!" He's literally turning red, I didn't even eat it though so??? Rolling my eyes, before I can say anything Hunter walks in with Nick, Atlas and Sebastian. I snort looking at Atlas and he shoots me a dirty look.

Nicholas POV:

Walking into the kitchen we see an angry Reid, and a totally calm Spencer, and Noah looking worried and back and forth between them. Before either of them can say anything I cut them off. "Woah what's going on with you two? Reid whatever it is chill out for a second, you're working yourself up and your gonna give yourself a nosebleed. And Spence, don't say another word, you're going to end up saying something you'll regret later." While I'm talking, Noah skips over and gives all of us hugs, staying near Hunter.

Reid, on the verge of angry tears, takes a breath and then tells me that Spencer ate 2 cookies, even though he specifically left a note saying these were for dinner and that Noah was suppose to have the first one since he'd never had these before. Spencer jumps in saying he only ate one cookie, and Reid points to the missing 2 cookies, not just one. Spencer claims Alex ate it, as he walks into the kitchen. Alex denies eating a cookie and claims he didn't even know Reid made any. The three of them arguing amongst each other, I rub my temples and look to Hunter and Atlas. Hunter now holding Noah, and Atlas looking anywhere but at me, I roll my eyes because I know they're silently telling me that I'm gonna be dealing with the three of them. Sebastian walks around them arguing, and starts setting the table, while Hunter sets Noah down at the table on his booster.

Walking up to them I take one look at Alex and another at Spencer. "Hey!" I get their attention. "Spencer apologize to Reid for eating the cookie even though he left a note that you ignored. Reid apologize to Spencer for accusing him of eating 2 cookies. Alex apologize to Reid for eating a cookie and lying about it, and to Spencer for trying to get him to take all the blame. End of story alright?" I say shutting them all up. They all grumble an apology, sulking at all of them having to have apologized to each other. Alex and Spencer go to sit at the table, and I swing my arm around Reid. "You okay now?" I ask as he dries his cheeks from the tears that fell. He nods and we go to sit at the table with everyone.

No one's POV:

Dinner was served, and they all ate the roasted chicken and mashed potatoes, the older boys complimenting Noah for "making dinner" causing Noah's cheeks to turn bright red, blushing from all the compliments. Both sets of twins were scarfing down the meal, and Noah was happily munching on the chicken that Hunter had cut up for him. Never having eaten mashed potatoes before, he picks some up with his hands and eats it, liking it he takes another small handful eating it. Alex looks up when he takes the second handful and snorts, coughing on his drink as he laughs, causing everyone to look at him. Coughing and laughing still, he just points to Noah. Noah being oblivious and still happily eating, doesn't notice Atlas taking a video of him eating the mashed potatoes with his fingers, and the rest of the boys smiling at him.

Hunter grabs a wet wipe and wipes Noah's hand, showing him that he's supposed to eat it with a spoon. Noah frowns but takes the spoon anyways. He has a little trouble holding it properly so Hunter helps him guide the spoon to his mouth, until Noah tells him he's full. He didn't eat much, but it was enough for now. Slowly he'd start eating more.

Once everyone was done dinner, Reid shot up out of his seat, bringing the cookies over. Handing one to Noah, he tells him how his this is a secret family recipe, and that one day he's gonna teach Noah how to make it. Noah nods excitedly and nibbles on the cookie. His eyes widen and he tells Reid how yummy it is. His smile slightly falters looking at the cookie, before Nick can ask what's wrong, Reid tells him he can eat it later since he's full now. Noah nods and Reid takes the cookie, putting it in a bowl.

Nick brings Noah upstairs to wash his hands from dinner, and helps him brush his teeth. They head back downstairs to the living room to see that Alex had brought up the rocking chair. Noah notices the new chair, and walks up to it, it rocks when he touches it and he jumps slightly looking at his brothers. Sebastian picks Noah up and settles him on the rocking chair, and rocks slowly, Reid grabs a blanket, throwing one onto him and wrapping himself in the other, plopping down on the chair beside. We all sit down and turn on the tv, watching whatever random cartoons that are on.

*30 minutes later*

Noahs eyes are starting to droop, and his thumb makes his way to his mouth. Hunter gets up, and mixes the milk with the formula the doctors had prescribed, warms it up and pours it into the bottle. He brings it out and holds it up to Noah's mouth. When Noah feels it, in his sleepy state, he wraps his lips around the bottle. Noah startles slightly tasting the warm vanilla flavoured milk for the first time, but relaxes into the rocking chair, continuing to drink it. Hunter only made 1/3 of a bottle, and when Noah finishes it he's fast asleep. The bottle paired with the rocking of the chair and the warm blanket helped him to fall asleep fast.

Hunter gently picks him up, taking him upstairs, Sebastian and Reid following closely. Hunter asks if Noah can sleep with Sebastian, tonight since he's already slept in the room. Sebastian agrees, and Reid grabs his blanket that he left in here earlier. Sebastian lays down with Noah telling Hunter that he'll just read for a bit and sleep early tonight. Hunter nods and says goodnight, closing the door with Reid following after him. Reid asks to sleep in Hunters room tonight, having a king bed he'd never deny any of his siblings to sleep in his room, and especially knowing Reid's been having sort of an off day, they go into hunters room and Reid gets settled with a book. Hunter asks if Reid wanted him to stay, but he says he'll be fine, and so Hunter then goes back downstairs reluctantly, thinking he should come back up soon to not leave Reid for long. Spencer and Alex have retreated up to their own rooms leaving the older siblings in the living room. They talk for an hour before heading off to bed themselves.

Yay long chapter AND a double update! Lmao Reid and Spencer love each other, but even twins fight with each other. In the coming chapters, I promise, Alexander will have a cute scene with Noah, either next chapter or the next next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

May xx

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