Chapter 5

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Hunters POV:

Of course Atlas was asleep not even a minute after Noah, I laugh to myself, he's never been one to stay awake during a flight, I'm surprised he stayed awake for the car rides. Once the plane takes flight, I start thinking of how and what I'm going to tell the rest of the boys about Noah. I'm not sure I want to tell them all the details, the younger boys at least. I know they'll want to know everything, and once I mention to not being too loud or make sudden movements, anything along those lines, they're going to be hounding me for details. All the details. Maybe I'll tell them everything with as little detail as possible, I just know it'll be hard for them to even hear that much. They've seen pictures of him, but the pictures don't show any of his injuries, I couldn't let them find out through photos, so we made sure to angle all of them. What I do need to do is some work, I've already taken 4 days off, and will most likely be working from home for the next few weeks, so I need to get ahead on things so I can focus on Noah.

About halfway through the flight, Noah starts to wiggle around trying to move, I'm guessing Atlas' arm is restraining him too much. I go over and whisper to him trying not to startle him. "Hey buddy, wake up for a minute, you're okay." He jumps a little and opens his eyes, looking around and then back at me he asks "h-home n-now?". "Not yet, we still have to fly a little longer." I say. His eyes widen and he starts looking around again, so I tell him to come look out the window with me. His little face lights up with excitement, this is happiest I've seen him except when he's snuggling with Atlas. Pointing out the window he says fly fly fly trying to get me to look too. I laugh as he yawns still trying to look at everything out the window, which isn't much since it's a clear sky. I bring him to sit with me so he can still see out the window, but as soon as he's all set he instantly falls back asleep. I work on some more things before shutting my laptop, throwing a paper airplane at Atlas who is still knocked out cold, startling him awake. He just looks at me and rolls his eyes about to throw it back at me, but I simply smirk at him and point to Noah. He huffs and crumples the plane tossing it in front of him, turning and going right back to sleep.

When the plane lands, as graceful as a newborn giraffe, Atlas wakes up, stretches and then trips the second he gets off the plane. I try not to laugh because I'm holding Noah, now thankful that he wasn't the one holding him. Once Noah meets the rest of the boys, I'm sure he'll figure out that Atlas is the clumsiest out of all of us.

Noah's POV:

"Atlas wake up! You've literally been asleep for 5 hours how are you still tired?? We're home I need you to stay out here with Noah while I go in and talk to the others." I hear Hunter say as I wake up. My eyes are still closed, but I feel Atty pull me closer, I know it's him because he smells nice. Maybe if I hug him tight enough I'll smell like him too. I cuddle close, until I remember Hunter said we're home. I open my eyes and wiggle around trying to see where we are, Hunter says my new home isn't scary or cold or dark! I hope everything is purple, I got a sticker from the doctor that's purple. Atty says his favorite colour is dark green, I didn't know you could pick one to like better than the rest so my favorite is purple.

"H-home" I say to Atty, while looking around out the window. I see Hunter coming back to us, and try to tell Atty, but instead I just wave at Hunter until he waves back. I'm going to meet my other new brothers! I hope they're all like Hunter and Atty, I love them so much already. Hunter opens the door and says "okay you two, ready to go in?" I nod excitedly and look at Atty, he says he's ready too and they take me out of the car, Hunter is carrying me but as he gets closer to the door, I start to get scared. I hide my face in Hunter and close my eyes. I feel when we get inside, it's warm in here, and it smells really good, I wonder what that smell is.

I hear whispering and take a small peak, I see lots and lots of people staring at me, so I hide my face again, now they can't see me! I hear Atlas laugh and say that he might've forgot Noah in the car, but I'm Noah! I'm right here, I have to tell him, "Atty A-atty, m'here! R-right here!" I say waving to him, I hope he sees me now. "Oh there you are! I thought I lost you again! Since I found you, do you want to meet the rest of your brothers?" He says waving back to me with a big smile. I look at Hunter wanting him to tell me what to do, before, he told me that he's going to be my new guardian. He said it means that he's in charge, so that means he makes all the rules, and daddy always told me not to do anything unless he tells me too, that was a really hard rule. "Come on, let me introduce you to your brothers" Hunter says walking further into the room.

*im going to skip the brother introductions because Noah is just going to be carried by Hunter while learning their names and ages, and nothing interesting happens here*

After Hunter tells me everyone's names I just look at them all, they all kind of look the same, but some of them look exactly the same! I hope I don't mix them up, that might make them angry. Everyone's looking at me and I remember I didn't introduce Oli! So I hold him up and whisper in Hunters ear for everyone to meet Oli. "Everyone, this little giraffe here is Oli" he says and I tell Oli to wave, he does. "So can we eat now?" One of my brothers ask.

Lmao so here's the next chapter, I know Noah is the main character, but I love writing from Hunters POV. I also really want hunter to be shown as a guardian to all the boys, but also an older brother, which is why the first half of this chapter he's basically making fun of Atlas. I also do keep going back and updating/changing small parts in the intro/characters page, i apologize for that, it's just that sometimes while im writing somethings just don't sound like they fit the character or I can't remember if that character has a personality trait that clashes with what im writing so yeah, im pretty sure I have them all down part now though but maybe reread over the character bios just in case I'll make a note at the end of a chapter letting you know if I made any changes. Stay tuned for the next chapter and thanks for reading!

May xx

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