Chapter 32

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Noah's POV:

Attys students are all really nice I like them! They even let me read to them! Atty says he's gonna teach me how to read for real, I can't wait! The bell goes off lots and lots, and every time it rings, the students have to leave, but they said that we were friends now! Oli was my only friend before, but now I have so many! I got to draw and help Atty work and make friends! I'm having the best day ever! When Atty calls Hunter before lunch he says that Reid is with him and Nicky too, so when he pops up on the little box I ask for Reid. Hunter says he's sleeping but I want to talk to him, I want to ask him if he knows Katniss and Peeta. Hunter says Reid is sick, so we can't wake him up. That makes me sad but Atty says I can make him a card to feel better!

I go tell the students and they want to help make the card. One of them hands me a big big paper and I draw Oli and me and Reid and Hunter and Sebby and Atty and Nicky and Lex and Spencer. We are all happy and holding hands. Everyone writes letters on the paper, but I don't know why so I ask them. "Why l-let-ters?" I say, and one boy says "we're signing our names on it so he knows who he card is from." The letters is his name? Do I write my name too? How do I write my name? "M-me t-too?" I ask, and he nods writing big letters but not in the pretty colours, he used a yellow thing but it didn't write yellow, it writes with grey! "Okay see these lines? I'm gonna help you trace it, it says your name really big so Reid can find it." He says taking my hand. We draw on top of the grey letters with purple! Atty comes back and I show him. "Atty a-atty! L-look! S'my n-name! Right h-here! S-see! Th-that N-circle-A-umm a-and that!" Atty laughs and says he likes it and Reid will too. He tells me I did a good job writing my name and drawing all of us. I tell him which boy helped me write my name. Everyone finishes writing on the card and Atty comes to hold my ears, says the bell is gonna ring again. I don't like it, it's too loud.

When the students say bye and leave Atty says it's lunch time now. Hunter packed me lunch in a little box with Blue and Magenta on it, he calls it a lunch box because its a box and has lunch inside! He's so smart how did he think of that, a lunch box! "Do you wanna go see Sebby and Alexander and Spencer?" I shake my head yes really fast, I miss them all so much! "Okay okay come on let's get your backpack on and we'll go find them, it might be a little loud in there though, but don't worry, I'll be right there with you." Atty says and I nod.

Atlas POV:

I had texted Sebastian, asking if he wanted to see Noah, and Eva left a voice message basically screaming yes, so I take Noah down to the second Cafeteria in the school, where he usually eats his lunch, thankfully, Alex and Spence also eat in that second Cafeteria so we'll be able to see them one time too. Walking into the caf, it's not as crowded as the other one, not as loud either, so when Noah sees Sebastian he leaps into his arms to hug him. Sebastian hugs him back as best he can, not loving physical contact but he's been making exceptions for Noah. Eva basically snatches Noah away as starts talking to him about who knows what, something about kittens and ducks. Sebastian turns to me and I give a small less detailed version about Reid seeing Lily and having been sick now. "If he gets to the throwing up stage, I'm staying by Ev." He says and I laugh, Sebastian and germs are a no go. "Noah's staying with me the rest of the day if you wanna come round on your free period alright?" I say and he nods. I turn my attention to Noah and say "Hey Noah, look there's Alex do you wanna go say hi to him?"

Noah looks up and sees Alex and Ben, and wiggles down from Eva's lap pulling my hand an pointing. We walk over, or whatever "running" looks like to Noah, and he whisper yells out "L-lex Lex!" Going up to hug his legs, and I swear I can see Alex's cheeks turn slightly red. I hold back a laugh, while all the girls he's sitting with starts cooing at how cute Noah is, and grossly how "hot" it is seeing Alex with kids. I roll my eyes at the latter. Noah's blabbering on about Katniss and Peeta and Mickey and Reid. Alex can't even get a word in, so he turns Noah around to Ben, and tells him to say hi. Noah shyly says hi to Ben and holds his hand, rambling on about his lunch box.I can't believe when I first met him, he barely said a word and now he never stops talking. Ben talks to him a little before Alex gives me a pleading look to take him away. Luckily I spot Spencer with his back towards us, I tell Noah to run up to him, and he does.

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