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I shut my eyes, deciding if I should give in or push her, not wanting to pay the price but interested to see what it would be. I can feel my core throb as time stops, her breath on my neck as she waits for me to make a decision, forgetting about the timer on my head. Giving in to loosen myself, I feel her hand wrap under my legs before I can process a thought, swiftly lifting me up and flipping me over her shoulder, my face at her waist. "I was getting up!" I shriek out as she tightens her grip and turns around.

"You were too slow" Carmilla chuckles as she heads to the staircase, completely ignoring my pleas to be let down, my fear of heights heightening as I stare down as we head upstairs. I shut my eyes as she opens a door, shutting it after we are in a room, my eyes only opening when I land on the bed. I look around the room before I drag my attention back to Carmilla as she takes off her suit jacket, leaving her in her waistcoat before she tugs on her tie, taking it off. My chest heaves as she unbuttons the first few buttons and rolls up her sleeves, smirking as she catches me staring.

"What are you going to do?" I challenge nervously.

"Oh baby" is all she says before she walks over to the foot of the bed, her tie in her hand before she leans over, cowering over me. "Are you going to listen to me or do I need to make you?" she questions lowly.

"I will listen" I answer, not wishing to make this situation worse than it already is set out to be.

"That's my girl," she praised. "Lift your hands over your head" she commands, her body now completely hovering over me as she watches me hesitantly raise my arms. Before I can change my mind, her tie twists over my wrists before she tightens it, halting me from moving them as I regret my decision.

I watch her like a hawk as she lowers herself down to my waist, lifting my skirt up before she chuckles. I raised my bound hands over my face, embarrassed by her gaze on me. "So wet already and I haven't even done anything" she tuts, sliding my soaked pantie to the side. All I can feel is my cheeks burning as a breeze hits my core, her words vibrating through my ears and down to my clit, begging to be touched.

"Please" I whisper, needing her to do something instead of gawking at what's hers, relishing in my humiliation.

"Oh, now you want me to touch you?" She taunts, her hand reaching over mine to move my hands away from my face. "The whole reason we're here is because you decided to be a little brat when all I wanted to do was please you, and now you want me to touch you?" She continues, her hand trailing across my chest, circling my nipple. "You're going to have to do a little better than that, my love" I want to strangle her.

"Please touch me, I need you, I shouldn't have denied you earlier" I muster up under clenched teeth.

"Oh make it sound like you mean it at least" she teases, her tone mocking as she touches my nipple.

I whine in frustration as I pull my hands forward, wanting to take matters into my own hands before she pushes me back down, her arm pressing down on my shoulder with her knee in between my legs. "Do you forget what I'm capable of? I could have you laying here for hours, teasing you until you're on your knees begging me to let you cum just once" she warns, impatience creeping through. "Be a good girl like you usually are and tell me what I want to hear, maybe then I'll think about giving you what you want" she murmurs, her breath tickling my neck, turning me on even more.

"I need you, I'm sorry for not letting you touch me, I forgot my place, please.. I'm so sensitive" I plead, my tone more desperate. What am I saying? How is she doing this to me?

"That's better" Carmilla commended, a satisfied grin appearing on her face as she took in my pathetic beg. I see her slowly lower herself back down while she pulls my top up, revealing my boobs under. Grabbing my nipple into her mouth, she twirls her tongue around it as I moan out, my head falling back at the little stimulation. I wince as her teeth ghost over my nipple before she bites it down gently, letting go soon after as she lowers herself down to my abdomen. Can she go any slower?!

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