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trigger warning: heavy mention of blood, viewer discretion is advised

3rd person P.O.V.

"No one's coming out alive," Carmilla orders as she faces the score of men and women standing in front of her. "And Christian is mine" she warns, and they all respond with a nod, their backs turning to face the estate before them.

Taking her first step, Carmilla pulls out her gun, her finger placed on the trigger as she takes a deep breath, the feeling in her gut spreading up to her chest. Their footsteps form a unified pattern as they approach the home, their feet silent against the grass, soldiers waiting for the fire to erupt. A sudden noise causes Carmilla to freeze. She puts her arm out, making the group behind her stop in their tracks. She lifts her gun up in caution, pointing it at the creak. Her eyes analyze the bush as she steps towards it carefully. 'They know we're here' she states to herself.

A sudden shadow appears from the left side of her eyes, making Carmilla swiftly turn, triggering the pistol in her hand. Swift fireflies of bullets start surrounding Carmilla as more and more people come out of their hiding. "Come out, Christian!" Carmilla shouts out as she makes her way towards the house, a playful tone in her voice. Only a man like this would cave in the safety of his home, while his men die on the battlefield for him. Only a coward like him. Blood raining down on the bright green grass, tainting it with the fallen souls as Carmilla shields herself with the line of men and women beside her. Genevieve's eyes glued to the targets in front of her, one man falling after every heartbeat. The screams and bullets create a somber tune, its vocals slowing down as death joins in.

Grabbing the automatic machine gun from the fallen man in front of her, Carmilla points it at the front door. Carmilla waits for a moment before knocking on the door gently. A sudden shot makes Carmilla kneel down behind the column, shielding her body. Christian shoots through the glass, filling the gap in the door. Carmilla waits for a moment, assessing the situation. She quickly moves against the wall as Christian's footsteps approach the door. Once he was standing at the front of the house, Carmilla aimed her weapon to the back of his head.

"Gotcha" she voices with a biting smile. Christian puts his arms up in surrender, slowly attempting to turn around. "Ah,ah,ah" she warns, digging the gun into his skin. "I want to kill you right now, but that would be too easy, and that's no fun." she teases, ignoring the massacre happening to his subjects. "Let's do this the old fashion way" Carmilla says as she lowers her gun down, confident he's not going to turn and kill her in an instant.

"What do you suggest?" he asks with a loathing tone, his body shifting to face Carmilla.

"Let's fight," she finishes with a smile. Christian lets out a little laugh, in disbelief she would even suggest that. "What? You're scared I'll beat you?" she provokes.

Christian grins cockily, throwing his gun to the floor. Following his lead, Carmilla drops her weapon to the ground, a loud bang making Christians eye twitch. "Okay, lets fight" he concludes, lifting his forearms up in the air. Carmilla does the same, wrapping her fingers into fists as she shifts one leg forward. Their eyes glued to each other, they hold their breaths, wondering who will instigate. "Come on then" Christian shouts out, attempting to provoke Carmilla.

Carmilla inches towards her stepfather, their feet dancing around each other. Carmilla aims her arm out, making Christian tilt his head away. Christian laughs in a mockery at Carmilla's missed punch, taunting her with a scowl. Within a split moment Christian strikes Carmilla, hitting her in the right brow. Quick to respond, Carmilla strikes back, causing Christian to lose balance in his legs for a moment.

Carmilla returns the mocked laughter at his little tumble, watching his eyes shut for a split second before he opens them once again. Carmilla takes her opportunity and slams her fist on his forehead once again, her knuckles stinging at the bone to bone contact. Lungs breathless, Christian tries to regain his balance as Carmilla lowers her arms down to release the tension in her arms, resulting in Christian to throw a punch. Hitting the center of her brow bone, Carmilla shuts her eyes in pain, groaning as she takes a step back, her head dizzy. She lets out a little wince before Christian speeds towards her, knocking her to the ground. "You thought you would win?" he spits, his voice laced in animosity, his arms repeatedly hitting Carmilla in the face. In defense, Carmilla lengthens out her arms, grabbing his throat, her eyes bloodshot as she screams. Tightening her grip as much as she can, she waits for the perfect moment to flip themselves around.

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