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3rd person P.O.V.

Carmilla's eyes turn to the petrified Jane, her mind only seeing the betrayal in them both. Frozen, Jane hides her face in fear of what's to come, scared that she is next. Advancing towards her, Carmilla grabs Jane by the hair, lifting her body up in a swift motion, her adrenaline giving her the force she relies on in cases like these. A helpless wail escapes Jane as she grips onto Carmilla's hands, desperate to be let go. "I'm sorry! Please, no" she begs, although her begs are ignored by the latter.

"You think you can do this to me? And get away with it?" Carmilla laughs bitterly, the sleep deprivation kicking in from the last few days, perfectly warped with her complex paranoia seeping in. Her laughter would make the dead crawl back into their graves, not willing to be in the place of Jane. "Not this time" she finished. No more hiding behind forced smiles and cold embraces, no more empty threats and glares, there stood the real Carmilla, her heart of stone bleeding onto the lives she's taken.

"No, I didn't mean for that to happen, I promise!" Jane pleads, her eyes desperate to be let go of her grip. "It won't happen again, please, please, don't hurt me!" She continues to plead, her cries vibrating the walls, but they are ignored.

"It's too late now, isn't it!" Carmilla exclaims. "You did this!" She pulls Jane towards the bed. Grabbing her head, she forces her to look at the lifeless body in front of her as she places the bloody knife on Jane's back, the blunt side pressing against her spine. "Look at her!" Carmilla orders. With her lips quivering, Jane shuts her eyes tightly, not wanting to see the woman she had just kissed. The woman who is now dead. A hard smack hits Jane in the face from the back, the force echoing within her sobs. "I SAID, FUCKING LOOK!" Carmilla aggresses, completely in-rage.

Swallowing down the lump in her throat, Jane opens her eyes to glance at the unrecognizable Kayla. The sight before her is horrifying, blood and guts laying on display, clotting up her beautiful hair, her nails black from digging into Carmilla's skin to escape. Jane knew her for only a few minutes, but according to Kayla, she knew her for a while, yet she was capable of ripping her like a scorned doll. Jane could almost see Kayla's soul float up and travel around the room, running in circles to get out, just like Jane. Gasping for air, Jane tries to control her body from collapsing as she heaves, unable to take her eyes off of Kayla. "You can clean this up" Carmilla states with disgust as she pushes Jane away from her aggressively, letting her drop to the ground, scraping her back with the blade on the way down.

Jane P.O.V

Falling to the ground, I look up at the monster in front of me, her aura washing away our moment in the kitchen like a distant hallucination. I can't do this anymore. The pain in my chest makes me want to curl up in a ball, dig a deep hole in the ground and put myself in it. "Come on!" she nudges me with her leg harshly. "You were able to kiss her, weren't you? You can clean her up too! or is that too much to ask for?" she mocks, her tone taunting. Is she jealous? Is this why she killed her?!

"Please don't make me do this!" I exhort, grabbing onto her heel as tears continue to drop. I feel her eyes glaring down at me, almost ridiculing me for my state, death being a mere walk for her. Her body crouches down, placing her blood-drenched finger under my chin. "Please," I whisper out.

"You can't beg your way out of everything, Jane." she berates.

Leaving me to ponder over her words, Carmilla gets up as she slowly lets go of my cin, her fingers dragging along my cheek. "Once you've cleaned this mess, I'll forgive you" she states, as if that was some sort of encouragement. She treads towards the door, her shoulders loosening as she opens the door and leaves silently the sound of the key locking making me hitch my breath.


Hours twinkle past me as I stare at the fly that has immigrated on the wall. A smell of copper infiltrates my nostrils, the stains on the bed sheets morphing into a crimson brown. Pulling together all the strength in my core, I stand up to face Kayla. Her once warm, bronzed face is now matching the white pillows, the room holding my soul only. I scan around the room, trying to find something to cover her with, needing to pretend that maybe this is all a really horrible dream.

I don't like the look in her eyes. I know she's dead but I keep hoping - and dreading, that she'll come back to life. It scares me. The gloss over her pupils, just completely soulless. A lonely tear runs down my face, hitting the corner of my lip, its saltiness drying my mouth. My arms slowly reach over to the edge of the bed. Grabbing the bed sheet, I lift it up slowly. It curls up, wrapping her foot in the sheet. I walk over to the other edge, repeating the same thing. My eyes fall upon the emerald, green blanket placed on the bedside bench. I place it over Kayla's corpse, attempting to warm her cold body, almost as if my actions will bring her back.

I am not suffocating but I feel on the verge, guilt wrapping its claws around my windpipe. Is she a daughter? A sister? An aunt? Is her mother sitting at home, watching the door eagerly in hopes to see her again? Sorrow and shame creep in as I lay my finger on her eyelid, shutting them so that she can rest. Collecting all the force in my bones, I wrap the blanket over her completely and start pulling the sheet underneath her. Death isn't just heavy in the heart - she has become so much heavier in weight that it's tiring to drag her. I let go for a moment to reclaim my energy and to wipe my nose, my sob now having blocked my airway. After a few tries, I finally managed to get her body to fall beside my feet, the loud thud making my body tremble.

I get down on my knees, positioning my arms on her covered back. I rolled her to the other side of the room. "Please forgive me" I whisper out as I let go of her. Catching my breath, I get up to dismember the bed, stripping all traces of her.

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