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APRIL 17 2009


"Dad, it's not a big deal. Please!" I plead as I follow him out of my bedroom. His sharp footsteps vibrate through the walls and glossing tiles, warning me that this isn't going to end well.

"It is a big deal" his voice was so deep, it sent shivers down my spine, his tone always sparking a nerve in my chest. "Not only did you sneak out of the house when I specifically told you not to leave this home-" he turned around to face me. "But you also took my car!?" he yells out in anger.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident! They crashed into me, Dad "I sob out. I wasn't lying, I did nothing wrong. I looked over to Cole, his head cowered. "Tell him, Cole" I begged for him to have my back. He was there. He knew the truth.

"We were being really careful, Sir" he exclaims, trying to diffuse the situation. I could tell the discomfort he was feeling by the way his eyes remained glued to the floor and then back to me, silently begging me to leave.

"I don't care how careful you were,'' he rebukes, his eyes darkening as he treads over to me, towering over as he scowls. "You can never listen, can you?" his voice leaks with disgust. Each word feels hurtful, knowing he will never feel bad for me, completely ignoring the cut on my face and bruise on my arm. "How can I even call you my daughter?" he utters. His words dig a deep hole into my heart as my lip quivers, my eyes focusing on the imaginary ants traveling on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I'll pay for the damages," I offer, desperate for him to let this go. A hard smack on my face makes me fall to my knees, my chest no longer being able to hold in the cry begging to come out. With my cheeks burning up, I wrap my palm on them to cool the pain, my tears stinging my cheek.

"Get up" he spits out as he kicks my leg. I don't dare to move, his shadow darkening over me. "J'ai dit, putain, lève-toi!" he repeats, this time more forceful than before. He grabs onto my hair, pulling me up as I cry out at the pull.

{translation: I said, fucking get up}

"Papa, arrête, tu me fais mal!" I pleaded, hoping that maybe he would take pity on me, letting this slide, but I knew that wishing that was merely futile. I wasn't Genevieve.

{translation: papa, stop, you're hurting me!}

I let out a wretched scream as he pushed me against the wall, my back flaming in pain at the collision. "The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because of Genevieve," he states, his hand wrapping around my throat. "She adores you" he torments. "But she's not here, is she?" The grip on my throat tightens as I grasp onto his wrists in an attempt to escape his hold. "She can't save you this time"

"Papa... please- I can't breathe..." I beg. I can feel my veins pulsing as my lips begin to tingle, my brain signals going into overload as they try to come up with a way to escape. My eyes fogged up from my tears, my eyes burning as his face fades in and out of focus. I slapped his arms in despair. I'm going to die. I'm going to die at the hands of my father - the one person who's supposed to protect me.

"Sir, please, she can't breathe," Cole shouts out. His voice, fading in my ears. A sudden gust of air fills me as he lets go of my neck, letting me fall to the ground as I hyperventilate and cough, clasping onto my throat to check that I'm still alive.

"Get out of here!" he yells at Cole as he speeds after him. Cole leaves quickly, in fear for his own life. I don't blame him. If only I could run like he could. If only I could escape the grasp of my father. I feel the blade hidden in my back pocket. At least I've got that. I stare at him wearily as he turns his attention back to me. I feel my heart beating in my neck as I walk back, aiming to get away. I need to get out of here. My back hits the wall once again, but this time I've cornered myself. He raises his arm, his fist colliding with my temple. My arm crashed with the floor, my body leaned over as I begged for useless apologies and promises. A second punch hits my back, a flash of pain making me curl up into a helpless ball. He frantically flips me over, my back against the floor as he gets on top of me.

"Don't do this, Dad" I plead, I'm not ready to die. Repeated punches hit my face, I hear my nose bridge cracking in between pants, my throat killing from my wails as I raise my arms to shield myself. A punch hits my stomach, a cold sensation inside my gut. This time it didn't hurt. My abdomen feels wet, as if he's splashed water on me. My mind fades into darkness as I cough at the liquid at the root of my mouth. A rush of fire snaps me out of my sleep, causing me to lift my back as the pain sets in. I open my eyes, only to be met with my father holding a bloody knife - my blood. An opportunity pulls me into reality as he looks up, hearing Cole's desperate knocks on the door. Come on carmilla, dont die, just do it. I pull my knife out of my pocket, positioning it to his neck quickly, not allowing him to wage a reaction. Relying on the adrenaline rushing through my veins, the adrenaline keeping me from death's door, I pierce my blade into his neck, as hard as I possibly fucking can.

With my father's blood trailing down my wrists, I twist the blade with a bitten scream, my eyes threatening to bulge out of my sockets. His eyes are only focused on mine, staring down at his undoing. They feel cold and menacing. His face contorts into a color that matches his blood as he gasps for air, slowing time in its totality. I grit my teeth as I pull the knife out of him. Blood pours out of the gaping hole in his neck, splashing across my face, blending our DNA that only has science to relate us.

His body falls on me, his warmth keeping me alive, his weight keeping my wound sealed. This is the first time he's ever hugged me. I can feel his pulse on my chest as he coughs slowly, choking on his own blood.

I pierce the blade into his back for good measure. I want him dead. His breathing goes from shallow to silent as I stare up at the ceiling, silent tears washing my face. It's over. He's dead. I can finally rest.

A cold breeze overcomes me as I feel his body being removed from me, harsh smacks continuously hitting my face.  "Carmilla, Carmilla. Wake up" Cole repeats as he places his arm on my bleeding stomach. He didn't leave. He came back to save me. Salty tears entered my mouth as I smiled weakly. "You're going to be okay" he reassures, sobbing in between words. "Hey, stay with me!" he begs, his cries ringing in my ears. I want to sleep. I want to sleep forever, I'm so fucking tired.

Genevieve. She'll be heartbroken if she knows. "Can you promise me something?'' I use all my strength to whisper, unaware of my fingers closing in, subconsciously needing someone to hold me.

"Don't talk, you need to keep your energy" he comforts as he cups my cheeks, wiping the wetness away.

"Please, promise me. Genevieve can't know about this, it'll upset her" I murmured out. I wish I could see her right now. Our memories replay in my head, my only reason for staying in this hell. She's going to be so heartbroken to hear that dad is dead, no less at the fact that I did this to him. She can't know.

"I promise." he weeps, his tears meshing with my blood as he caves his head into my neck, his cries muffled as I lay still, admiring the chandelier glistening down at me.

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