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3rd person P.O.V

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The opening of the door reveals Jane, her back facing Carmilla as she admires the view, her blond hair neatly tucked in a ponytail. "You like the view?" Carmilla voices, making Jane turn around quickly.

Jane lets out a little smile, flustered by her silent appearance  "you can see the city from here" she explains as she turns back around, not finished with relishing the view from the mountain top mansion, overlooking the whole city like royals. Carmilla walks up behind her, wrapping her hands around Jane's warm waist. "I didn't think that was possible but I guess we're quite high up" her voice so unaware of Carmilla's disinterest in the view at the window. Carmilla has a much more exhilarating view.

"Mhm," Carmilla hums as she places her hand on Jane's hair, moving it to the side, revealing her bare neck. Slowly, Carmilla places gentle kisses all over, not leaving a single spot unkissed. Jane tilts her head back, ecstasy overtaking her. Jane lets out a little moan as Carmilla gently bites her skin, unable to tame the nerves shooting through her. Carmilla's hand travels down to Jane's skirt, lifting it up slowly as her finger traces her upper thigh, her ring sending shivers against Jane's warm skin. Grabbing onto her ass, Carmilla sucks on her neck, forcing blood to rush up to her skin, forming a purple mark.

"We were meant to talk" Jane utters out.

"Shhh" Carmilla silences Jane as she flips her around, pinning her to the glass window. "We can talk for the rest of our lives, but right now." she voices, her eyes focused on Jane's chest. "I don't want to talk." Carmilla voices, her words trailing into a whisper as she soaked in the beauty in front of her.

Carmilla admired Jane's chest going up and down, inviting her to touch. Placing her hand on Jane's top, Carmilla slowly slides it up, revealing her bra. Her plush skin makes Carmilla place her lips on Jane's boobs, leaving soft pecks everywhere. A little moan escapes Jane, her once fearful memories of Carmilla fading into pleasure.

Not being able to wait any longer, Carmilla picks up Jane, her legs wrapped around Carmilla's waist. Walking over to the bed, Carmilla gently places Jane down as she pulls her ponytail band off, getting loose Jane's hair. Carmilla's finger traces Jane's lips, infatuated by her delicate features, holding herself back from her nature, needing to take it slow. Carmilla's head lowers down to her stomach, planting kisses as she goes down, hoping Jane can't hear the thunder in her chest, pulsing heavily.

Jane's hands latch onto Carmilla's hair, her heart racing like never before, needing to touch something to ground her back to reality. Jane closes her eyes as Carmilla pulls her panties to the side, lifting Jane's legs up. A rush of endorphins hit Jane as Carmilla's tongue reaches her pussy. Jane lets out a helpless moan as the latter grips onto her hips, her big hands engraving into her skin. Carmilla curls her tongue as Jane's fist tightens around Carmilla's hair. "Fuck" jane moans out, her mind not being able to focus on anything else but the tingles traveling through her veins.

Carmilla lifts her head up, not wanting it to be over just yet, needing to make this moment last as long as she can, scared that maybe Jane will come to her senses and escape. Jane lets out a dissatisfied groan, looking up with a little pout.  "You're not gonna cum just yet baby" Carmilla teases. Standing up, Carmilla walks over to her bedside table before unlocking the top drawer. Pulling out her strap, Carmilla swiftly walks back to the panting Jane.

"Please be gentle," Jane pleads, unsure of what to expect with Carmilla.

A comforting smile forms on Carmilla's face, "I'll start gentle, I can promise that" she pledges with a little smirk.

Jane nods in agreement, taking a deep breath to prepare herself. She's never felt such conflicting emotions, for the first time she feels safe, even if she knows that she really shouldn't, not when Carmilla is in control. A sudden drag pulls her out of her thoughts, Carmilla's grip on Jane's thigh pulling her to the foot of the bed.

Carmilla lifts her legs up slightly, slowly inserting the strap as Jane tightens her fist around the bedsheets. Jane grasps onto the bed sheet, the pain welling a tear in her eye. Carmilla leans over, connecting their lips gently to form a distraction. Muffling her painful moans she slowly pulls out before tracing her hand over Janes, opening her palm to hold Jane's hand. Repeating the slow motions, Jane's pain shifts to pleasure, her fingers wrapping around Carmilla's.

Her movement speeding up, Carmilla shifts her attention to Jane's neck as the room fills with desperate moans, Carmilla grabbing onto Jane's other hand, pulling them up over Jane's head. Once both of her hands lock in one of Carmilla's, her hand travels to Jane's boobs, massaging them as she thrusts into the helpless Jane. Their pants forming a rhythm, Jane lets her tears fall at the overstimulation. A rush of heat flames Jane's body, her toes curling at the sensation as she tries to break free, needing some control over the intense feelings pooling in her gut. A wave of electricity in her fingertips, the feeling overtaking her, she cries out. "Are you gonna cum?" Carmilla's whispers in Jane's ear as she bites down on the edge gently. Biting her lips, Jane nods, incapable of voicing her bliss. "Use your words baby" Carmilla orders as she slows down.

"Yes, yes" Jane quickly utters out, not wanting the moment to stop.

"Yes, what?" Carmilla teases, loving Jane's yearning begs.

"Yes, I'm gonna cum" Jane cries out as Carmilla speeds up again. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, losing control of her body, overwhelmed by the release.

"That's it, pretty, cum for me" Carmilla groaned, chuckling as Jane's back arches in ecstasy. Following Jane's comedown, Carmilla slowly removed the strap, massaging her fingers as she pulled out completely. "You did so well baby" Carmilla whispers at the exhausted Jane. Carmilla connects their lips, the salty taste of tears on Jane's lips intoxicating Carmilla.

A moment of peaceful silence fills the room as Carmilla lays down next to Jane, needing the rest as she pulls her bun out. Their eyes focused on the ceiling as they caught their breaths, their pants overtaking all the sound around them. "Can I ask you something?" Jane questions quietly. The curious Carmilla shifts over to face Jane, resting her head on her arm.

"Yeah, of course" a brooding nervousness forms in her stomach, dreading what her question could be.

Jane glances at Carmilla's hickeys, "what is that?" she questions. Carmilla smiles awkwardly, realizing she's completely forgotten about what has happened.

"It's nothing, I was being an idiot" Carmilla tries to justify, hoping this moment isn't ruined because of her drunk choices. Jane chuckles at the nervous Carmilla. Carmilla furrows her brow, confused by Jane's reaction. "What- why are you laughing?" Carmilla interrogates 

"It's funny seeing you get so nervous," Jane explains with a smile. "Besides, it's not like we're in a relationship" she suggests, her tone puzzling Carmilla. Her sentence forms a bitter taste in Carmilla's mouth, her lip twitching into an awkward smile.

Carmilla takes a moment to process Jane's words, for some reason, her words stung. "Yeah, I know," her voice fades into a whisper as she lays back onto her back, her eyes back in focus with the ceiling.

Jane looks over at Carmilla, her eyes holding so many emotions for such a simple statement. "Hey, don't get all gloomy woman" Jane says as she playfully smacks Carmilla's arm.

"Did you just-?"

"Smack you? Yes I did, deal with it" Jane responded with a sass in her voice, chuckling to herself.

Carmilla lets out a dry chuckle, in shock at what Jane just did.  "You're getting a little brave aren't you?" Carmilla smirks, raising her brow as she flips herself over Jane, pinning her down on the bed.. "Do I need to fuck the attitude out of you as well?"

Jane flinches slightly before she laughs out as she rolls her eyes "I don't know, maybe you do"

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