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Cuddling in bed, I rub circles on Jane's back as we recover from the long weekend, the Russians being dealt with as I wait for Jane to fall asleep before I can go downstairs to work on the house situation. Feeling myself drift off, i open my phone to let Genevieve know that ill be down in a minute before i place it back under the pillow.

Just a few minutes..


A harsh knock on my door wakes both of us up, forcing me and Jane out of bed. I swear to god, I'm going to kill this woman one day. I get up, grabbing my shirt before I throw it over to the undressed Jane. She quickly puts it on, buttoning it up swiftly as she rubs her eyes, nonplussed by what just happened as I place my other shirt over my arms, quickly buttoning it up. I pull her in for an eager kiss, slyly smacking her ass before I bite her lip. "I'll be back soon, okay?" I murmur before letting go. Grabbing my jacket and belt, I open the door mid-dressed, my suit trousers unzipped as i buckle my belt.

Genevieve's furious eyes meet mine, her arms crossed as Cole stands behind her. "We've been waiting for over an hour!" she exclaims.

"So?" I replied casually. Like I need to follow their timeline. I've been slacking recently, I know that, but this was an accident, I didn't think I would be asleep for over an hour. They're all starting to get a little too brave for my liking. "Who's the one in charge here?" I question my sister and the men behind her approaching. Silence is the only response I get, their heads lowering as Genevieve rolls her eyes. I chuckle dryly as I close the door behind me, watching the crowd of men back up. "We go when I say we go '' I state, glaring at my sister. "Now, let's go."

Getting into the back of the car, I glance out of the tinted windows, making me evaporate from the exterior. I press the button on my side, making my seat recline into my comfortable position. I pull my phone out, opening my CCTV app. I see Jane's body staring out of the window. I let out an internal laugh. She's obsessed with windows. I miss her smell already, her velvet, soft skin, sending endorphins to my mind.

"Where do we wait, boss?" the suited man in the front seat asks.

"I don't want anyone close by, we're just having a chat" I warn. Christian is too predictable, if he finds out I have backup, it will end in one of us dying. "You are all to stay at your posts" I continue. I need to be in and out, I don't want Jane to have to wait around too long. "I have exactly 34 minutes, if I'm not back by then, you follow the plan we had."

The car slowly declines its speed, indicating for me to get ready to exit the car. I glance over at the parked cars flashing their rear lights once alerting me that they're ready. I step out of the car once the door gets opened, dusting off my suit before taking a step towards the tall gates.

"Name?" the gate security asks, hidden in his little guard box as I let out a little chuckle amused by his sudden need for such tight security. Someone's paranoid.

"Seriously?" I question in a mocking tone. "I'm heartbroken" I pout. "You don't know who I am?" I ask, offended at his ignorance.

"No ma'am, I need your name, '' he replies bluntly.

"Ooo, so serious" I tease with a smile. He's trying to intimidate me. How cute.

"If you don't give me your name, I'll need to ask you to leave" he rebukes, frustration in his voice. I inhaled deeply, tapping my foot on the cement floor before I pulled out my gun rapidly, placing a bullet into his forehead. His head falls onto the desk in front of him, a loud bang of his skull hitting the metal. He was getting annoying. That will at the very least make him remember my face. I move over to the side door, opening it. I shuffle his body over, attempting to get to the gate button under him. I press the button in excitement, mentally high-fiving myself. I swiftly get back out, waiting for the gate to open fully.

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