CHAPTER THIRTY (new scene)

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Jane pov

Groaning as I place my palm over my forehead, I open my eyes and shut them again, my head spinning at bright morning light. Trying again, I peek my lids open and look around the bedroom, my dress from last night hanging off the chair facing me. I drop my head back down on the pillow, trying to remember what happened last night, my scalp hurting along with my cheeks puffy.

"You're awake" her voice makes me groan, quickly turning my head towards her voice, her body leaned on the doorframe to the bathroom.

"Shhh my head hurts" I whine as I lift the blanket over my head, her footsteps approaching as she chuckles before the bed caves slightly as she gets in.

I cover my eyes when she pulls the blanket away, her body resting on her arm as she looks at me. "You had a wild night, you'll be fine with some breakfast and water" Carmilla assures as she leans back flat, opening her arm for me to get closer. Caving into her chest, I curl up with my thigh resting on her lower waist, I breathe in deeply, loving her fresh after shower smell.

"What even happened last night?" I question as I look up at, admiring her sharp jaw as she stares up at the ceiling.

"We went clubbing, you got so wasted that you started arguing with some girl because she was staring at me, then she grabbed your hair so I got her off of you and we left, i didn't want to stir drama at my friends club" she explains in a tuned tone, listing out the night as her fingers began massaging my scalp.

"What? You're serious?" I ask, completely bewildered that I remembered none of it. "Surely I would remember being grabbed by my hair" I assume as she lowers her hand to my back, rubbing circles like a canvas.

"You'd be surprised at how much we can forget if our mind wants it to" she murmurs, her head lowering as she plants her lips on my forehead. I shuffle into her embrace, humming to her words before closing my eyes, her touch relieving only a pain she can heal. "I just want you to know that you last night wasn't the Jane I know and like" she speaks up, making me lift my head as I furrow my brows.

"What do you mean?" I question with a silent chuckle.

"You got upset at one point and told me that you only took the drugs because you wanted to be like the girls at the club" she explains, my heart racing at the memory of taking them, everything being long forgotten after. I'm just glad I don't remember her reaction. I lower my head back down, her words bringing up all my unspoken feelings. "I don't want you to be like them, I want you for you, not like some whore at the club that can't keep herself up, chasing me so she can get an expensive night out" she finishes, each word spoken with sincerity and truth.

My cheeks heat in a blush as I cave into her more, tightening my grip around her as she plays with my hair. "Thank you for saying that" I mumbled into her shirt. Her cologne calms my nerves as I listen to her heart beat, each pump tendering the nerves that have settled in the past few months, finally feeling like I'm regaining myself back.

"Let's get you some food, ma belle" she whispers into my ear, humming for a response as I groan, not wanting to let go. "Come on, you'll feel better once you eat something" she urges gently.

"I already feel better, a few minutes please" I rebuke softly, my voice muffled as she chuckles at my position, all comfortable in her arms.

"Okay, five minutes" she accepts before tapping my ass, her head facing the ceiling as she thinks.


Breakfast was awkward to say the least, Genevieve and Cole seemed to keep looking at me and Carmilla and then back at each other before Carmilla silently made them stop with a single warning glare. After was spent with us chatting, stuffing our faces with pastries and fruits as the morning sun blinded us. Right now, I'm laying on the lounger in the garden, waiting for Carmilla to finish the work she had to get done in her office, leaving me to entertain myself whilst Cole and Genevieve went out.

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