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3rd P.O.V.

"I'm sorry about that, she'll get back to you as soon as possible" Genevieve explains to the frustrated man on the phone. Sitting at Carmilla's desk, she sorts through her letters, huffing at all the paperwork that Carmilla was meant to take care of. "Look Mark, I know it's annoying. Trust me, I'm just as annoyed as you are but she's away on business at the moment." she bluffs, trying to excuse her sister's absence.  

Familiar footsteps slowly approach the office before the door swings open. "Gen, what are you doing here?" Carmilla questions casually. Genevieve quickly stands up, in shock at her sister's presence.

"Carmilla, you're back! where have you been?!" Genevieve scolds. "You've been gone a whole week and now you show up out of nowhere asking what I'm doing in your office?" she fumes, her words becoming breathless. Although, she continues. "I've been doing your job. You know, the one you're meant to be doing?" she confronts with rage fueling her.

Carmilla squints her eyes at the loud Genevieve. "shhh you're being too loud. My head hurts" she complains, completely disregarding Genevieve's rational outburst.

Genevieve scoffs in disbelief. 'She can't be serious' she thinks to herself as she walks up to her. "Are you drunk?" Genevieve presses, grabbing Carmilla's jaw to get a proper look at her. "You're fucking wasted" Genevieve utters with a disgusted look plastered on her face as the scent of alcohol overwhelms her.

"I'm not. Now, let go of my face" Carmilla moans, her eyes drifting in between words.

"I would, if you could even keep your eyes open." Genevieve rebukes, her voice laced in disappointment.

"My eyes are open" Carmilla opens her eyes as wide as she can, trying to convince her angry sister. "See, I'm good," she giggles.

Genevieve aims to smack her sister's face but her hand is stopped by Carmilla. "Too slow" she mocks with a playful grin.

"At least your reflexes are working" she shakes her head, knowing at least she could defend herself. "Get to bed, you've got a lot of work to do when you wake up" Genevieve orders.

Carmilla groans, knowing her younger sister is right. She is back to reality now. No amount of alcohol will take that away. "Lets go, chop chop" Genevieve urges as she places Carmilla's arm over her shoulder.

"Can you slow down? you're going too fast" Carmilla slurs as she follows, completely inebriated by the poison in her system.

"A sloth could outrun us, Carmilla" Genevieve rebukes, rolling her eyes as they approach Carmilla's bedroom. Opening the door, she walks Carmilla over to the bed. Carmilla plops down onto the bed, head first into the feather pillows. "Seriously?" Genevieve sighs in frustration as she starts to pull her shoes off. Then, taking off her jacket followed by her shirt. "Oh, for fucks sake" Genevieve utters as she sees the hickeys on Carmilla's chest.  She's sick and tired of her sister's absurd way of doing things, having to always pick up the pieces when she loses her composure.

"Tell Jane to come to bed, it's cold" Carmilla mumbled in the pillow, groaning at the pain in her head.

"No Cam, she doesn't deserve being around you when you're like this" Genevieve explains in a strain, pulling the blanket from under her sister. "Do you want to stay in your trousers?" Genevieve offers, her words falling to deaf ears as snoring overfills the room. "Ill take that as a yes" she murmurs.

She detaches the gun off her belt as Carmilla snores into the mattress. Leaving Carmilla in her bra and trousers, Genevieve quietly leaves the room, heading to Jane's room to update her.

Jane quickly gets off the bed when she hears Genevieve at the door. She lets out a little smile as she walks up to Jane. "She's back." Genevieve states as she analyses Jane's reaction.

"Oh," Jane utters, trying to find an appropriate response. "That's good" Jane swallows down the lump in her throat, a mixture of dread and relief overtake her. Jane's mind told her to dread the news, but a little shimmer in her chest felt at peace all of a sudden, almost as if she was relieved.

"She's in bed right now, so come down, we'll watch a film, maybe order some food, and then you can both talk." she suggests to the conflicted Jane. 'I don't want to talk,' she thinks to herself, her emotions painted across her face. She doesn't want to talk to someone who won't listen. Someone as unpredictable as Carmilla.

"Yeah, okay. Let's do that" Jane forces a smile, knowing, whether or not she wants to talk, Carmilla definitely would. Genevieve and Jane exit the room, arm in arm as they walk down the stairs, enjoying the calm before the storm. 

Jane's stomach is running around in circles, her heart clashing with her mind. Every time they get a little glimpse of getting along, something gets in the way. Every time she thinks that she's finally getting to know Carmilla, she instantly turns into someone she doesn't recognize. It's conflicting and confusing. 'Maybe it's not meant to be, Jane' she dwells. How does one narrow down these feelings? Do I like her because I fear her? Or do I hate her so much that I feel bad for her? Contradictory questions linger in Jane as she tries to whisk them away, although being unable to.


"I can't eat anymore '' Genevieve complains as she holds her stomach, the girls both trying to swallow down their last bite.

"You shouldn't have ordered so much food then" Jane chuckles, shaking her head at the comment.

"This is a small order, Jane. You should see how much the sleeping ogre upstairs orders" Genevieve jests as she wraps up the leftover food. That statement doesn't surprise her.

"Are you referring to Carmilla?" Jane voices in between laughter, a homely warmth filling up around Genevieve and Jane.

"Referring to what?" Carmilla's voice gently penetrates the tranquility.

"You're up" Genevieve states with an awkward smile as she stares at the half-dressed Carmilla.

"Yeah, how long have I been asleep for?" Carmilla asks as she rubs her eyes.

"About 3 hours or something" Genevieve says, glancing at the silent Jane, noticing her discomfort. "We were saying how what we've ordered is small compared to what you usually order," Genevieve explains, desperate to ease the thick layer of tension evident on Jane's face.

A sleepy chuckle escapes Carmilla. "It's not that much, but I'd rather have too much than too little," Carmilla justifies, completely oblivious to the uncomfortable glares of her sister.

"Carmilla, go put a top on, then come eat something" Genevieve suggests as she points at her sister's chest with her eyes. Carmilla lowers her head, a brief flush of redness hits her cheeks as she swiftly turns around and speeds out of the kitchen.

A quiet giggle leaves Jane's mouth, amused at the latters' embarrassment. "Do you think she'll come back?" she questions in a whisper.

Geneveieve shakes her head, biting her smile away. "Yeah, she'll be back. She can't help herself when Indian food is on the table."

Jane's response gets disrupted by Carmilla running into the kitchen. Without hesitation, she sits down next to Jane.

"I'm going to jump in the shower, Can I leave you guys alone?" Genevieve questions carefully, examining Jane's face.

Jane's heart skips a beat at the question. "Yeah, that's fine" she utters after a moment.

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