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Walking into the room, I see Jane's bareback, fast asleep in the bed, her body stretched in the middle of it. Grabbing her phone out of my pocket, I place it in the bedside table drawer, rethinking the past day as I look down at her innocent face. "Baby... wake up, my love" I whisper gently as I stroke her golden hair, tucking it behind her ear as she shuffles in her sleep, slowly waking up.

"Mhm, I'm awake" she mumbles, her eyes still shut as she moves her lips, deep in a dream it seems. I chuckle as I trace my fingers over her cheeks, admiring her bare beauty.

"Get up, ma princesse" I repeat, my voice getting a little louder as I look at the time. "You need a shower and get dressed, we're leaving in about an hour" I remind before her eyes shoot open, my words shattering her dreams.

"One hour?! How am I going to be ready in time?" She speaks up as she pulls her blanket off, jumping out of bed before running to the bathroom, naked with her hair all muddled up. I chuckle to myself as I get up, ready to get dressed, my hair freshly blow dried. I take off my checkered blue trousers and white vest, leaving me in my bra and boxers before I walk into my wardrobe, leaving Jane to shower in a panic.

Searching through my clothing, my eyes scan for something to wear before my eyes fall on the black silk shirt, a black tie of the same fabric sitting underneath in the tie draw that lit up. Putting it on, I fix my tie, heading to the mirror to fix my hair, my usual bun not working. Fuck. I groan as I give up, letting it loose tonight, the ends of my hair waving as I flip some of it over to the left, letting my hair rest over my shoulders for once. Adjusting my belt, I pick out a holster, latching it onto my belt before I walk to the other wardrobe, sliding the glass door open to pick the suit that matches. Once dressed, I walk over to my shoe section, pulling the first pair of loafers before I put it on and head to the back of the wardrobe. I stare at the painting of the women laying over each other, their eyes closed as they rest peacefully, the renaissance calming me. Snapping back to reality, I click the little button beside it as the photo frame unlatches and opens, revealing the safe behind it. Entering the code, I hear it unlock before I twist the wheel, watching it swing open smoothly, revealing my safety precaution staring back at me. Locking my gun into my holster, I lock it into place once I hear Jane walking into the room.

"Can you do my zip please?" she speaks up, her hair now dry as she smiles. I breathe in at the view of her, a short white dress draped over her. Her see through white off the shoulder sleeves cased her delicate hands so perfectly, her chest tight by the corset style around the waist, highlighting her marked chest slightly. I step towards her, causing her to spin around, her back unzipped. Placing her hair to the front, I rest my chin on her shoulder, kissing her collarbone as she leans her head back.

"You smell so good" I whisper as I explore her chest, using her loose dress as a chance to slide my hand onto her boob. "How am I going to keep my hands off you tonight?" I murmured into her skin, feeling her heartbeat increase on my palm.

"You don't have to" she stammers, her breath ragged as she lets out a little moan, holding herself together as much as she can.

"What if I want to take you right now, fuck you again so everyone can see how flustered you are when we leave the room?" I question as she lets out a little whimper, my other hand sliding down to her dress, lifting it slowly as I place my hand over her lacy panties.

"We'll be late" she whispers out as she tightens her lip, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. I slowly remove my hands, returning them to her back as my lips remain glued to her, kissing her neck and behind her ear as I zip her up slowly.

"You're right, but I can't promise to not carry you to the bathroom when I can't take anymore, and I don't care if we're in public" I warn as she hums in response. Both of our attention shifts to the bell ringing in the room, letting us know that Genevieve and Cole are ready and ringing the bell outside of my room, impatient to wait downstairs like normal people. "Good call, pretty" I comment as she chuckles, her eyebrows raising before walking to her white heels, sliding her feet into them.

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