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Carmilla lowers her head to the ground, mustering up all the strength she had in her to not put a bullet through everyone's brain for letting Jane go near the drugs. "Gen, Cole, go home, me and Jane will be back soon" Carmilla asserts as she watches Cole step back.

"No Carmilla, I'm not leaving you with her, not when you're drunk as well" Genevieve rebuked. The tension in the room, mixed with the alcohol in everyone's system was telling her that this could not end well.

"Genevieve, nothing is going to happen, I just need to speak to her. Go home, and we'll be back soon" Carmilla explained with a sigh, watching Jane look over at Genevieve.


"Genevieve, go" Carmilla warned before Genevieve gave in, slowly leaving with the silent Cole, hiding behind the door to listen in just in case she had to interfere.

The second the door hits its hinges, Carmilla walks over to Jane, grabbing the back of her hair as she pulls her forward, causing Jane to yelp. Carmilla keeps her grip tight on the back of Jane's hair as she walks her to the bathroom, Jane pleading in whimpers. Carmilla switches on the sink in the room, pushing Jane's face into the running water, splashing her face to wake her up a little.

"Are you fucking insane?" Carmilla scolds as she lifts Jane's head, her breath warming Jane's face at their closeness, Jane heaving from the water in her throat.

"I just wanted to try it-"

"I asked are you fucking insane?!" She shouts, causing Jane to flinch, the back of her scalp stinging at Carmilla's grip.

"N-no" Jane mumbled, tears filling her eyelids as her chest dripped with water.

"So tell me why you would do something so stupid?! What if you reacted funny? What if you had an overdose? Huh?!" Carmilla scolds, too enraged to see Jane's quivering lip.

"I wanted you to like me" Jane admits in a shout as Carmilla's brows furrowed, her next lecture stolen from her.


"I thought being like the girls here would make you like me more!" Jane yelled out in frustration, her silent sob becoming vocal as she winced at Carmilla's loosening grip.

Carmilla lets go of Jane's hair completely, stepping back to look at Jane's state. "What the fuck are you talking about?" She asked softly, not expecting that to be the reason for her behavior.

Jane's back hits the wall behind her as she caves down the floor, hiding her face into her knees, her dress all soaked from the water.

"Jane" Carmilla speaks up as she steps forward, looking down at Jane. Ignoring her name, Jane sobs into her knees as Carmilla lowers herself down, crouching in front of Jane. "Jane, look at me" Carmilla repeats softly.

Jane wipes her face as she lifts her head up, Carmilla's face blurred as she waits for her to speak up. "I'm sorry, I just want to fit in," Jane admitted as her eyes got clearer, butterflies forming in her stomach as Carmilla watched her.

"Where is it?" Carmilla asks firmly. Jane pauses for a moment, aiming to figure out what she means before it clicks. "Jane, if you want to leave this room, you're going to give it to me" Carmilla asserted as softly as she could, not wishing to scare Jane away, fighting reflexes.

Jane swallows down as she sniffles, slowly reaching her hand into her bag that rested across her body, unzipping it and taking out the little bag in the front pocket before silently passing it to Carmilla. Carmilla grabs ahold of it, looking to see how much is left before she places it into her pocket. "Good girl" she praised gently before breathing in harshly, relieved Jane didn't seem to take much.

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