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Carmilla P.O.V.

The aroma of her strawberry-scented hair forms butterflies in my stomach, her features so gentle. Her soft, button nose, followed by her cherry tainted lips make my heart race.

"You buttoned your shirt up wrong" Jane murmurs, making me snap out of my daydream. I cave my head to see her delicate fingers reaching for my shirt buttons. I freeze. What is she doing? My pulse is threatening to escape my skin as she unbuttoned my shirt. Everything around us blurs, all I can see is her, deeply focused on replacing them right. My eyes follow her lips as she slowly buttons my shirt up correctly. Her face is so close, I can feel her breath on my neck. Does she feel like this too? Is her heart craving my touch as much as I crave hers?

Her crystal blue eyes connected with mine as she looked up at me. Fuck.  For a brief moment, time stopped around us, allowing me to admire every line in her ocean eyes, connecting the tales of her years on earth, telling me all I need- want, to know. Her eyes battling so many thoughts, but fear is not one of them. For the first time, Jane had peace in her eyes. I don't want to talk, maybe if I stay still, this moment will last forever. And maybe Jane will forgive me.

"Much better" Jane speaks up, shattering my train of admiration. In an attempt to steal my opportunity, I place my index finger under her chin and gently connect our lips. Her lips taste so much better than what I had imagined. She freezes, not knowing whether to kiss me back or to run off. I disconnect our lips, not wanting to push my luck too much. I don't want to mess this up. Not again.

"I'm sorry" I utter out quietly. What's happening to me? Is she rejecting me? Does she not want me? A million possibilities cluster in me. A million possibilities in which she rejects me.

Jane's blood is seen rushing to her cheeks as she looks at me in disbelief. I can't tell if it's because I apologized or because I kissed her. Is she disappointed that I stopped? I briefly wait for a sign that she wants me as much as I do her. The dopamine in my mind is making me dizzy. "It's okay," she reassures with a wanting smile. I feel on top of the clouds.

With that confirmation, I lean back in, although this time, I hold back. I want her to kiss me this time, I want her to take control. Within a split moment, her lips connect with mine. I smile into the kiss, knowing this is not one-sided. She really wants me. My hand unwillingly wraps around her waist, yearning for her to be in my arms. I want more. Pulling her in, I pick her up, placing her on my lap. Her delicate lips parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip in. No amount of alcohol could intoxicate me as much as this moment does.

I pull away, allowing us both to catch our breaths. A glow of heat forms on her skin. She looks angelic. Her breathless face pulls me back onto her pillow-like lips. I plant my arms under her thighs, swaddling her as I stand up. Her warm hands wrap around my shoulders, our hearts beating in unison as I walk away, my legs merely using muscle memory to stay in the direction of the couch.

Her back unites with the couch as I lay her down. I cower over her, our lips not daring to let go. My hands slip down to her waist, my fingers sliding under her cotton top, her chest heaving as her lips glisten. "Can I?" I whisper in between kisses before an eager nod is the only response I get. I feel the goosebumps on her skin as I trace my finger up to her bra, feeling every cell of her silky skin on the pads of my fingers.

"There's someone waiting to speak to you- oh, I'm sorry Ma'am " A man's voice pulls us out of our moment. You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm going to kill him. Jane quickly sits up, embarrassed by the audience as she subconsciously covers herself even though she is still dressed.

'Don't kill him here, Carmilla. Not in front of Jane' I repeat over and over in my head so as to not lose control over my senses. I let out a deep sigh, grasping onto all the power I have in me to not blow his brains out all over the marble floor. "Sorry Jane, I'll be back. Can you go upstairs? The maid will show you to my room" I suggest gently. Don't ruin it, Carmilla. We're finally getting along. Jane finally likes me.

"Okay" Jane hesitantly utters as she gets up, avoiding all eye contact with the man. Why is she embarrassed? He's the one who should be embarrassed and ashamed. He should be begging on his knees.

"Let's go talk outside, William." I state once Jane has left the room.

"But they're in your office" he rebukes in confusion.

"I said, outside" I repeat. I don't want Jane to hear. She will not forgive me if she does. The uncertain man follows me as I open the front door, whisking my arm out for him to walk in front of me. The sudden gush of cold wind gives me goosebumps. "It's very rude to barge in uninvited, you know?" I comment, making him turn around. "I personally don't mind an audience, but-" I pull out a cigarette, using the heat in it to warm myself. "She really doesn't appreciate it. You embarrassed her." I explained, studying his nervous expression. "But we know each other quite well, don't we, William? And I'm sure you know what happens when you embarrass something that's mine"

His skin shivers in the snow as I pull my gun out, aiming it at a frozen William. "It'll be quick" I comfort. After all, Jane has changed me a little bit. I allow my cigarette to rest on my lip as lifts his arms up in fear. "Get on your knees" I demand through my muffled voice, inhaling my cigarette and breathing out as he pulls a hesitant grimace.

"Please, I will apologize to her, I will do anything" he pleaded, unwilling to get to his knees.

The pulse in my stomach is distracting me, forcing me to only see Jane as he cries. Falling impatient I pull the trigger before his body falls to the ground, creating a snow angel. His face, drowning in his own blood as he decorates the snow.

Unbuttoning all of Jane's hard work, I toss my polka-dotted, bloody shirt in the laundry basket. Whoever is upstairs can wait, all I need is Jane right now. Her breathless face replays in my mind as I speed walk to my room, as I tuck my hair back into a low bun, growing restless by my hair heating my neck. I crave her already. Please be there, Jane. Please. I need you.

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