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Carmilla P.O.V

"What the fuck is going on?!" I shout out as I enter my office after hearing the yells echoing through the gaps as I walked up.

Genevieve loudly sighs in relief, her gun swinging along with her before returning to him. "Where have you been? he keeps saying he really needs to talk to you, and I kept telling him you'll be here soon, but he wouldn't listen" she explains, her gun aimed at his head.

"Me and Jane were talking" I sneak a smirk onto my face when she looks away, proud of my quick wit. "Why have you got a gun to his head?" I question as I walk over to the kneeling Marshal, clutching my gun in case there is a valid reason.

"He kept threatening to break everything if I don't get you, he's a nutcase, I don't even know how he got in here" she justifies, placing her gun back into her pocket once I take over, causing her to take a step back.

"He's using the money for the house." he sputters out, pulling both our attention to him as the room goes stark silent. He can't be serious. I mean, Christian stoops low, but not that low. I let out a harsh breath once I heard Genevieve's mind cogging, trying to figure out what she is missing.

Genevieve turns her face towards me, her eyes scanning for any sign of deceit. "What house?" she interrogates. She knows I know what he's talking about. Fuck. She can't know, not yet. Silence fills the room as I try to come up with an answer, my quick answers not proving themselves useful here. "What house, Marshal?" she turns to him, knowing I won't give her a clear answer.

I glare over at Marshal. If he says anything, I'll rip his heart out. "Don't answer her, Marshal" I threaten.

"Don't listen to her, Marshal. What house?" Genevieve repeats, aiming her gun at the conflicted man before i place my hand out in front of it shielding him with my palm. His eyes bounces between us, unsure of who to listen to.

"You're scaring him, Gen," I said as I planted myself in between Marshal and Genevieve, needing him alive for everything I have planned. Her gun's now aimed at my chest, her jaw locking as she isn't giving in, certain I'm hiding something from her. Maybe it's time for her to know. "Put the gun away, he doesn't know anything" I give in, placing my hand over her gun to press it away from me, I sigh as her gun slowly goes back down, happy she believed me. "Let's talk" I smile, trying to mask the heavy pit in my stomach.

Genevieve sits down on the couch, waiting for me to speak. I motioned for Marshal to leave, thanking him on the way out as he nodded. "We'll be in contact soon, and your daughter is doing well. She's sleeping upstairs." I state gently, imagining her exhausted body all cozied up in my bed. I miss her already.

A deafening stillness fills our surroundings once the door shuts, leaving a curious Genevieve staring at me. "Where do I start?" I massage the bridge of my nose, trying to figure out how to tell her.

"Tu me rends nerveux, vas-y, dis-moi" Genevieve snaps in our mother tongue, impatient to know why I'm acting like this.

{translation: you're making me nervous, go on, tell me}

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for her outburst that will come when I tell her. "Let me finish before you say anything. Don't interrupt me or I'll leave" I warn, knowing it's in her character to never let me finish talking. "Christian, he asked me for money recently" I start. Her face gave me a 'spill it out' expression as she crossed her arms over her chest, the heel of her shoe tapping in anticipation. "I gave it to him, but I had a feeling he was lying to me about what he needed it for." I pull out a cigarette and light it swiftly. I need a nicotine rush to be able to handle the drama that's about to unfold. "So... I made Marshal my inside man." Genevieve's face displays so much confusion. Ugh, she doesn't know anything. "He's Christian's secretary," I explained.

"Okay but what does this have to do with a house?" she asks impatiently.

"You agreed to not interrupt me!" I moaned, smacking my arm on the desk.

"Okay! Fine, vas-y!" she urges. 'God, please give me patience' I pray, hoping to be able to finish my god-damn sentence before she interrupts again.

"As I was saying," I lean back on my desk. "Dad left the house to you" I blurted out.

"What house?" she pauses. "This house?"

"No, the house we grew up in. When you get married, the house will go to you. But Christian must have found a loophole." I explained. I close my eyes, not daring to look at the fuming expression on her face.

"What?" is all she can say. Her brows are mirroring her mind trying to process what I've just said. "Why didn't I know about this?" Genevieve voices with betrayal in her tone, her arms slowly loosening themselves in contemplation.

"You didn't need to know about this, you would have found out when you got married" I reasoned.

"Wait, wait-" She stands up. "-Why didn't it go to you?" she questioned as her steps slowly approached me. God she was so blind to it all.

I let out a dry chuckle. I don't have time for this right now. "I don't know, Genevieve," I roll my eyes.

"You do, you always know why. What aren't you telling me?" her tone suddenly aimed her suspicion towards me.

"Gen, please stop poking. The issue is trying to get the house back" I deflect. "I'm tired. Can we talk about this another time?"

"No, we're talking about this right now." Genevieve states sternly. Who is she talking to? I know she's not talking to me. I bite my tongue, grasping onto everything in me to not tell her the truth.

"Carmilla, answer me! Merde!" she shouts out in frustration.

"He only loved you!" I snapped at her. Rage fuels me as I lift my shirt up, biting down the lump in my throat before lowering my head. "You see this?" I point at the scar on my stomach. "You want to guess who did this?" I question with a painful crack in my voice.

Her eyes start to gloss as she looks at my stomach, a slight tremor on her bottom lip. "No, you're lying" she whispers out. "He wouldn't do that '' she affirms, her voice filled with disbelief as if she's trying to convince herself too.

"You think I'm lying?" I question, the anger in me shifting into confusion. Is she being serious? How can she betray me like this? My eyes feel like they're burning as I try to hold back my tears. "You don't know the same dad I know. You have no idea the things he would do to me" I explained, the lump in my throat slowing my words.

"Stop, don't say that '' she shakes her head. Oh, now she doesn't want answers.

I laugh out in disbelief. "What? You're surprised that he wasn't the perfect daddy?" I mock, the ache in my chest making unconsented tears fall. "You're shocked he didn't buy me cakes every Sunday like he did for you?" my face is inches from hers. "You're shocked he didn't kiss me goodnight like he did you?" I yell out. "He wanted me dead!" I placed my finger on her chest, poking it. "He just wanted you, his perfect little Genevieve" I continued, hatred lacing my words. "He just wanted you. He didn't want me, he never wanted me!" By the time I'm done, my tears have become uncontrollable. I feel pain, anger, and pure rage. Rage at our father for the way he has treated me, and rage at my sister for not believing that what I'm saying about him is the truth.

Silent sobs overtake Genevieve as she looks at me, her world view shattered. "Is this why you killed him?" she stutters out.

"Je ne l'ai pas tué, je me suis défendu" I spit.

{Translation: I didn't kill him, I defended myself}

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