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Jane POV

I wrap my legs under the light blanket as the pilot speaks up, making me pull my headphones off as Carmilla answers messages on her phone, speaking in Russian.

Nice Côte d'Azur is all I caught, most likely the airport since the seatbelt signs come on, everyone around me listening, apart from Carmilla as she listens to the voice message, completely distracted by her work. "Your seatbelt" I whisper into her ear, earning me a glare as she resumes her listening to her message before I close the gap between my thighs, my core still wet from the mess she caused just a few hours ago, or maybe it's all returned with one look.

The tension in the plane was starting to build, Cole and Genevieve sitting across the private plane, their distance felt even if they were to hold my hand. Ever since the night we went out last week, they've been acting so weird, almost as if they don't want to talk to me anymore. I'm just trying to fit in, become like them, even if they make it clear I never will be, I don't belong in this world. Genevieve glances over at me, passing me a sweet smile before shutting her eyes, the group now split in two.

My fingers tap the arm rest as we begin landing, nerves overtaking me as I tighten my hand on the leather, shutting my eyes as tightly as I can. My eyes loosen as I open them slightly at the sudden heat on my hand, Carmilla's hand resting on mine as she focuses on her phone, subconsciously soothing me. My lips curl gently into a smile as she rubs my hand, distracting me as we hit the floor, my breathing returned to normal.

It's been an hour since we've landed, our car driving down the snaked roads of Monaco as I admire the view around us. Never in my short life did I ever think I would get to step foot in Monaco, let alone in a Phantom Rolls Royce, accompanied by black Cadillac Escalade SUVs around us. Carmilla was staring out of her side of the window, her beige silk suit, perfectly tailored to her body, hugging her figure so magnificently. Her white shirt was wrapped with a darker shade of brown tie  that matched the little pocket square that stuck out of her suit pocket. Her hair was in her classic low bun, her features glowing against the sun was so breathtaking, making me doubt the evil behind it. "Take a picture baby, it'll last longer" her words snapped out of my admiration, completely unaware of how long I've been staring.

If you say so. I pull my phone out, swiping the screen to the camera before I lift it up to catch a quick photo of her, only to have my phone snatched out of my hand before I get the chance. "Wha-"

"Never take a photo of me" she interrupts sternly, her calm tone long forgotten. My heart shoots up at the sudden shift in her voice, a glimmer of fear seeing through as she checks my phone before she puts it in her pocket.

"Sorry" I mumble before my mind cogs, remembering the group photos in her office, standing with her empire. "I- I didn't know, I've seen photos of you so I assumed-"

"Look behind me Jane, what do you see?" she interrupts once again, her voice snappy as shifts in her seat, her legs spreading.

"The Vieux Monaco" I mutter, uncomfortable by her silence, everyone around us listening in as I get ridiculed.

"And what do you think will happen if a photo of me, driving around Monaco, with my exact location because you can see it in the background is ever leaked? Or your phone gets hacked?" Carmilla questions, her tone condescending. My hands intertwined with the other as I looked down, feeling her eyes dig into my skin. "I asked you a question, Jane," she persists.

"It could put you and your job at risk" I answer.

"Smart girl" she praises as her hand comes into my view before she places it under my chin and grips it harshly, obliging me to look at her. "Never fucking do that dumb shit again" she grits. I nod, my eyes pleading her to let it go, and thankfully she does. I dont think I'm going to see much of my phone this trip.

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