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Jane P.O.V.

Why does she want to tag along? Does she not remember what happened a few hours ago?. I am terrified, but the look in her eyes seemed different now that she is calm, the green around her pupils no longer so hidden. She seemed less harmful, with no weapon and no demons in her eyes, almost as if she was another person.

Genevieve looks at me, awaiting my answer. I don't want to go with her, but being out would be nice. Hesitantly I let out a "yes". 

"I'll be there too, I won't let anything happen." She reassures me in a whisper. I smile back at her in gratitude as she takes my hand, tightening her grip around the stained bloodstains. 

"I'll wait downstairs," Carmilla says, her eyes focused on Genevieve holding my hand. Jealousy in her eyes. A swallow down the anxiety in my throat and nod at Carmilla, making her leave the room in silence.


"That's perfect!" she exclaims in admiration.

"Is it not too much?" I ask, insecure about her choice of dress.

"No, it's perfect for where a woman like Carmilla would take us," Genevieve jokes, trying to lighten the mood. I trace my hand on the dress, and a smile of confidence creeps up as I look at myself in the mirror. I do like it. I love how the silky black drapes on my hips. I like how well it compliments my body.

"Fuck it, let's go" I blurt out with a little chuckle. Genevieve claps in excitement as she gets up. A blast of joy hits me at the sound of her applause. I just need to forget about what happened, even if it's just to save my sanity.

"Let me go get my man. You go down, okay?" She encourages me. My mood drops in an instant. "Hey, it's okay" she soothes. "I'll be right behind you, she won't harm you.'' For some reason, her words reassured me, knowing she couldn't possibly do anything while we were out in public.

"Okay, fine" I give in. She embraces me with a warm hug before she leaves, leaving me to take a deep breath before I walk out of the room. Composing all my thoughts, I step out of the room, greeting the man standing at the end of the corridor. 'We're just going to dinner, she can't do anything to me at a restaurant,' I attempted to convince myself, pushing my worries away. My heart is racing against my will.

Standing at the top of the stairs, I see Carmilla. With her back facing me, I take my first step. She swiftly turns around, making time stop. Her hair is neatly tucked into a low bun, her unbuttoned shirt matching her black suit. Her leather belt wrapped perfectly around her waist. She looks so mesmerizing. The scent of her perfume intoxicates me. Her eyes look gentle, like they're enthralled by what they're seeing. And at this very moment, she looks harmless to me.

"You look beautiful," Carmilla remarks. My heart skips a beat, her voice sending goosebumps across my skin.

"Thank you" I say as I take my last step. Carmilla puts her arm out for me to take her hand. I pause for a minute to process what's going on. After a brief moment, I caved and took her hand. For the first time, her hands felt warm.

"We'll take my car and Genevieve and Cole will follow behind us"  she states in a slight stammer, avoiding eye contact with me whenever i look at her. My stomach churns at the scenario before I give in and nod, silently walking beside her. The doors open, revealing her car waiting for us at the entrance as presses the button on her key. The headlights light up the path in front of us as the matt black Maserati blends in with the night sky. I take a deep breath, admiring it.

I feel her grin as she watches me, proud of her choice. She then proceeds to open the door for me as she walks ahead of me, raising her brow to indicate for me to step in. "Ladies first" her cockiness makes me chuckle internally. I do as she says and step inside her car, the smell of her perfume hitting my brain right away. I feel the leather interior on my skin, the packet of cigarettes placed on the center console as she steps in. "You might want your seatbelt on" she suggests, her words snapping me out of my thoughts. I put my seatbelt on as she drove off, one hand resting on the wheel as the other pulled out a cigarette, her palm turning the wheel effortlessly as she multitasks.


"Can you slow down?" I ask gently as I grip onto the arm rest beside me. She smirks as her foot presses on the accelerator, causing my body to sink into the seat. I gulp down and close my eyes. We're going to die, she's going to crash.

"Oh, stop being such a baby," she mocks, making the engine rev as she does a harsh turn. This is a game to her, my life is a game to her. My hands grip the hand rest tightly as I hold my breath, shutting my eyes tighter, desperate for this drive to come to an end. I'm not finding this amusing, and she knows that. "Ugh, what a party pooper" she moans, slowing down. "It's your fault if they beat us to the restaurant" she argues playfully. I regain my breath, opening my eyes before I admire the street lights illuminating the road in front of us.

I sit up in awe at the cars lighting up the street in front of the hotel. The car comes to a halt as a man comes over. "Sorry for scaring you, I'll drive slower next time" Carmilla comforts genuinely, seeming as if she realized she may have pushed it a little too far. I give her a smile of gratitude as she steps out of her side and walks in front of the car as I stay inside. Fixing her suit, she passes her keys to the man.

Carmilla swiftly comes over to my door, opening it for me. Conflicted, I hesitate to get out. "Where is Genevieve?" I question, not having seen her since she was in my room. A roll in her eyes is all the response I get.

"Genevieve this, Genevieve that" she mumbles loud enough for me to hear. "She's coming, I promise. Now can you get out? You're making the man wait." she urges. I scoff silently. As if she actually cares about the man waiting. Although, not wanting to rile her up, I take her word for it and step out of the car.

Thank god I listened to Genevieve. Women walk past me in long gowns, men in suits that probably cost a house. The couples walk in sync as if they've been training their whole life to enter places like these, gala ready to go to a restaurant.

"Guys, wait up" I hear a familiar voice behind me. I breathe out a sigh of relief at the voice of Cole approaching us. We both turn in unison as Genevieve and Cole walk up to us, smiles wide with their arms intertwined with the other. "How did you beat us?!" Cole teases playfully.

"I always beat you" Carmilla taunts as she laughs out. I look at the amused Carmilla as she puts her hand out, her grin falling into a little smirk. "Come on then, you owe me" her brow raises. Cole huffs as he passes her a roll of cash from the inside of his pocket, his gun making a split second appearance as it rests in the holster around his waist.

"One day I'll arrive here before you," he threatens mischievously.

"I'll be dead before you do," Carmilla argues, her eyes sparkling at Genevieve's bursts of laughter.

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