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Jane P.O.V.

My head feels like it's going to explode, this is too much for me to deal with. One second, I hate her, the next second, I wish she'd undress me. What is wrong with me? The wind in my hair pulls me back to reality as I daze out of the window, replaying every second of that date?.

"You okay back there?" Genevieve questions as she watches me from the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I responded dryly. I'm not okay. What did Genevieve mean by, don't do anything stupid? My mind is spiraling. "What did you mean by, don't do anything stupid?" I ask as she focuses on the road, Cole changing the low song playing in the car.

"She gets like this sometimes," she elaborates. "she'll get upset by something and disappear for a little while and you never know what to expect when she gets back. Sometimes she's happy, sometimes she's completely wasted and we have to carry her to bed. And other times she won't speak to me for weeks, like I've done something wrong to her." Genevieve lets out a tired sigh as she explains. "Just don't worry about her, she can handle herself just fine." she assures, her voice trying to cover her frustration.

Is this my chance? She could be gone for a while. Would Genevieve let me go if she doesn't come back tonight? My thoughts give me hope. Maybe I can finally go home. I sit in silence pondering what Genevieve has said, her eyes glancing at me every few seconds.


I lay down in the large bed, my back cushioned in the cloudy foam mattress, inviting me to rest. My brain won't let me sleep. A growl in my stomach tells me I should have eaten the food, but how could I have?. I kept staring at the red number on the alarm clock sitting next to me, watching each second pass. The wind blows against the window, whistling endless tunes. The silk ivory duvet protects me from the frost around me as it tucks me in, leaving my toe to keep me from overheating. I shut my eyes in an attempt to try and get some sleep, but all I can see is her. Her single tear dropping, replaying in my head over and over again. I let out a frustrated groan as I turned, wishing someone would take me out of my misery. My eyes sting, as if someone is stabbing me with needles, taunting me for caring about someone that literally tortured me. My mind and eyes are at war, and my brain is not in the mood to lose. "Please, just stop thinking, Jane. Stop it," I tell myself. This is a new feeling. I used to love sleeping, I would practically hibernate. Yet here I am, begging myself to go to sleep.

I reposition myself on my back and stare at the ceiling above me. Circular embellishment plastered, making me feel as though I'm in a palace. The chandelier is carried by a gold chain connecting it to the center of the ceiling. I get lost in the sparkling crystals that light up the room, each tier reflecting on the walls. The ticking clock starts to match my heart beat as I ponder over everything, my emotions moving too fast against time. A little knock snaps me out of my boredom, pulling me out of my daze.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Genevieve whispers as she peeks her head and then proceeds to walk into the room. How does she know? Was she listening in?

I lift myself up so I'm sitting on the bed, my blanket still wrapped around me like a cocoon. "I can't fall asleep, '' I explained. "How did you know I was awake?" I inquired in suspicion. My question makes her point to the little camera in the corner of the wall, staring at me. She's watching me? Of course Carmilla would have cameras in the rooms. My concerns about her well-being are slowly slipping away as I remind myself that she has invaded my privacy on so many levels. Fucking pervert.

"I just checked to see if you were asleep. Don't worry, I wasn't watching you for hours" she chuckles, as if I was thinking out loud. Genevieve sits down at the edge of the bed. Facing me, she pulls out a black phone with a little sticker on it. "Here, there's Netflix on there" she smiles. "Hopefully that will save you from thinking all night"

I take the phone from her hand, confused by her proposition. Why would she give me a phone? "Thank you" I utter out quietly.

"I'm sorry, but there's no sim card and the app store is blocked so I wouldn't bother" She says, again, it's as if I'm thinking out loud. "Just use whatever is on there to keep you company, okay?" Her voice is so gentle as she attempts to cure my boredom. I can tell she hates doing this, but she has to. I'm at a loss for words, not knowing if I should hug her or tell her to go away. "What are you thinking about?" Genevieve asks, reaching her hand out to place it on mine.

"I keep feeling like this is my fault, like I upset her" I confide with the listening Genevieve as she takes a deep breath, trying to find her words.

"It's really not your fault, Jane. I promise you that this has nothing to do with you" she gets up, walking over to the box of tissues. She passes it to me as I sniffle, sitting down beside me as her hand rests on my covered thigh. "Our family is complicated, Carmilla and our father were never close, and no one knows why. Maybe one day she'll tell me, or maybe she never will." she expresses with sadness.

"Have you not asked your dad?" I ask, confused by what I'm missing here.

"I never got the chance to." she admits as it goes silent for a moment. "She killed him while I was in boarding school" she confesses, a tear rolling down her cheek.

I quickly move up and embrace her in my arms. "I'm so sorry" I console in a whisper. She hugs me back tightly as she leans her head on my shoulder. If Carmilla killed her father, what's stopping her from killing me?.

The room feels calm, like two friends comforting each other. "Thank you" she whispers, her arms slowly letting go of me. "Let's watch something together, maybe we'll both be able to sleep" she chuckles sarcastically.

"I would love that" I smile as I get back in the bed. Genevieve follows behind me and climbs under the duvet next to me, cuddling up within the warmth I filled.

"Now, the real question is, what do we watch?" she questions, waiting for me to give her an answer. Horror? No, too much, we're trying to sleep. Thriller? No, we're in one. Action? We've had too much of that tonight. Comedy. That's a safe option.

"Grown ups?" I suggest as I open up the phone.

"I haven't watched that, so sure, let's do it." she approves with a warm smile.

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