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3rd person P.O.V.

"So...? What do you say?" Carmilla asks with a wide smile as she turns to look at Jane.

Jane glances up from her phone, her back resting against the bed frame. "Only if you let me drive" Jane suggests with her tongue in her cheek. Taken aback, Carmilla's smile turns into an intrigued smirk.

"You know how to drive?" Carmilla interrogates curiously, making Jane roll her eyes.

"Of course I know how to drive" she exclaims as if her question was out of this world. "You know, sometimes you surprise me by how little you know about me." she states, her words making Carmilla swallow down her confidence. Jane is right, Carmilla never really bothered to get to know Jane. Her favorite color, her favorite flowers, her biggest fears, who did little Jane look up to the most? Carmilla only knew the scared Jane, the angry and lost Jane. It's time she learned who Jane really was.

"Okay, Jane. Tell me then. Who are you?" Carmilla questions as she leans over to Jane, using her good arm to hold herself up.

Jane's lips form a little smile as she adjusts herself. "Well... I'm currently studying literature" she begins, although her sentence gets abrupt by Carmilla.

"Ugh, I know that, I did my research" she voices, brushing away Jane's words. "Tell me something about your childhood, tell me something that isn't written on your official documents" Carmilla suggests.

Jane shakes her head, letting out a chuckle. "Okay, let me think." She pauses for a moment. "I had the sweetest dog growing up, her name was Coco. I named her that because on the day we got her, she knocked the coco power off the table and it landed all over her face." Jane laughs as she reminisces, those sweet memories of her best friend making her heart jitter. "Oh, when I was five, I wanted to see the cake my mom had in the oven, so silly me climbed up and I placed both my palms on the oven window to hold myself up," Jane explains as she lifts her hands up to demonstrate to Carmilla what she did.

"I don't remember the pain but I do remember my mom wrapping my hands in endless tea bags." Carmilla beams at her story, in awe of the woman in front of her. "I looked like I was ready to step in the ring with those tea gloves" she jokes, her laughter echoing through the dark walls, lighting up the room.

Carmilla gazes upon Jane, an idea lighting up in her mind. "Talking about teas and cakes, I have a better idea," Carmilla voices as she gets up.

Jane's lips purse in disappointment, "but I wanted to go shopping" she moans in a huff. Carmilla chuckles at her mini tantrum.

"We can go shopping tomorrow, I promise you will like it" she assures as she tosses her car keys to Jane, indicating for her to get up. "Come on then, you can drive," Carmilla persuades as she retreats to the bedroom door.

Jane exhales in defeat as she follows her lead, walking behind Carmilla. "This better be good" she whispers to herself.

"I heard that, and it will" Carmilla responds with a concealed smirk, their gentle footsteps forming a content rhythm. Jane glances at the letter B surrounded by silver feather wings on the keys.

"You're seriously going to trust me to drive a Bentley?" Jane inquires cautiously, her finger tracing the keyring holding the keys. "Don't you have a cheaper car? Just in case?"

Carmilla lets out an amused chuckle at her words. "You said you could drive. What is it? Are you nervous? " Carmilla teases as she stops in her tracks, her hand traveling down to her trouser pocket as she stares down at Jane, brow raised as she waits for a response.

"No, I-" Jane stammers, flustered by Carmilla's posture. Carmilla notices and steps towards her, Carmilla's body inches away from Jane as she lowers her gaze to maintain eye contact with her.

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