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Jane P.O.V.

The steaming water hits my sensitive skin, wishing to wash away the nerves tingling all the way down to my toes. I feel the sting on my thigh as the heat reaches my open cuts, reminding me of the pain that was so easily replaced by nerves and fear. Her name is staring at me as I trace my fingers on the letters, watching me, as if she is always around, making sure she I know I no longer am a free soul. I feel exposed, even if I'm behind blurry glass, and locked doors.

My eyes closing, I let out a tired sigh. Is this my life now? waiting for the moment she either lets me go, tortures me, or just kills me. A sheep waiting for its execution.

Deeply absorbed in my thoughts, a salty tear escapes my eyes but a knock evaporates my contemplation as a distant sound heightens my senses. Switching the water off, I open the glass doors to check if my mind isn't playing games with me, taunting me for imagining someone was coming to save me. Silence falls for a few seconds before a faint knock is heard again from the bedroom door. "One sec" I exclaim out, worried that they will walk in on me naked. Getting abruptly out of the shower, I open the door to the wardrobe. My eyes threatening to escape my sockets, I look through the clothes in front of me. A short crimson-red dress catches my eye, its color matching the cuts on my thigh. I grab it and let it drape over me. I tiptoe over to the door, I place my hand over the handle, and I twist it. It's locked. "Who is it?" I question. I know it's not Carmilla. She has the keys to my room.

"It's Kayla," she whispers out. Kayla? What is she doing here? "There's a key under the box of tissues near the bed," Kayla urges. My eyes meet the tissue box as I run over to it quietly. Lifting it up, I pick up the key and tread back over to the door. "Did you find it?" she asks, urgency in her tone. Shuffling with the keyhole, I finally succeeded in opening the door.

Her eyes scan me, as if she was undressing me. A sense of vulnerability overtakes me. "Do you need something?" I asked innocently. My eyes go to her lips, never really having had a chance to get a proper look at her features. Her lips are plump, a dark shade of pink covering them, perfectly complimenting her dark tone. She approaches me, and my feet instinctively take a step back, her robe still off her shoulders like only moments ago.

"I just wanted to talk" she stops in her tracks, most likely realizing her quick approach. She notices the chair opposite the bed, and walks towards it, passing me by a hair length before she settles down on it. "Are you okay?" she questions with concern in her voice once she is sat, nudging her head to invite me to sit. I nod silently as I sit down on the bed to face her, wrapping one leg over the other.

"Are you her girlfriend?" I blurt out, placing my hands on my lap.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," a dry chuckle leaves her mouth. Weird. "We've been seeing each other for a couple of months now, but she's never called me her girlfriend," kayla explains. "What about you?" she asks. I look at her with a puzzled expression, her question taking me back. "It's okay, I'm used to it. There's always girls here, she's not really the monogamous kind" she justifies. Silence takes over as I struggle to find an answer to her question.

"Uh... I'm not with her." I awkwardly respond.

Her brow lifts, "really? You're her type though" she elaborates. "Blonde, short, blue eyes, and the obvious" her eyes wander to my chest. A new tension fills the room and I can't quite place my finger on it. "Can I sit next to you?" She asks abruptly, her soft voice sending butterflies to my stomach.

Taking a moment to process her intentions, I accept, nudging over to make space for her. "I've known her for about a day and a half" I opened up.

"Oh wow, you're really new then aren't you?" she assumes with a chuckle, her words seeming ironic.

An awkward moment of silence passes as we both try to come up with something to keep us from burying ourselves in discomfort until a question pops into my mind.  "What do you see in her?" I interrogate in confusion.

A sigh leaves her mouth, almost as if she doesn't want to talk about her. "she's sweet to me." Kayla states. Sweet? Sweet isn't the word I'd use to describe Carmilla.

"Are we talking about the same woman?" I asked in surprise. Worried i offended her by the no response, my chest eases when she bursts into laughter before our laughs soon fill the room.

We both recollect our breaths as it dies down, little chuckles escaping us both every few seconds. "No, but seriously.  She's got a gentle side to her, I promise" she reassures. "But I didn't come here to talk about her, though," she revealed. Her words made my heart skip a beat as she waited for a response. What is she insinuating?  "You're really pretty" she compliments while looking at my lips. Is she hitting on me?

"So are you" I give in, falling under her calming spell. I see her chest moving up and down ever so gently as her face gets closer to mine, her eyes drawn on mine as time slows. Her breath makes my hairs stand up as goosebumps form, nerves shooting to my brain and legs. My vision gets blocked with her lips pressing against mine, so gentle yet firm. I don't return the kiss for a moment, unsure of how to react even if I knew that it was coming. She separates our lips and looks at me in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I don't know why I did that" she stutters out, humiliated.

"No, don't apologize," I comfort, cupping her cheeks with my palm as I reconnect our lips. My eyes shut as she kisses me back. All of a sudden, her lips open as a harsh gasp leaves her mouth. I open my eyes to be met with Kayla gasping for air, my full vision taken up by her face. What just happened? I slowly lift my head up to be met with Carmilla standing right behind Kayla, a blade piercing into her back as Kayla's eyes are bloodshot.

Raging veins bulge through her temple as Carmilla pulls the knife out of Kayla's back,  blood overflowing onto her cold hands. I freeze in place, completely shaken from her sudden appearance and the terror screams escaping Kayla. I can see the dissatisfaction in her eyes as if she hasn't shed enough blood, her pupils dilated. She stabs her again in rage, this time piercing her heart, her ribs snapping from the force. I scream out in terror, attempting to crawl away from the evil that has possessed Carmilla. I hear the blood gushing as her blade penetrates Kayla's spine, with each passing stab, her anger doesn't seem to fade. Carmilla is gone. This isn't her. Or is it? I don't know anymore. Her arm travels up to Kayla's bloody hair as she wraps her wrist around it. A screech is heard as Carmilla pulls it back, before cutting a clean line onto her neck, splashing her blood across my face. A river of blood gushes onto the white bedsheets before Kayla's lifeless body dives onto the pool of her own blood. She's dead, She's dead. My wails of terror take up all the sound in the chamber, my chest hyperventilating from shock.

From where I am, I can see Kayla's eyes drying of life before I take a cautious look around at the mess Carmilla has created. Hell is empty. The devil is in the room with me.

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