1| Wonderland.

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1 | Wonderland.

| 3rd POV |

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"It's the first day of school, I want to get there early." Rory Gilmore said, leaning forward in her seat.

"We will be there early, I promise." Her mom, Lorelai, responded, carelessly shoving another bite of eggs into her mouth.

"I have different classes this year, my routes aren't the same. I haven't found the quickest path around. And my locker," Rory urged, "they moved it, so I don't even know if it'll work properly. And then I'll have to get a new one, and god knows how long that'll take, or where it'll be, and that could send the whole day into chaos!"

"Rory, I love you and all, but can you please stop talking? I'm already stressed enough with the possibly of being late, I don't need you rambling on about even more things for me to start stressing about!" Sage Gilmore, her twin sister, pleaded, rubbing her head in her hands.

Lorelai tilted her head at her two daughters. The younger of the two mumbled a small "sorry," to Sage, before tapping the table twice, a grin spreading across her face. "I'm just excited," Rory said.

Sage drank a sip of coffee, "and I'm panicking."

The door suddenly burst open, the bell ringing inside Sage's head.

"Oh thank god, you haven't left yet." Lane Kim's voice met her ears, her sisters best friend. "Nope, what's up?"

"Well, I found the greatest record store in the world. It's ten minutes from your school and I wondered how much you love me?" Lane pulled up a chair, giving Sage a smile before looking back at her sister. "Address?" Rory asked. "Recordbreaker Incorporated, 2453 Berlin Turnpike." Sage slid her sister her pen. Rory gave her a small thank you, before turning her attention back to Lane. "Got it. Place your order now."

Sage tuned them out as they rambled about records, instead finding much more entertainment in glaring outside. It was way too bright out today, worsening her already pounding headache.

Inadvertently, she began flipping through the pages of the book in her hands, running her fingers along the spine. A nervous habit.

She was currently rereading The Secret History, one of her favorites.

She continued to ignore a bunch of boy scouts blabbering on about what they wanted for breakfast, only snickering when Luke, the owner of the diner they we're currently in, and almost like a father figure to Sage, practically told them to shut up.

In a slightly nicer manner, of course.

"Oh goodness gracious," Sage groaned, standing up. She hated kids.

The teenager poked ones neck, hitting a pressure point. Taylor Doose, town selectman of Stars Hollow, glared at her, while the kid yelped.

"Oops?" She shrugged.

Her mom smiled at her as she passed her to go behind the counter. "Have I ever told you you're my favorite?"

"No," she deadpanned.

Lorelai grinned sheepishly, pointing out which doughnuts she wanted. Sage grabbed a bag and a napkin, pulling them out of the container.

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