5| Love Story.

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5 | Love Story.

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"There is good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."

Jess thought for a moment, staring down at the lake. "The Two Towers."

Sage nodded, watching as his head lifted and he met her eyes. "We accept the love we thing we deserve," he muttered.

"Easy," she said, "Perks of Being a Wallflower."

The light from the moon reflected off the water, and onto Jess's skin, making his eyes practically shine. The dark hazel color appearing almost black.

"You have been my friend, that in itself is a tremendous thing." His feet swung off the bidge, while Sage's were criss crossed, her hands tucked in her lap as she fiddled with the homemade thumb holes on her hoodie.

"Charlottes Web," he laughed, looking over at the girl beside him. "Bullseye," she said.

"Well, I have to say this is certainly a bit better than committing crimes, much more relaxing."

"Even better than arson?" Sage teased.

"Woah there," he huffed out a longer breath, "that's going a bit far."

"So how long are you staying for?" Sage propped her arm on her knee, laying her chin ontop of it. Jess turned his body fully to hers, crossing his arms. "Don't know," he said. "Awhile, if I had to guess."

"Is that bad?" She tilted her head, meeting his eyes once more.

They were a mix of brown and green, a textbook definition of hazel. Sage had to stop herself from telling him they were really pretty.

He stared at her, "I'm not sure yet."

"Well," she sighed, "let me know if there's anything I can do to make it a little more bearable. It's not too bad here, a little stuffy, sure, but not bad."

He nodded, keeping his eyes locked on hers.

"Hey, do you know what time it is?" She asked. He looked down, checking a watch she didn't know he had. "Almost midnight."

Sage had wrote a note before she left, telling her mom she went over to the bookstore, seeing as they're usually open pretty late, and that the house just got too much for her. She went there a lot, so it wasn't weird or anything.

"I should probably go," she whispered, truthfully, not wanting to leave.

"What, are you turning into a peach at midnight?"

"Again with the princess jokes," Sage sighed, dramaticly, then snorted. "Do you mean a pumpkin? And that would be the carriage, not me, idiot."

"Close enough," Jess grumbled, standing up.

He held out a hand to her, she took it.

"See you around then, princess." He began walking backwards, somehow not falling into the lake.

Lucky. She tried to do that once and she ruined her favorite shirt.

"Bye," she told him, turning around.

On her way home, all Sage could think about, was Jess.

And, even more so the fact that she totally shouldn't be thinking about him at all.

Dear god, what is wrong with me?

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad." Sage shook her head, "it's you and Luke. You guys argue, then the next day, everythings fine again. It's normal. Like an old married couple." She shrugged,

Lorelai sighed, "not this time, Sage."

"So what," Rory said, as the three of them stopped in front of Luke's Diner. "We're never going to go into Luke again? We're just gonna starve?"

"Rory, this was a bad one, okay?" Their mom said, "this was not Nick and Nora. This was Sid and Nancy."

Oh dang, yeah that's bad. Sage thought.

"I'm not going in there." Lorelai shook her head.

"But the coffee, mom, the coffee," Sage pleaded.

"And," Rory added, "it's danish day. Are you seriously telling me you're gonna let a fight get in the way of danish day?"

"Yeah," Sage said. "But even more importantly, the coffee."

"No I'm not," Lorelai smiled. "Good."

"So you two go in there and order three coffees and three danishs to go." She demanded.

"Ugh," Sage groaned, tossing her head back.

"You're kidding, right?" Rory exclaimed. "Mom, he's gonna know what's going on. He's not stupid."

After a few moments of bickering, Sage interrupted the two. "Okay, I'm getting a coffee. For me." She stopped her mom, "me. Not you. If you want one, you can go in yourself. But if I have to go two more minutes without caffeine, I'm going to combust. Goodbye, now."

She walked off, ignoring Lorelai's pleas. She pulled open the door, hearing the bell ring, and the sound of her mom begging Rory faded out.

She walked up to the counter, placing her elbows on the table.

Luke looked up, a neary non visible smile on his lips when he saw her.

"Hey kid, what can I get for ya?" He asked, already grabbing the pot of coffee.

"Just a coffee, to go, please. I've gotta study before school."

"You aren't ordering for her too?" Luke said, grabbing a cup. "Nope, I'm staying completely out of this."

"Admirable," he said. "Same as usual?"

Sage nodded, "two teaspoons of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon."

"Yes ma'am," he poured the cup, making sure it was the extra strong one, as she liked it, before adding her weird ingredients she somehow adored.

He handed her the cup, quickly glancing out the window at Lorelai. Sage smiled at him, grabbing a few dollars from her pocket.

"You know you don't have to pay," he grumbled. "Too bad, " she shrugged, turning around.

"I'll see you later!" She said.

"See you, kid," he replied.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now