62| Renegade

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62 | Renegade.

| Sage's POV |

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He turned around, a small smile spreading across his face. "Sage."

I looked down, just now realizing how ridiculous I looked with converse and a dress on. "So," I cleared my throat. "Fishing, huh?"

He nodded, his eyes landed on my arm. I watched as his face dropped, his hand reaching out, but pulling back at the last moment. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I've had worse." I nodded.

He laughed a bit, "which time? The broken rib or the broken leg?"

"Don't forget the ankle surgery!" I pointed, smiled softly.

His eyes searched mine. "What wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your eyes are more blue than normal, you've been crying. What's wrong?" I felt my smile lessen a bit, as I shrugged my shoulders. "Got in a fight with my mom. It was nothing." I lied.

His face softened when he looked at me, "want some coffee?"

"Yes please." I nodded, following him inside. I sat down at the counter, watching him set his stuff down, then get the coffee ready. After a moment of silence, he turned to me.

"It was about him, wasn't it? The fight? You were defending him, she was disagreeing with you?"

I bit my lip, my hands distractimg themselves with folding a napkin over and over again. "Yeah. It wasn't the first, either."

"I'm just so sick of her—of everyone, saying bad things about him, you know? He said he didn't care, but it couldn't have helped the welcome to Stars Hollow process. Hey Jess, nice to meet you, everyone here automatically hates you! Everything you do will cause a town meeting where we will continuously discuss our outright disliking for you, without even trying to hide it! Hope you fit in!" I mocked.

Luke laughed, pouring me a cup of coffee. "I wanted to thank you," he said.

I looked up, "for what?"

He sighed. "For never hating him. For never being the person to say bad things about him. Hell, even I've messed up with him, you were the only one who ever did. So, thank you."

I felt myself smile, trying to get my mom's words out of my head.

He didn't care about you.

"Regardless of what everyone is probably telling you," Luke started, "he did like you. You were probably the only one he liked."

"I think he liked you." I said.

"He tolerate me," Luke corrected.

"Hey," I smacked his arm. "He fixed that toaster for you! He unlocked the door for the thing for your uncle." I smiled. "He liked you. He might not have shown it that much, but he did."

Luke looked at me, hope swirling in his eyes. "You think?"

I smiled, nodding. "I know he did."

He sighed, his eyes flickering back to the stairs. "I have to send his stuff back. Sometime soon, at least. He'll go crazy without his books."

"Yeah, he definitely will."

The two of us were quiet for a bit, it wasn't uncomfortable though. We both needed it. I had a feeling neither of us had really gotten the chance to think.

"Oh, he um—he told me to give you something." Luke said, quickly moving upstairs.

I waited patiently, my fingers softly drumming on the counter. My knee was bouncing lightly.

I heard him come back down before I saw him. He came out from behind the curtain, a book in his hands. Pride and Prejudice.

I physically felt sick. He handed it to me, watching as I flipped through my pages.

There were no notes on this one, it was another limited edition, Barns and Noble special copy, also signed by Jane Austen. It was the exact same as my other one, except this one didn't have any of Jess. At least, except for on the last page.

A small coin layed on the paper, three simple handwritten words below the final sentence.

Sage picked up the coin, her fingers dancing on the surface as her hand brushed the words.

I'm sorry, princess.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now