33| Last Kiss.

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33 | Last Kiss.

| 3rd POV |

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

Sage's hands pulled away from Jess's neck, while his hands left her waist. She stepped back, looking down, while Jess turned around.

"Oh—" Luke took a breath, looking away. "Sorry, I—uh—" he cleared his throat.

"It's fine," Sage smiled, her cheeks red as she tried to forget what had just happened. Or, almost happened.

"Um," she paused, grabbing her bag. "I'm gonna go." Jess nodded. "I'll see you later," she mumbled, passing Luke.

"Yep, see ya." He sighed, keeping his eyes on the wall.

After she left, Jess and Luke stayed silent, neither of them having any idea what just happened. Jess's head was still wrapped up in her. The feeling of her hands on his neck—he couldn't focus.

"So—" Luke started, incredibly uncomfortable.

"Don't." Jess shook his head.

"Okay." Luke nodded, leaving the room.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Then she chased me halfway down the street with a hose." Rory said, explaining her incident with Mrs. Kim.

"Sounds like a scene from Silkwood." Sage mumbled.

"Exactly!" Rory exclaimed.

Lorelai groaned, "news travels way too fast around here."

"Four people asked me when we were tenting." Rory sighed. "Two people asked me if we were moving." Sage added. "One person asked me if we were atheists." Rory concluded.

"See, we have to stop talking to people. We have to stay at home with the curtains drawn." Mom said.

"I've been saying that for years!" Sage shrugged.

At the sound of the phone ringing, Rory got up. "I'm gonna go get ready," Sage told her mom, waking into her room.

Sage flipped through her closet, her hand grazing the surface of Jess's leather jacket she still had. She had tried to give it back but he said it was fine, plus it was really warm, so she kept it.

She moved that to the side, grabbing a pair of brown cargo pants and cropped white t-shirt she got in Rome forever ago, with a brown jacket. She also grabbed one of her books, Love Is A Dog From Hell, by Charles Bukowski.

She just put on some mascara, before walking out of her room. After that, they left.

Sage still hadn't told Rory and her mom what happened. She didn't plan on it either. She had only ever had one boyfriend, and that was over a year ago. Brayden Cook. Total douchebag. She wasn't a complete idiot when it came to boys, but Jess was different. He was just—Jess.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"You took my pen!" Emily exclaimed.

Sage groaned, putting her head in her hands. "Rory, what did you do?"

"I appreciate the thought, but I don't need your money." Lorelai said. "So you'd rather have your house fall down than let your mother help you?" Sage's grandma asked, following her daughter into the living room. "Mom, the house is not gonna fall down. Legs not make his a big issue, let's just sit down, have a drink, and have dinner, okay?"

"Alright," Emily said. "Thank you," Lorelai sighed.

"Are you going to give me back my pen?"

"Yeah, after dinner."

"Oh my god," Sage mumbled.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"How was it?" Sage asked, walking into her sisters room. Rory looked up at her, shrugging. "Oh, that bad, huh?" Sage winced.

"I was just trying to help." Rory said, shutting her book. "I didn't mean to make her mad."

"I know, I know." She sat down beside her, taking a piece of Rory's hair and twirling it.

"Do you think she's really mad?" She asked.

Sage took a moment before answering. "I don't think she's mad. Mom never really gets mad at us. I think she's just confused. And stressed. And maybe a little disappointed." Rory groaned at the last one.

"That's worse than being mad."

"Yeah, it is."

They sat there together for a little while, just talking. Sage could tell Rory didn't understand what she did wrong. Sage sympathized with her, but she always understood where their mom was coming from.

Rory knew how Emily would get, but she still did it. Which, honestly, wasn't the best move. But Sage did want their mom to know why Rory thought she was helping. She understood both sides, truthfully.

Rory tilted her head towards her sister, "could I sleep in your room tonight?"

Sage smiled, "always."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Dean called twice," Lorelai said as Sage and Rory walked up. "Ra, ra, ra," Rory mumbled, passing her and Luke on the steps.

"You two?" Luke said. "Don't ask."

Sage glanced at Luke, quickly looking away. He did the same.

"Hi," she mumbled, quickly walking up the steps. "Hey." He replied, gruffly.

After her two daughters went inside, Lorelai turned to Luke. "What was that about?"

Luke sighed, debating on what to say.

"I, uh—" he paused "I saw Sage and Jess—"

"What?" Lorelai asked, her eyes widening.

"Relax, it wasn't that bad." He said. "They were just kissing—or about to—I don't know anymore." He rubbed his forehead, grumbling.

"What?!" Lorelai asked again, jumping up.

Luke looked up at her, slightly terrified.

"When?" She demanded. "Few days ago?" He whispered.

Lorelai scoffed, "I'm gonna kill him."

"No you aren't!"

"Yes, I am."


≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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