11| Picture to Burn.

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11 | Picture to Burn.

| 3rd POV |

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

Sitting on the floor of her room, Sage unzipped the carriers. She moved back, leaning against her wall, giving them a little space. Lorelai shut her door, joining Christopher on Sages bed as they watched. Rory got distracted with her dictionary, so it was just the three of them.

"They're rescues." Christopher said, setting down a litter box in the corner of Sage's room. He had brought the basic necessities Sage would need, some milk, blankets, litter, toys. But she would get more later.

"How old are they?" Sage asked, "two weeks? Three?"

"Almost three," her dad nodded, smiling as the orange one hopped out.

"And that means, they still need milk. I already brought some that he rescue gave me, so you don't need to worry about that. They need to be fed every four to five hours." Sage quickly reached up to her desk, grabbing a notepad. "Mom?" She turned her head to Lorelai, silently asking if she could come home midday and feed them. "Yeah kid, I can do that." She nodded.

"It's a lot of work," her dad said, watching as the black one took a careful step, looking around as it went.

"I can handle it." Sage shook her head, assuring him.

He knew she could. She's probably the most responsible person he knew, especially when it came to animals.

"I'll make them a box to sleep in," she said, writing down on a different page of paper a list of things to get. "They can use this for tonight, but they'll have something better by tomorrow."

"Do they have names?" She asked. Chris shook his head, "nope. It's totally up to you. They're both girls."

Sage thought for a moment, watching how the two softly batted at each other, the orange one jumping up. She was definitely very playful, but really sweet.

The back one seemed more reserved, more also kind, based off the way she lightly purred when Sage ran a a hand down her back.

"Willow for the black one," she said, "and Ivy for the ginger."

"I like it," her dad approved, looking at Sage.

Lorelai smiled a bit, tilting her head. "Did you get that from Taylor Swift songs?"

Sage nodded, "of course."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Okay." Sage sighed, looking at her list. "Extra milk formula, check. Crate with optional divider just in case, check. Comfortable bed pad, check. Multiple washable covers for said bed pad, check. Extra bed pad, check. Cat food for when they're ready, check. More small blankets, check. Cute litter mat with mushrooms, check. Even more toys, check. Another pet carrier just incase, check." She listed, pacing back and forth in an isle. "Cat nail clippers, check. Small scratching post, check. Food and water bowls for both of them, check."

"Oh!" She suddenly exclaimed, quickly walking to a different isle. "Calming diffuser with scents, check."

"Two collars, a green one for Ivy, and a dark red one for Willow, check."

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